Transforming Moments by Gcina Mhlophe
In Transforming Moments by Gcina Mhlophe we have the theme of insecurity, confidence, isolation, independence, identity, acceptance and change. Narrated in the first person it becomes clear to the reader from the beginning of the story that Mhlophe may be exploring the theme of insecurity and confidence. The narrator is worried about her self-image even going as far as describing her hair as being like ‘dry grass in winter.’ Which is an unflattering way to describe one’s hair. If anything the narrator feels not only insecure about how she looks but also lacks confidence. It may also be important that the narrator compares herself physically to how other girls look as this would again play on the theme of confidence or rather the lack of it. The fact that the other girls in the school tease the narrator about her looks (and boys) may also be significant as she is being isolated by her peers due to how she looks and feels about boys. The other girls don’t seem to be able to accept that the narrator has a right to be disinterested when it comes to boys. She is not following anyone’s lead. Though she is insecure about her looks she appears to have the ability to think for herself. There is also a sense that some of the boys in the narrator’s class dislike her due to her appearance and nothing else. If anything Mhlophe may be highlighting how shallow the male can be.
It may also be a case that Mhlophe is exploring the theme of independence. The narrator is not reliant on the opinions of the boys in her class and she also reads books that are not on her curriculum. This could be important as it suggests that despite the insecurity the narrator may feel due to her physical appearance when it comes to others and her academic endeavours she is quite free spirited. Again it seems to be that the narrator is able to think for herself. To be independent of others. It is also interesting that the narrator cannot understand why the young boy wishes to be her boyfriend. She again considers herself to be ugly and unfashionable yet does demonstrate the ability and confidence to become the boy’s girlfriend. If only to spite the other girls in her class. It is also possible that as the narrator finds it difficult to like herself she also finds it difficult to understand that somebody else might like her for who she is.
The narrator’s encounter with Father Fikeni may also be significant as through her engagement with him Mhlophe appears to be exploring the theme of acceptance. There is a sense that the narrator feels accepted by Father Fikeni. That she can be herself when she is around him and his family. The fact that Father Fikeni also brings the narrator to the village meeting suggests that she is being accepted by Father Fikeni. The praise poet also plays an important role in the story. For the narrator he is the impetus for change in her life. She is so overawed by the praise poet she decides to write her first poem when she returns to school. This may be important as for the first time in the story the narrator is beginning to not only change but have more confidence in herself.
This confidence is more noticeable in the last two paragraphs of the story. No longer is the narrator concerned about how she looks. By running her hands over her face she knows that she is beautiful in her own way. She is also no longer comparing herself to the other girls in her class. The fact that Mhlophe also uses imagery of a birth occurring could also be important because if anything the narrator is being reborn. She is more confident than she has been throughout the story and is no longer concerned about others taunting her over her looks or the fact that she does not play on the sports field. Some critics might also suggest that the hidden independence which the narrator displayed earlier in the story is actually coming to the forefront as the story ends. With the driving factor most likely being the acceptance that the narrator felt not only with Father Fikeni but with those in the village too. For the first time in the story the narrator feels as though she does not have to compete with others, so strong is the confidence she feels within herself. The fact that the narrator wants to read her poem to Father Fikeni may also be of some importance as it suggests that the narrator has something to look forward to. She sees hope for the first time in her life. The cock flapping his wings and crowing at the narrator may also have some symbolic significance. It is possible that Mhlophe is using the cock to symbolise not only excitement (flapping wings) but also the fact that the narrator has found her voice. No longer is she insecure and lacking confidence now that she knows and accepts who she is. Through Father Fikeni’s generosity and the praise poets way with words the narrator has found her voice and is excited about her life.
Please. Can’t you also analyse poems for us? You are very good and your reviews are excellent.. E.g. sonnet 18, spring, to learn how to speak..
1 Relate on one experience that transforms the narrator’s life
2 summarise the reason the narrator calls some girls her part time friends
Three reasons of why the narrator turned down sizwe’s proposal at first..?
Can you explain the last paragraph on transforming moments?
What is the theme of the short story “transforming moments”?
Thanks for the comment Nokukhany. The primary theme of Transforming Moments is identity. However there would also be some secondary themes which include isolation, independence, acceptance and change.
Isolation, Indepencence, Low self-esteem,
In the opening paragraph the narrator describes her hair as”dry grass in winter “.Please explain this comparison, and say what it tells us about her self-image.
The narrator is looking upon her self-image in an unfavourable light. Which suggests that the narrator has concerns about how she looks. Though later in the story she is no longer concerned about how she looks and is happier in herself.
Why did the narrator think the good looking boy was crazy?
