The Man of the House by Frank O’Connor
In The Man of the House by Frank O’Connor we have the theme of innocence, temptation, guilt, responsibility, control, resilience, redemption and acceptance. Taken from his Collected Stories collection the story is narrated in the first person by a man called Gus Sullivan who is looking back at an incident in his life when he was ten years old. It is also after reading the story that the reader realises that O’Connor may be exploring the theme of responsibility. Gus tries on several occasions to act older than his years. He lights the fire in the house. He does the shopping for his mother and he goes to the dispensary to get the medication for his mother. However it is noticeable that while he is at the dispensary Gus does end up drinking his mother’s medication. Which leads to Gus feeling not only guilty but struggling with his conscience. It is also interesting that O’Connor throughout the story looks unfavourably on most of the male characters in the story. The man in the bar comes across as not only been a drunk but also as an irresponsible buffoon. With no real connection with the world. This may be deliberate as O’Connor may be attacking the male dominated society that existed in Ireland at the time the story was written.
The fact that Gus is tempted by the young girl at the dispensary to drink his mother’s medication is also important as not only is it the first occasion in the story in whereby Gus lets himself down. But O’Connor may be drawing on the biblical story of Adam and Eve (and the apple) in the Garden of Eden. Prior to taking the medication Gus’ concentration levels and his desire to do the right thing for his mother were high. Things were going well for him and he was acting responsibly. It is only when he becomes enamoured with the girl that he loses concentration and forgets what his intentions really are. It is also noticeable that for such a young boy the guilt becomes unbearable for Gus. Not only does he feel he has let his mother down but he also feels guilty because he won’t be able to pay for a candle in the Cathedral. Having spent the money on sweets (for the girl). The fact that Gus can’t say his prayer and light a candle in the Cathedral may also be important as O’Connor may be putting a spotlight on the Church and the practice of paying for prayers.
The only thing stopping Gus from going to the Cathedral and lighting the candle is the fact that the Church has an expectation (at times) that an individual pays for their prayer. Something which Gus has most likely been taught. How influential the Church is (at the time the story was written) is noticeable by the fact that Gus adheres to the principles of paying for his prayers and doesn’t go to the Cathedral to light the candle. Based solely on the fact that he has no money. If anything Gus may feel trapped by the conditions imposed on him by the Church. Conditions which would seem to be more about the Church making money rather than assisting the individual. It is also possible that O’Connor is using the candle (and prayer) as symbolism for hope. If this is the case it is noticeable at the end of the story that Gus feels a miracle has happened. His mother has gotten better without the need of the candle or prayer. Which may be important as O’Connor could again be putting a spotlight on the Church. Possibly questioning again the practice of paying for candles (or prayers). When there may be no need to.
What is also interesting about the story is that though Gus’ mother is poorly. She does not scorn Gus when he returns from the dispensary. Instead she takes care of him. Thinking of Gus rather than of herself. Gus’ mother is also resilient. When Gus first sees that his mother is sick, she smiles at him. This may be important as not only does it suggest that Gus’ mother doesn’t want to upset Gus but she also is displaying an exterior toughness. She won’t be beaten by what life throws at her. Regardless of the circumstances she might find herself in. It may also be important that when Gus takes control of the situation, when his mother is in bed, rather than it being Gus who is writing down what needs to be done. It is his mother who is doing the writing. Gus without knowing it seems to be dictating or ordering his mother. It is him telling her what to do. Which may again play on how the female was treated by the male at the time the story was written. By having Gus tell the reader that ‘It’s funny about women, the way they’ll take orders from anything in trousers.’ O’Connor may be highlighting how dominated women may have been (by men) at the time the story was written.
The end of the story is also interesting. Gus feels that a miracle has happened when he wakes up and discovers that his mother is better. It is also noticeable that Gus has redeemed himself. He has told his mother the truth about what has happened. Hiding nothing from her. If anything he is closer to his mother. Gus also realises that he is too young for responsibility and that it is better if someone else takes on that role. His one attempt at being responsible, though good natured, was not successful. He was led to temptation, suffered guilt and because of the practices of the church (paying for prayers) was unable to say the prayers that he wanted to for his mother. Gus spent his day in an adult world. A world which he may not realise is dysfunctional. As to why it is dysfunctional is left to each individual reader to decide. Gus just appears to be happy that he is a child again. A happy and innocent child who has yet to fully learn of the complexities of life. Though he does accept that he is not a good nurse.