Thanks for the comment Thabiso. The narrator due to her insecurity couldn’t imagine that a boy, particularly a good-looking boy, would be interested in her.
I have a question. To what extend has the narrator behaviors at church helped in boosting her self confidence
Why does the narrator consider herself as miss ugly top of the class?
Because she lacks confidence in her physical appearance
What is a Resonant?.
At the last sentence the narrator says “Across the fence a big red cock flapped its wings and crowed loudly at me, in agreement too”. What does that mean?
Thanks for the comment Lungisani. Resonant is defined as a sound that is deep, clear, and continuing to sound or ring. It can also be used in a different context that may not be sound based.
The cock crowing in agreement suggests symbolically that the narrator is on the right path.
Thank you very much.
You’re welcome Lungisani.
You are super good at these things, now I have clear view about the story…
Deep, clear, resounding, ringing
When does the transforming moment start?
There is a sense of change when the narrator sees the praise poet. From that moment she gains a lot of confidence and sees a direction she can follow in her life.
Where does the problem start?
Thanks for the comment Victor. The problem starts with the fact that the narrator (at seventeen) doesn’t believe in herself.
What caused the exciting feeling when the narrator wrote her first poem
The narrator’s confidence at the end outshines all the insecurities, low self esteem and all that stuff.
Thanks for the comment Pfunzo. I would agree with you. It is as though the narrator has grown as a person.
The narrator appreciated Bulelwa’s talent as a singer and says ‘I can listen to her all my life’. What does this tell us about the character?
Thanks for the comment Tanvi. It is possible that Mhlophe is suggesting that the narrator has the ability to appreciate talent. It is also possible that the narrator looks up to Bulelwa. Something that is noticeable a little later on in the story. When Bulelwa stands by the narrator when the other girls tease the narrator about not liking boys.
So why do you think she is able to appreciate others talent but not own? What causes this trait?
I think it may be because she is not only young but she is somewhat insecure about herself. She really doesn’t know her own identity. This only comes at the end of the story.
What does Father Fikeni do in order to play a role in the narrator changing her old ways
Thanks for the comment ODA. Father Fikeni takes the narrator out of her school environment and away from the girls who ridicule her. He takes her to visit his family in Tsolo. Which gives the narrator an opportunity to breathe and be free. Something that is noticeable when the narrator goes to see the praise poet.
I need help. The narrator compares the feeling of writing her first poem to the feeling of giving birth. Is this an effective comparison?
Thanks for the comment Nondumiso. It might be an effective comparison. Just as a pregnancy can have it’s difficulties and then the sense of relief when the child is born. It is very much the same for the narrator when she overcomes how she had lived her life. To what she became now. A praise poet.
Hi Dermot please help here. What figure of speech is this “My hair it is as dry grass in winter”?.. And this “I was forever buried in my books”? And can you pleas help me identify some of the other figure of speech in this short story that i might not be aware of. Thanks.
Thanks for the comment Nsina. The first quote is a simile. The second quote is a metaphor. I only came across one other figure of speech. ‘The winter sun seemed as lazy as we were (simile).
“He had chosen an unsuitable girl and has set the whole school on fire.” The phrase mentioned also contains a certain figure of speech.
Can “the winter sun seemed as lazy as we were” be a personification as well, because if the word ‘lazy’?
Who is the protagonist of the story?
Thanks for the comment Christinah. The narrator is the protagonist in the story. The story revolves around her.
Is there any irony in this short story??
Thanks for the comment Ndodzo. The real irony in the story is the fact that the narrator over comes so many obstacles to achieve happiness.
Can you please summarize this story transforming moments in a simple way?
Can u tell us the Moral of the short story “transforming moments’
And the symbolism of the story?
Some symbolism in the story includes the narrator’s school uniform. She doesn’t consider it to be as nice as the other girls. Which suggests that the narrator is concerned about self-image. The fact that the narrator thinks her voice is ugly suggests that she suffers from low self-esteem.
The narrator feels very much at home while at Father Fikeni’s home which suggests the school environment may be causing the narrator troubles. She is a different person when she is with Father Fikeni.
The strong looking short stick that the praise poet uses may be symbolism for strength. Also the fact that the narrator wants to become a praise poet symbolically and literally suggests she has found something in her life that makes her feel confident about herself.
Did the Narrator ultimately date (fall in love) with Sizwe?
Is there a part two for this story?
Thanks for the comment Nkosinathi. I don’t really know if there is a part two for the story.
The narrator seems to ‘cough’ out the chapter, what does she mean?
Hi Dermot can you help me with this question what is the setting of this story and did the narrator have people she trusted who supported her. Also what does the cock at the end of the story symbolize.