Very nice.
Thanks Ateeq.
Thanks Ateeq.
I know right
That’s great.
How does the mother demostrate a special care for him?
What message does the story convey about boys?
How does he goes astray?
She looks after him after he drinks the medicine.
Boys may like to be in charge but may not necessarily be good at it and are easily led astray.
He drinks the bottle of medicine.
You’re welcome.
what are three literary devices use in the story?
I would need to read the story again to answer your question.
All I saw was a simile. “As good as gold.”
Thanks Carissa.
What is the physical setting of Flurry’s home?
I would need to read the story again to answer your question.
It was useful for my studies. Thank you!
Thanks for the comment Maria. I’m glad that you found the post helpful.
Thanks for your analysis of the story.
You’re welcome Darrell.
Isn’t the child’s name Flurry?
Thanks for the comment Brittany. The child or man telling the story is called Gus Sullivan.
This is really good..i sure hope this simple “summary” may help me to pass my exam tmr
Good luck with your exam Moya.
Which social issue may be prominent within the short story?
O’Connor may be focusing on the role of men in society.
What is the plot of the story?
Working from memory. A young boy called Gus Sullivan takes on the responsibility of looking after his mother for the day because she is sick. He does the shopping and goes to the dispensary to get medication for his mother. It is at the dispensary that he encounters a young girl and is impressed by her. So impressed in fact that he shares his mother’s medication with the girl. When Gus gets home he feels sick and sleepy and his mother who is a little bit better looks after him.
what is the point of view in the story?
First person point of view.
Very nice I hope this helps me pass my exam tomorrow.
Good luck with your exam.
Where is the setting of the story?
Most likely the setting is Cork, Ireland. That’s where Frank O’Connor is from.
What are the character traits of minnie ryan?
Good neighbour, hard-working, cares about others.
What are the character traits of flurry sullivan?
Wants to do the right thing but is not responsible enough. Dedicated. Easily forgets the task at hand. Easily led to guilt and generally a nice boy who tries his best.
What are 5 literary devices used throughout the story & where?
I would need to read the story again to answer your question.
What’s the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action & resolution of the story?
I would need to read the story again to answer your question.
what is it
I would need to reader the story again to answer your question. I don’t know the answer off hand.
What are all the characters in the story?
Gus, his mother (Mrs Sullivan), the girl at the chemist and Mrs Ryan.
What is the genre of the story?
It may be realism.
You’re welcome.
What is the conflict?
Gus tries his best to be as good as he can but ultimately fails.
Who are the characters?
Gus, his mother (Mrs Sullivan), the girl at the chemist and Mrs Ryan. There are also three minor characters. The two men in the bar and the chemist.
This was really helpful. Thanks!
That’s great. I’m glad you found the post helpful.
How is the child’s innocence highlighted in the story?
One way the child’s innocence is highlighted is by the fact he trusts the young girl at the dispensary.
What is the mood of the story?
Two moods spring to mind. Serious and funny. Serious because that is how the main protagonist acts for most of the story and funny when everything falls apart for him (when he drinks the cough medicine with the girl) and he realises he is only a child.
What is the conflict in the story?
Gus feels personally conflicted having being duped by the young girl at the chemist’s. When it is clear that the girl is only interested in herself. Also Gus tries his best to be as good as he can but ultimately fails.
Who is the main character?
Gus (or Flurry) Sullivan.
great post, really helpful!
i was wondering if you could help me with a few questions
1- the effect of the references to setting
2- the significance of the “red-haired’ given in the story
3- the change flurry undergoes at the end
4- the irony in the story
1. The setting of the story is important. Flurry lives with his mother and she is responsible for him. However throughout the story he is the one who tries to act responsibly.
2. It’s been a while since I read the story. I don’t recall the ‘red-haired’ reference.
3. Flurry realises that he is too young to take on the role of looking after his mother.
4. The irony is the fact that Flurry takes on the role of responsibility. Yet at the end of the story it is clear to the reader that the role is too much for Flurry.
Who are the 3 main characters
Gus (or Flurry), his mother and the girl at the dispensary.
i hope this help me with my final exams
Hopefully it dos. Good luck with your exams.
what is the mother”s sickness
The mother has the flu (and a cough).
how did Sullivan feel about going to school?
He didn’t like it. He wasn’t fond of the principal.