What does she mean by “I used to describe it as dry grass in winter?”
Where exactly and what happened for the narrator to change her mindset and what was the guy who played rugby that the narrator loved
Please give me a straight forward summary of the story.
Can you help me with this question. Discuss why transforming moments can be seen as an autobiography?
Thanks for the comment Pinky. In some ways the story can be seen as autobiographical. Just as someone might write an autobiography about their life so too is the narrator bringing the reader through her life.
Why does Fikeni take the speaker with him to the village?
Father Fikeni may be trying to boost the narrator’s confidence. To show her that she too might like to become a praise poet. He knows that she is incurring difficulties from the other girls in school and may want to give the narrator some breathing space.
The speaker was from the poor family. Is it true or false support your answer?
Can pls pls help me wth this question
1. State whether the following statement is true or false “the speaker was from a poor family” support your answer.
2. Discuss Father Fikeni and Mrs Fikeni’s characters
Thanks for the comment Siphokaza. I don’ think the speaker is from a poor family. Her sister has the money to pay for her education. Father Fikeni appears to be a decent man and takes an interest in the speaker. Helping her to regain her confidence. While Mrs Fikeni seems to also be a decent woman. At least in the eyes of the speaker. Both Father Fikeni and Mrs Fikeni are also kind to the speaker.
I think she is from a poor family as she could not do her hair, she does not have nice school uniform and has used a plastic bag to carry her necessities when going with the minister. These show that her sister could only afford to pay for her school fees. That’s why the narrator was reading hard not to dissapoint her sister.
What does the cock at the end of the story symbolize?
It is possible that Mhlophe is using the cock to symbolise not only excitement (flapping wings) but also the fact that the narrator has found her voice. No longer is she insecure and lacking confidence now that she knows and accepts who she is.
Discuss Father Fikeni and Mrs Fikeni’s characters?
Thanks again
Transforming moments only appeals to girls. Discuss
2. Why does father Fikeni take the speaker with him to the village?
3. Discuss why “Transforming moments”, can be seen as an autobiography
It’s not necessarily true that the story would appeal only to girls. It can also have an audience with boys who may feel similar emotions to that of the narrator.
Father Fikeni is aware of the difficulties that the narrator is experiencing in school. So by taking her to his home he is allowing the narrator some breathing space. To regain her composure and confidence.
In some ways the story can be seen as autobiographical. Just as someone might write an autobiography about their life so too is the narrator bringing the reader through her life.
Do u think this activity contributed to her growth?
Thanks for the comment Lovedonia. If you mean by visiting the praise poet then yes I do believe the narrator has grown as a person by looking at the praise poet in action.
I don’t know how I came to this article, but it is really interesting. Mhlophe seems to be a fantastic writer and I am curious to know more about her, and which of her work is being studied above.
Thank you
Can u clarify the irony of the poem for me please?
Thanks for the comment MPHO. The narrator doesn’t seem to realise that she is being ironic. However the poem is about a woman giving birth. Which is ironic because that is what is happening the narrator. She is being reborn. Something that is noticeable by the fact that the narrator touches her face and feels her features. It is as they are as new as a new born baby. The narrator feels as perfect as a new born baby.
All this was happening in which place, time or social environment?
Who are the characters of the story?
The main characters are the narrator (unnamed), Father Fikeni and the praise poet. Both Father Fikeni and the praise poet act as agents of change for the narrator. The other characters in the story are the girls in school who tease the narrator. The narrator’s boyfriend (for a brief period), Father Fikeni’s wife and the narrator’s sister who is paying for her education.
Just to add on the above mentioned characters.
Bulelwa- very good at singing and used to study with the narrator.
Sizwe- the good looking boy from Port Elizabeth. He played rugby and was proposing love to the narrator (Gcina)
Cira- the praise poet who performed during the meeting in Tsolo and the one who contributed in changing the narrators life style.
Gcina Mhlophe speaks so little if anything about her family, especially her parents, the focus is on her and on how she became this successful author, poet and speaker that she is today. Could be that she saw Father Fikeni as a father figure in her life, she also adored his wife. Do you think perhaps her father is an absent one.
I want a summary for Transforming Moments.
Can u please analyse the title of this story?
1. explain why the speaker refers to herself as ‘Miss-ugly-top-of-the-class’?
2. state a reason for the speaker’s decision to finally join the church choir.
3. when the speaker says ‘protestations’ what does she mean?
4. (‘The winter sun…as we were.’)
a). identify the figure of speech in this line.
b). explain the comparison in this figure of speech.
5. why does the young boy run to yhe girls?
6. quote four consecutive words to prove that the Minister speaks with high authority to the speaker.
7. (‘without a word…staring at me’.)
a). describe how the speaker feels as she leaves the minister’s house.
b). suggest reasons why the speaker feels this way. mention two points
8. do you think tbe trip will have a positive influence on the speaker’s future? discuss your view
What does the speaker mean when she says “protestation”?
“the winter sun seemed as lazy as we were” ,
what is the comparison in this figure of speech?
It’s a simile comparing the winter sun with lazy girls.
Can I have answers based on short stories
Is the line ” forever buried in books” a metaphor or hyperbole
Why had Father Fikeni taken the narrator to meet Imbongi?
Hi Dermot
Can u help me with the following
1.What does the narrator do instead of going to the sports field?
2.Do you think this activity contributed to her growth?
3Did the narrator have people she trusted who supported her? Explain your answer
4 What is the turning point in the narrator’s life
5.Compare the openings paragraph with the last two paragraphs in order to show how much the narrator has changed
1 What are the three special moment that happened to the narrator??
2 Explain how sizwe helped in boosting the narrator’s self esteem
1 why the statement is false
One of the narrator’s talent is singing and she becomes a valued member of school choir
2 choose one word to complete…
When the speaker says ‘protestations’ means
A) eager to join the choir
B) too ugly to join the choir
C) happy to join the choir
D) reluctant to join the choir
3 how speaker feels as she leaves the minister’s house
4why she feels this way. Mention three points
I will be happy If i get answers
The narrator compares the feeling of writing her first poem to the feeling of giving birth. Is this an effective comparison? Discuss
It might be as the narrator may be suggesting that both writing the poem and giving birth are joyous and empowering occasions.
Shaking the praise poet’s hand felt like a baptismal to the narrator. What do you think made her feel like being baptized?
Can you please also analyse The New Tribe by Buchi Emecheta
Hi can you please review a short story called “A Chip of Glass Ruby” by Nadine Gordimer
Hi can I get a summary for Next door by Kurt Vonnegut
1) explain briefly why the narrator attends this specific meeting?
2)what role does the man play in the meeting?
3)why is the man’s description important at this stage of the story
What do u think attracted this boy to the speaker?
The winter sun….as we were
– identify the figure of speech in this line?
– explain the comparison in this speech
Great work Dermot.
Hi D please help me on this one.
What is the purpose of singing the praise songs for the most high in the particular land ????
I’m assuming it is to show respect and gratitude for those who are in leadership roles. To thank them and to wish that they may continue leading.
Hi D please answer these questions for me
1 the write says ” to feel …..i feel baptised as a poet too” critically evaluate the metaphor baptism and explain its relationship to the writers transforming moments
2 after completing her 1st assignment the writer says ” thats the day………. just perfect ” how does the story title of the story relate to the narrators achievements.
3 in your opinion, should people be responsible of judging themselves negatively at expenses of destiny , give your response relative to Gcinas journey of life.
What happened in the end, did the narrator date the guy from port Elizabeth?
hi can u please answer this question :((
1. Why does the protagonist join the church choir
2. The story seems autobiographical and not fiction. Justify the statement
3. Why does protagonist call herself ” an unsuitable girl “?
4. What had set the whole school on fire
Thank you!!
” I was forever buried in my books ” what does that mean??
Thank you!!
” the winter sun seemed as lazy as we were ” what does that mean?
hey Dermot please help over the followings questions..??
1.Figures of speech and where (Quote and Line).
2.How ‘event or events agree to the title.
3.climax of the story.
1. I can’t help with this question as I would need to read the story again. However if you go through the questions asked by other visitors. You will find some that refer to the use of figures of speech.
2. The narrator is transformed at the end of the story. Possible by three things. Firstly she meets her first boyfriend in school. She is told by Father Fikeni that she has a strong and resonant voice (whereas she thought she had an ugly voice). Thirdly she sees the praise poet perform and decides to become a praise poet.
3. The climax most likely occurs when the narrator sees the praise poet.
What is the characteristics of Sizwe .If I write he is kind he became a good friend to the girl and did not tease about like others do and he wanted the girl to become her girlfriend.
The are genuine to us please …
Discuss the effectiveness of the title “transforming moments”
The 17 year old narrator feels unsure of herself quote 4 conservative words that suggest self doubts from paragraph line 3.
1 wht words tht simple collect trophies imply abt school choir
2 why did narator found difficult to rxpress her though while during the imbongi
3 wht is narattor opinion abt bulelwa substantiate u answr with reference
1. It suggests the choir was very good at singing.
2. She was in awe of what was happening.
3. The narrator is impressed with Bulewa. She thinks that she is a good singer
In which area her skul work dd narattor show particular talents
I think the answer is reading.