What are some personal qualities and give some proof?
Gus (or Flurry) is kind and good natured. Something that can be seen by the fact that he helps his mother.
What are the literary devices used in the story?
I’m sorry I would need to read the story again to answer your question.
what did he mean by saying “It’s a funny thing about women, how they’ll take orders from anything in trousers, even if it’s only ten.”
Gus (or Flurry) knows that men are in control hence the reference to trousers whereas at the time the story was written women would have worn dresses or skirts and not pants. Gus is suggesting and knows that he is in control (for the time being).
hopes this helps me with my test tmr. I have learned a lot
Good luck with your test Rere.
What is the plot of the story?
A young boy tries to take responsibility and fails in doing so.
Provide a line from the text that describes the story ?
I would need to read the story again.
What is the major conflict of the story and provide evidence to support your answer
The major conflict is Gus (or Flurry’s) inability to do a simple task (going to chemist’s) for his mother. The evidence is the fact that Gus drinks the cough medicine.
How does he feel about going to school?
Evidence of Sullivan having a childhood characteristics
Evidence that Sullivan fears that his mother would die
Evidence that Sullivan is torn between being a child and a grown up
What promise did Sullivan make to the church and why can’t he keep it?
What family role does Sullivan’s mother play at the beginning of the story and does this role change at the end?
Can you answer these questions for me pllleeaasseee
I’m sorry but I would need to read the story again to answer your questions.
What is the tone of the short story?
I would suggest the tone is one of mischievousness.
Did he share the medication with her or did he drink it?
He shared the medication.
What family role has sullivan taken on in the beginning of the story?
He has taken on the role of the father.
What is the point of view of the story?
Third person omniscient narrator.
How did mother behave when Sullivan drank out her medicine?
She was kind and understanding to Sullivan.
describe the relationship between the characters please?
Gus thinks he knows what is best. While his mother trusts Gus to do the chore he has been asked to do.
Gus’ relationship with the young girl is also interesting. It is as though he ‘falls in love’ with the girl. While she has only one thing on her mind. The cough medicine.
what is the hidden meaning of the story?
Howe the role of women is underestimated in society.
How does the themes poverty and gender protray in the story ??
The O’Sullivan’s are a poor family. With regard to gender. Gus is unable to preform his duties which may be O’Connor’s way of attacking all men when it comes to preforming domestic duties.
What did Sullivan learn?
That he is not as responsible as he might like to think he is. He is a child in an adult’s world.
Does Sullivan have any early childhood characteristics? If so what are them?
He thinks he is a grown man before his time. However he is inquisitive and confident.
Discus the relevant and appropriateness of the title in relation to the subject matter and main theme of the story
At the time the story was written men were seen to be the head of a family (and house). So the title is appropriate as it shows the folly of men.
What are the experiences of the major characters?
Gus realises that he can’t be responsible for everything and his mother is just happy that Gus has tried his best.
What are the techniques used?
I would need to read the story again to answer your question.
The story provided a bitter commentary on the role of men and attacks their inability to handle their affairs.
Thanks for the comment Carolina.
What is the theme of the story?
The main theme of the story is responsibility.
What is the setting of the story?
Most likely the setting is Cork, Ireland. That’s where Frank O’Connor is from.
What is the resolution of the story?
Sullivan drinking the cough medicine and then going home feeling sick.
On the first afternoon, the mother wants the boy to run out and play. Why does he not go far? What does he mean by ‘I tended to forget the real world’?
I would need to read the story again to answer your question.
He’s concerned that he might get caught up in his own world (of play) and forget about his sick mother.
Thanks Pam.
What family role has Sullivan taken in the beginning of the story?
He has taken over the father’s role.
How well is Sullivan playing this role?
Sullivan does well till he meets the girl at the dispensary.
Why does his mother fell guilty asking him for help?
Possibly because she knows that Sullivan is so young and the task may be too much for him.
One thing thing that the main character learnt from his experience
Probably the fact that he is too young to take on responsibility. He is after all still a child.
From the living conditions of the characters what do we learn about social conditions in this story
I would need to read the story again to answer your question.
What are Flurry’s fears in the story and explain how his fear compares to those in our society today
I’m sorry but I would need to read the story again to answer your question.
How does Sullivan feel about going to school?
He does not like it nor does he like the principal. There is no sense of freedom for Sullivan when he is in school.
what is the importance of the boy’s imagination in the story?