Good day, which type of characterization is this story and why?
does the girl go into a relationship with the boy from school
Hi, what’s the name of the book that is contained this short story including other stories like-Villages people, The New Tribe, The Doll’s House, A chip of Glass Ruby, Next Door, The Fur Coat and The Last Breath.
And which shop or make an order online one can purchase the Book? Your help will be much appreciated.
The book is called Changes (An Anthology of Short Stories) which is edited by Brian Walter. The book can be found here.
The book is called Changes (An Anthology of Short Stories) which is edited by Brian Walter. The book can be found here.
If you had to describe Father Fikeni with one word what would you say ? Why ?
Kind because he helps the narrator to become more confident.
Set the school on fire is it figuratively or literally
It is figauratively.
1.In the opening paragraph the narrator describes her hair as dry grass in winter ” explain this comparison, and say what it tells us about her self_ image
2.what did the narrator do instead of going to the sport field?
3.Do you think this activity contributed to her growth?
4.Did the narrator have people she trusted who supported her?
Explain your answer.
5. The narrator comperes the feeling of writing her poem to the feeling of giving birth…. Is this effective comparison explain.
6.What does the cock at the end of the story symbolize?
What is the relevance of the title?
what is the theme, mood, tone of the story?
What kind of narrator does the story use?
Which scene represents climax?
Meaning of the following idiomatic
1. Causing such a stir
2. Kicked out of the school choir
3. His eyes flashings
Consider the following line “Some girls were forced to be my part time friend”
Hello Dermot
Can you please help me with the information of analysing the short stories for Grade 12 in South Africa. Your comments help me to make my lesson preps. I would be glad if you can assist me.
Can I kindly ask, is the story been created or is it based on a true story…..? And why the name of the narrator is not mentioned?
I’m not sure if it is a true story or perhaps it is based on Mhlophe’s own life. As for not naming the narrator I’m also not sure. Mhlophe may be doing so in order to be inclusive. To ensure that the reader (particularly the female reader) might identify with the narrator.
What is the background of this short story, Transforming moments?
Which part in the story do you consider to be the climax? Support your answer
The narrator states that Father Fikeni had a ‘soft spot on me’. What does that expression mean?
1. How did the narrator see herself when she was a teenager?
2. Who in the story treated her with respect?
3. Father File I played an important role in the narrator’s
transformation. What did he see in her?
4. Refer to the following:
“Some girls were force to be my part time friends.”
Explain what this means?
5. Why did the narrator think the good-looking boy (Sizwe)
was crazy?
6. How did the narrator benefit from attending the meeting at the village?
7. Comparing the beginning and the end of the story, there is a great change of character of the narrator. Do you agree? Substantiate
What is the main reason father fikeni takes the narrator to the village?
What’s the narrator’s popularity in the story?
Identity the narrator’s tone in these lines and explain why she use this tone…. (line 2-4 I’ve never had…their first babe…
Discuss the appropriateness of the title of this story?
Extract 1
.The narrator has returned from the vollage with father fikeni
Here are the lines…
I never had a child,but the great feeling that swept over me was too overwhelming for words,maybe that’s how people feel when they have their first babe..
The Question is..
Identity the narrator’s tone in these lines and explain why she use this tone..
Tank u very much. Really appreciate it.
Can you give me the names of the following people
1 Her school friend with a beautiful singing voice
2 Her first boyfriend
3 The church Minister
4 The Imbongi
1. Bulelwa.
2. Sizwe
3. Father Fikeni
4. Cira
how did gcina mhlophe see herself when she was a teenager
Does the narrator admires the boy from port Elizabeth please give a reason
1:In which area of her school work does the narrator show a particular talent .
2:explain why the following statement is false
-The narrator’s academic success results in a fulfilling life for her
3:Discuss the proragonists opinion about Bulelwa
4:Refer to the story as a whole
Do you think the narrator admires the boy from port Elizabeth??? Give a reason for your answer
=How did the narrator benefit from attending the meeting at the village
=is the narrator justified in wishing to be like Mrs fikile
=in what is Imbongi
=shaking the praise _poets hard felt like a baphismal to the narrator why do you think made her feel like being baptized
The seventeen year old narrator feels unsure of herself Quote four consecutive words from the first paragraph of the story that suggest her self doubt
I need help. Why had father fikeni taken the narrator to the imbongi?
why does the narrator find it difficult to express her thoughts while she is in the presence of the imbongi?
what’s impression did the narrator have of herself before meeting the imbongi?
why is her meeting with the imbongi a moment of transformation for the narrator
The word ‘baptized’ in the context of the story,means to:
A.sprinkle someone with water
B.initiate someone into a new experience or situation
c.immerse someone in water
what was unusual about the narrator’s decision to become a praise poet?