You could say that the boy’s imagination is what drives him. He likes the responsibility and control he has. That is until things become too much for him and he realises he is too young for responsibility.
The narrator says he could not refuse to give the girl his medicine because it was swept from my anchorage into the unfamiliar world of spires and towers, trees, steps, shadowy Sanevvays, and little girls with red hair and green eyes.
what does it mean?
The narrator fell in love with a mystery girl. To him the girl at the pharmacist is like a girl one would meet in a fairy tale.
How are serious and cosmic elements combined in the story
I’m snot sure.
The little girl talks about consumption and her sister’s death. How seriosly does she discuss these matters?
Why is the little girl so knowledgeable about the tastes of different medicines?
After his prayers are unanswered at the cathedral the boy feels that the world is ‘vast, alien,cruel and then immediately adds ‘Besides, I felt very sick ‘. How seriously do you take the boy’s sense of tragedy?
Can you answer this question?
I would need to read the story again to answer your question.
How is Sullivan playing his role and his he suitable for the role taken?
Sullivan trying to act responsible and he is not very good at it.
How is Sullivan playing his role and his he suitable for the role taken ??
He is playing it to the best of his ability (by taking responsibility). Which isn’t good enough.
I want documentation of this article because I am writing an M.A about this story to add it to the references please.
What type of documentation are you looking for?
I am writing an A.M and this article is important but how could l write the reference. I mean the documentation. Many thanks.
If you would like to cite the post. You will find a link ‘Cite Post’ underneath the post title.
This cite post is in the web. If you don’t mind if this article or alike is published in a book or a magazine. I want its documentation. Thank you for answering.
The post is only available on the web. There is no other documentation.
What’s the irony of the story using the title
Gus (or Flurry) thinks he is a able to be the man of the house or in charge. Though as readers we see that he is not up to the task.
What are some of the literary devices used
I would need to read the story again to answer your question.
Would you say that naturalness in the lives of Irish people would be the absence of a Father?
I’m not sure.
What are some literary device in the story
I’m sorry but I can’t recall.
“His mother has gotten better without the need of the candle or prayer.”
First of all I would like to appreciate you for posting such a great and flawless analysis.
It was really helpful for me personally enjoyed it very much.
But if you don’t mind I would like to add sth. This statement which I copied from your analysis is wrong in some cases. Whether deliberately written or by mistake.
In my idea ,actually O’conner is trying to suggest that without being in a Cathedral or a Church, people can get linked to the heavenly ones, and say their prayers anytime, anywhere, any moment and also without paying money. Gus did the same thing, hopelessly and desperately he prayed for his mother to be cured. Without, paying the church or lighting a candle in it.
Thanks for the insight. You’ve made a reasonable and clear proposition.
Thank you very much, I hope you keep posting more and more helpful analysis like this one in the future.
I’m glad you found the post helpful.
what device is this?
I deal mainly with the themes of a story and if I see some symbolism I include that as well.
What is the character traits of Dooley (the little girl)
I would say that she is friendly, cunning and mischievous.
what is the symbol and imangery
I would need to read the story again to read your question.
What are some character traits of the mother and also What is the mother’s name?
The mother is tough and hard-working. Her name is Mrs O’Sullivan. I’m not sure of her first name.
How does the narrative point of view affect the presentation of events in this story?
I feel as though the narrator can be trusted because he is omniscient.
Is there any evidence that Sullivan fears that his mother would die
Working from memory. I don’t think there is.
Yes, when Mrs. Ryan says she might get pneumonia and Sullivan says he knew what might happen to people who got pneumonia.
Thanks Pam.
Discuss ONE lesson learnt by EACH child about the adult world.
The adult world is a lot more difficult than a child’s world.
Examine one technique used by writer to present the adult world as seen through the eyes of the child
When Gus (or Flurry’s) mother looks after him.
How is the theme “Innocence” developed?
It’s developed throughout the story from Gus or Flurry’s time at the chemist to when he returns hone and is sick.
is there a lesson in the story if there is what is it?
The adult world is a lot more difficult than a child’s world.
Why does Sullivan’s mother feel guilty for asking Sullivan’s help?
She knows he is too young for the task
When sullvian passes his school on the way to the chemist he says ” I went there for a short distance and stood there for ten minutes in quiet contemplation” and then continues by saying “I could have stood there all day.Of all the profound and simple pleasure of those days,that was the richest”
What do you guys think he was contemplating about and why does he speak about school as if its a thing of the past?(reply asap please)
Sullivan enjoyed his youth and did so more so when not in school. The story is also told in the past tense. Sullivan (the man) is looking back at events when he was younger.
“Children are very sensitive towards how the adults around them see and treat them” How do you think this statement might be true(reply asap please♡)
Children absorb all the information around them. So it is important for them to have helpful adults around them.
How do u see the setting in man of the house
Gus goes from a safe environment at home to an dangerous one at the dispensary.
Give brief description (character traits) of the main character and say what type of character each character is (protagonist ect).
I would need to read the story again to answer your question.
What are the literary devices in the story and where are they located ?
I would need to read the story again to answer your question.
The title and the content highlights which literary device?
The title highlights irony. As for the content I would need to read the story again.
For those asking and wondering the literary devices I’ve found in this text (Hopefully I’m right) are
Situational irony- Though Sullivan takes on the role of responsibility near the end of the story it is seen as too much for him.
Allusion- The girl tempts Sullivan which alludes to The Garden of Eden in the bible.
Personification( i think )- “My heart turned over with compassion.”
Simile – “Picking out first line of roofs with a brightness like snow”.
I’m not quite sure if I’m right or not.
Thanks Kayy.
what are some of the important events that happen in the story ?
You’ll find an answer by reading the story.
why did the responsibilities of both child and adult had to be different in this story and what caused them to switch back at the end
Gus thought he could take on a responsible role. Till he shared his cough medicine with the girl and got sick. Then his mother took over.
Thank you this is very helpful! My teacher gave us this website to help understand the story better.
I’m glad you found the post helpful.
What are the literary devices used in the story
I would need to read the story again to answer your question.
where are the irony’s in the story?
One irony is Gus (or Flurry) thinking he could be responsible.
what are the literary devices in the story?
I would need to read the story again to answer your question.
The main conflict in the story external because
I’m not sure it is. Though Gus (or Flurry) does encounter the young girl and he drinks the medicine meant for his mother.
Dooly is terrified about how Sullivan feels after drinking the medicine, and she apologizes profusely
I’m not sure I follow you?
Describe the setting of the story
It’s buildings that Sullivan is not used to seeing.
What is the significance of the tittle
Sullivan thinks he is the man of the house.
What is one literary device used to provide the reader with a better understanding of how religion is viewed
And explain the writer effectively uses this device ??
The church candle that Sullivan never lights. He thinks it means he can’t get favours from God.
What is the mood of the story
The mood sifts from a happy mood to a sad mood for Sullivan.
State any three topics emerging from the story that can be developed into themes.
One is what is the age of responsibility. Sullivan thinks he’s old enough. The other is to take a lock on the Churches role in the story and Sullivan’s difficulties (because of his upbringing and belief in God).
where does the story take place? what time of the day was it? and what was the mood of the setting?
The story is set in Cork. In the morning. Sullivan was excited
thank you
identify the characters in the story and briefly speak of their character
I would need to read the story again to answer your question.
what type of sickness did gus mother had?
I’m not sure. It might have been the flu.
what promise does sullivan make to the church and why can he not fulfill his promise
help please
I’m sorry but I don’t recall the promise.
Can you show any evidence of Sullivan having any early childhood characteristics?
I’m not sure of the answer to your question.
What does he mean when the narrator remarks, “I wasn’t a malicious child, by any means, but I liked to be able to take out my comforts and study them by the light of others’ misfortunes”?
The narrator is suggesting that he is not a bad minded person but that he does get some satisfaction from other people’s misery.
Thank you
You’re welcome.
Why is the narrator afraid of pneumonia in particular? What is he implying might happen?
I’m not sure perhaps Sullivan knows how serious pneumonia is. He might feel as though his mother will die.
I got two more questions.
1. Why does the narrator stick close to the house? What is he worried about?
2. What changes do we see in the narrator throughout the story? Quote at least two different sets of changes.
1. Sullivan is not used to being far from the house.
2. I can only think of one. When Sullivan feels guilty about giving the cough medicine to the girl.
Can you make a summary of all the characters in the story?
I’m sorry but I would need to read the story again to answer your question and at the moment I have a backlog of stories I need to read first.
whats one challenge faced by Sullivan in the story
Going to a part of the town, where the chemist is, that he is not familiar with.
challenges faced by Sullivan in the story..