Do you think the narrator would have become a praise poet without Father Fikeni’s influence? give two reasons for your answers
what does the speaker leave?
Quote no more six consecutive words from text to prove that the following statement is false:
The narrator still had a low self -esteem after she had written her first peom
quote Four consecutive words to prove that the Minister speaks with high Authority to the speaker.
Hi…..please help me to answer this questions….
1: how did Gcina Mhlophe see herself when she was a teenager?
2.who in this story treated her respect?
3.what kind of narrator does this story use? Explain your answer.
4.which scene do you think represents the climax of the strory?
5.Each person must follow his or her dreams no matter what obstacles life may place in their path,do you think Gcina followed her dreams? explain your answer how.
To what extent has the narrator’s behavior at church helped In boosting her self-confidence?
Hello. Was Gcina mhlophe a pessimist or an optimist kind of person?
Your help is really appreciated I just don’t know how to thank you guys because the summary is the best..thank you very much
How does reading books even the books that aren’t prescribed by the school that the nareator reads contributes to the narrator’s change?
Who is most influential in bringing about this change in the narrator
Why does the narrator describe her hair as the dry grass in winter
Discuss the appropriateness of the title of this short story?
Discuss the theme of confidence that is evident in this short story?
Can you please help with the climax of the story.. identify the climax
The school teacher’s relationship to the narrator
What’s the mean reason Father Fikeni takes the narrator to the village is to visit the….?
Discuss the theme of confidence that is evident in this shory
I’d like to thank you so much, this is very helpful.
I need help guys what do the words that simply collected trophies imply about school choir.?
The setting of the story?
what are the main events in a story(plot)
This link here might help.
This link here might help.
What is the rising and falling action of the story transforming moments
Compare Father Fikeni’s character with that of the choirmaster
What is the setting of the story?
The narrator grows in confidence as the story progresses
‘To feel the poet’s hot, sweaty hand holding mine I felt baptised as a poet too’
How exactly did the narrator feel baptised as a poet after holding the poet’s hand?
Can you please help me with the themes
1.Self Discovery
2.Self Actualization
3.Talent development
Is the setting an important aspect of the story?
Could you please analyse the inciting incident also the exposition
what is the rising action?
I would need to read the story again to answer your question. However I would suggest that the narrator’s mentioning of her first boyfriend and joining the choir would be part of the rising action.
thank you
Identify the figure of speech in “Stopped combing it”
b.Explain the comparison in this figure of speech
Thank you so much for your help
I want the rising action about Transforming moments by Gcina Mhlope
What attracted the boy to like the narrator
Hello ..
Just a question , ‘Moments’ suggests that there was more than one moment that resulted in change in the girl..
Could you please name these moments
Identify the figure of speech and the effectiveness of that figure of speech of this line “he had chosen an unsuitable girl and set the whole school on fire
How is the narrator’s friendship with Bulelwa relevant to the main theme of this story?
Why do you think it was wrong to kick out the narrator from the choir.
Why do the speaker refers to herself as ‘miss-ugly-top-of-the-class”?
When the speaker says ‘protestations ‘ she means that she is…..
1.What is the message of the story
2.what is the genre of the story
3.what is the setting of the story
Can someone help me here…Did the narrator justified in wishing to be like Mrs Fikeni?
Is the speaker a round or a flat character? Explain
Can you tell us about the setting in the story
Referring to line 6(describe it as……stopped combing it.)
Explain the comparison in this figure of speech
what attracted Sizwe to the narrator?
in your view ,who is most influential in bringing about the change in the narrator?
The praise poet. He manages to literally transform the narrator and take the narrator out of her shell.
In which area of her school work does the narrator show a particular talent ?
” After a while , i even stopped combing it ”
* Identify the figure of speech
* explain the comparison in this figure of speech
1 what do word “that simply collected trophies ‘ imply about the school choir
2 discuss the protagonist opinion about BULELWA ?
3 do you think the narrator admires the ” boy from port Elizabeth
* give a reason for your answer
What is the setting of this story?
What is the conflict of Transforming Moments
How does the narrator develop from being shy and feeling sorry for herself
Hey Dermot can you please help me here
1.using your own words explain why the following statement is false
The girl at the school approves of the rugby boys interested in the speaker
2. earlier in the story the narrator was popular among some of her classmates.give a reason for her popularity
3.states the benefits that the narrator’s love for reading has in her life.
4.discuss the appropriateness of the title of the short story.
What is the narrative style used by the writer?
The main reason Father Fikeni takes the narrator to the village is to visit the….
A.tribal chief. elders. minister.
D.praise poet.
1.Refer to lines 2-4(‘l’ve never had…their first baby’)
(a)identify the narrator’s tone in these lines.
(b)Why does the narrator use this tone?
2.Refer to lines 8-9(My voice sounded… a special voice’)Explain whether the narrator’s voice was always considered ‘a special voice’.
3.Consider the story as a whole.How does the narrator’s relationship with Bulelwa differ from her relationship with other classmates?
4.Discuss the theme of confidence that is evident in this short short story.
a) why does the narrator stand at the top of the stairs open mouthed
B) why the narrator runs to her room
C) meaning of ” I realize that I was not alone in the world
D)what does the extract reveal about the narrator’s character
E) Issolation is one of the theme of the story discuss this in the context of the story
What is the narrator’s point of view?
How is the theme of transformation explored in the story as a whole
How is isolation a theme in this short story?
It was mentioned that the narrator’s classmates used to do their schoolwork too late, what does this imply about how the narrator’s classmates treat their schoolwork?
The narrator said she has never had a baby but the feeling she was feeling after writing her first poem was too overwhelming for words and maybe it was how people feel when they have their first baby.
What was the narrator’s tone when she said that and why does she use that tone?
In which point of view is the story narrated?
Give three reasons
What is the climax of the story
I used to describe it as dry grass in winter
Name the figure of speech in these lines
Explain the sustainability of this figure of speech as used
What does the narrator means when she says (im forever buried in my books).
Explain the mataphor in paragraph 4(.. And set the whole school on fire)
Discuss isolation Theme
What is a Genre of this story?
What are character traits and personal traits in the story ?
What literary devices are used ?
Where is irony device used ?
I’d like to ask for help in the following questions .
1.) Can u explain why she approves her physical features and has a “smile that wouldn’t leave her face” ?
2.)discuss the narrator’s irony in her discovering that her voice is ideal for the public performance ?
3.) Refer to lines 17-18: “across the fence a big red cock flapped its wings and crowed loudly at me , in agreement too”.
Why , does the narrator refer to the cock at this point in the story ,? (It can be in ur own words)
The background and setting, also how they relate to the themes
How these theme relate to the background and setting of the story
Did the narrator’s academic success result in a fulfilling life for her. Substantiate your opinion with reference to the text
Can you please give me the climax of the story ( transforming moments )
“During which time i was frozen and dumb from disbelief and God knows what else”
1 identify the figure of speech in the sentence above.
2 Explain why the figure of speech is appropriate.
Can You Please help With This Question..Is The Narrator an admirable character?Discuss Your view
Name two things that prevent the narrator from having miss Newham as his girlfriend
Explain whether the narrators voice was always considered ‘a special voice ‘.
What was the English teacher when he saw the narrator with a boyfriend
Different in characteristics of child and mother. If I write one love to Lough and one does not I am I wrong.
Significance of geography book in these short story. If you write the narrator discover that the drought was increasing or getting worse are you wrong .
Why is this statement false. Father fikeni pays for speaker education. If you write father fikeni take the narrator to the village where she met the praise poet and speaker became motivated.
Theme of self discovery in this short story .if I write the girl has low self-esteem. The girl was unsure of her self .I am I wrong.
Why did a narrator said that the boy was crazy . If I write she was ugly and did not wear fashionable clothes.she wonder how can a good looking boy loved her.
Theme of self discovery.if I write the girl has low self-esteem.father fikeni take the girl to the village where he met the praise poet and became motivated that she can also became a praise poet.then the girl write her first poem and read it allowed discover that her voice was not ugly but beautiful and started to love and accept her self.i am I wrong.if is out of 3 how many marks can I score.
Hi can h help me plz
One of the themes in this short story is self discovery
Discuss how the them is relevant to the speaker
2 The speaker is justified in wanting to be like Mrs Fiken Discuss your veiw
I need help with a few questions
1.Why is her meeting with the imbongi a moment of transformation for the narrator?
2.why does the narrator find it difficult to express her thoughts while she is in the presence of the imbongi?
3.what expression did the narrator have of herself meeting the imbongi?
4.refer to the paragraph…”It was a Monday afternoon…” Quote six consecutive words from the text to prove that the following is false.
1.What was the unusual about the narrator s decision to become a praise poet? you think the narrator would have become a poet without father fikeni s influence?give a reason for your answer.
3.Read the sentence..”I left. Why does the speaker leave?
4.explain the reason for the speaker to call herself”miss-ugly-top-of-the-class”?
5.state two reasons For the speaker to finally join their church choir
How does the title fit the story ?
What type of narration is used?
Support by quoting from the story.
Please give a reason why the narrator does not really know the new boy at school
I’m not sure. Boys and girls may be separated.