Going to a part of town, where the chemist is, that he is not familiar with. Struggling with the guilt that comes when he allows the girl drink the medicine.
please describe one effect that the challenge has on sullivan
He is made to feel guilty.
what is one technique used by the writer to portray the challenge
O’Connor uses guilt as a device when it comes to Sullivan sharing the medicine.
thank you for responding to my comments
You’re welcome.
What family role did sullivan take?
Can you show any evidence of sullivan having any early childhood characteristics?
The answer to your first question is Sullivan took on the role of head of the household. I’m not sure of an answer to your second question.
1.Why does the narrator drink down the medicine? What does he realize after he’s done it?
2.Is the narrator mature or immature? Is the narrator’s voice that of a little boy or an adult? While considering these questions, highlight or bracket at least two quotations that exemplify the narrator’s maturity level.
3.Do you agree that “a miracle” happened? Is there a lesson to this story?
1. He is tempted by the young girl. He has let his mother down and he feels guilty after drinking the medicine.
2. I would need to read the story again to answer this question.
3. It really is a matter for each individual reader. Though I do think the narrator has been blessed to have such a strong mother.
What was Sullivan’s experience of shopping for medicine?
At first Sullivan felt excited but the excitement soon turned to guilt when he and the girl drank the medicine.
Can you tell me what is the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and the resolution for the story? Thank you
I’m sorry but I would need to read the story again to answer your question and at the moment I have a backlog of stories I need to read first.
1. What type of family is presented in the story?
2. How does each family member display their love?
3. Do the members of the family treat each other the way we expect families to treat each other? Explain.
1. A working class family.
2. Sullivan displays his love by going to the chemist for his mother. While the mother in the story takes care of a poorly Sullivan.
3. Yes I think so. They both help each other.
Do you know the difference between Sullivan and the little girl?
The girl is more street wise than Sullivan.
”its a funny thing about woman , the way they’ll orders from anything trousers, eve if its only ten” what can this quote implied make reference to the story
That society is male dominated. It is a patriarchal society.
“Innocence lost can never be gained”. Using textual evidence, to what extent is this statement true in the short story Man of the House.
I’m not sure of the answer to your question.
I’m writing literature exams today! Thank you so much for all these analysis. They have really helped me throughout studying. Wish me luck!!
I’m glad you found the post helpful. Good luck with your exams.
Why did Sullivan NOT go far to play? What activity did he do every half an hour
What was on Sullivan’s ‘to do’ list?
What concern did Miss Ryan have about mother’s health
I’m sorry but I would need to read the story again to answer your questions.
ok thanks though
Explain one technique portrays the theme of responsibility, or love and family relationships.
I go through the theme of responsibility in the post.
Where in the story would you say the theme Control is portrayed?
I go through the theme of control in the post.
What promise does Sullivan make to the church but was not able to do
I’m sorry but I would need to read the story again to answer your question.
What is lesson from the story
The strength of women in society.
How would you state that Sullivan’s willingness to undertake manly responsibilities, ultimately affects him as a child?
1.Explain what does the narrator does in caring for his mother?
2. Who tricks the narrator and how does this person do this?
3. How does the narrator react being tricked ?
4. How does the story end?
5. Does any part of the narrator experience in the story evoke sympathy?
what does the line “ I wasn’t a malicious child by any means, but I liked to be able to take out my comforts and study them by the light of others’ misfortunes” mean exactly
Can you please explain the significance of the story having a first-person POV?
Explain why the title of the story can be considered appropriate and effective
What are two similes?
The author utilizes biblical allusion when the boy meets the girl at the dispensary and he tempts her. Which story in the Bible is being alluded to and why do you think so?
I read over thank you
What is the conflict of the story
TWO ways in which the little girl is a foil for Flurry, the protagonist. Justify EACH response with an example.
What narrative techniques are present in the story and how are they used
What is the setting of the story? (More than one setting)
1. What family role does the mother play at the beginning of the story and does this role change at the end?
2. Give some evidence that Sullivan is torn between being a child and a grown up? (being irresponsible/ being responsible)
can you help me with these questions
Write 2 symbols that you found in the story.
The church can be seen to symbolize hope. The hopes that the narrator has that everything will be okay. You have the cough bottle symbolizing an end to the narrator being responsible and his realization that responsibility is difficult.
Damn Dermot you are determined