Explain why girls sleep in a dormitory
Did the narrator have people she trusted who supported her?
What is the turning point of the narrator’s life?
1 what does the cock symbolise?
2compare the opening paragraph with the last two paragraphs
What is the most important social condition of the story
I’m not sure. Maybe connection.
1.In which area of her school work does the narrator show a particular talent?
2.Explain why the following statement is false:the narrator’s academic success result in a fulfilling life for her
3.What do the words.”That simply collected trophies imply above the school choir?
4.Discuss protagonists opinion about bulelwa?
5.Discuss how the narrator changes during the cause of the story.
the speaker is justified in wanting to be like Mrs Fikeni
discuss your answer
may you please assist me with essay questions of 20 marks on this story and also some contextual questions with answers?
characters of the story ? Anx their personal traits
What is the lesson of the story?
Two outstanding qualities that the unique to the narrator’s character in her studies
1.what is the main conflict in the story
2.what is the most important social condition of the story
3 . what is the high point (climax? Of the story
4 . Explain how the conflict is resolved
5 . briefly explain the mood during the climax
6.explain why the following statement is false
a)The narrator is very happy with her life because she is academically successful
7 .Does the main character make correct decisions?explain what way is the life of the antagonists undesirable/ unattractive? what way is the life of the main character remarkable?
10.why do we say that this story is told or narrated in the first person
Please help
What is the moral of this story??
May you please explain the plot development of Transforming Moments , including exposition, rising action , climax and resolution.
Are there any sound devices used in the story,if so can you please give examples
What figure of speech doe ‘ I was kicked out of the school choir’ fall under?
Explain the relevance of the theme of jealousy found in this short story
One of the themes in this story is Self discovery. Discuss this theme
Four things the narrator did not like about herself at this stage
Explain the narrator’s nickname
What does the narrator mean by I felt baptized
Mention any two outstanding qualities that are unique to the narrator’s character in her studies
How the author origins shaped her destiny
One of the themes in the short story is self discovery , can u discuss how is the theme relevant to the story
What is an imbongi
1.who called him Cira
2.discuss the role Cira plays in this story
3.the event in the story that led to her having this feeling
4.discuss the effect of the simile the narrator uses to describe her feeling about about writing her first poem
Can I ask what are their role in this story
Explain why the statement is False
The narrator’s academic success results in a fulfilling life for her
Do you think the narrotor admires the ‘boy from Port Elizabeth? Discuss your view
1 ) Discuss the effect of the simile the narrator uses to describe her feelings about writing her first poem : its like having one’s first baby
2 ) The Narrator is also , symbolically giving birth to a new version of herself .Discuss this statement with reference from the story
1. It suggests the moment is significant and joyous to the narrator.
2. I would agree. Just as a person can go through a change when giving birth the narrator goes through three transforming moments or moments of change in the story. Firstly she meets her first boyfriend, secondly she joins the choir and finally she becomes a praise poet.
Describe the physical appearance of the narrator
Identify and explain the figure of speech present in the line “..-his eyes flashing this way and that, like he was on the alert for something.”
1what did the narrator do instead of going to the sports field?
2 do you think the activity contributed to her growth?
can you please compare the first paragraph with the last two paragraphs to show how much the narrator has changed
Give the state of the story in Chronological occurrence
Why girls at school approve of the rugby boy’s interest in the speaker
The girls didn’t approve of the relationship. They thought the boy was too good for the narrator.
In the opening paragraph of the story the narrator describes her hair as “dry grass in winter ” . Explain this comparison , and say what it tells us about her self-image
Where is the setting of the story?
How Gcina felt after self Discovery or after she witnessed the praise poet?
Type of figure of speech… “They kicked her out choir”
Meaning of set the whole school on fire according to the story
1.1 Diary Entry
“Well the boy didn’t leave me alone but many girls did. They thought he was too good for me,they claimed he was a city boy and should therefore go for a city girl. There were many remarks too that I was ugly and did not have any fashionable clothes. Many girls looked the way when I walked past or towards them and many unkind remarks were whispered behind my back”
The love interest Sizwe showed towards you has cause a stir in the school and many remarks are said. In light of the above extract,put yourself in the shoes of the narrator and write a diary entry expressing your feelings about the whole situation (Especially the reaction of everybody towards this relationship).
How do we know that the speaker in this short is clever
The speaker is intelligent because she meets her first boyfriend and ignores the criticism of her relationship by the other girls. She is joining the school choir in order top progress and she knows the praise poet can advance her to her dream of becoming a praise poet. She also helps the other girls with their English Literature.
What is the theme? Who is the main character?
What is the twist in this story ?