The New Tribe by Buchi Emecheta
In The New Tribe by Buchi Emecheta we have the theme of change, love, insecurity, identity and acceptance. Narrated in the third person by an unnamed narrator the reader realises from the beginning of the story that Emecheta may be exploring the theme of change and love. Life changes dramatically for the Arlingtons when Julia arrives at their doorstep. Ginny in particular adapts very well to her new role as a mother while Arthur tends to remain in the background when it comes to the rearing of Julia. However it is noticeable that Arthur becomes stressed by all the documentation he must provide in order for both him and Ginny to become Julia’s adoptive parents. This may be important as it suggests that Arthur (and Ginny) love Julia and will do whatever they have to do in order to become Julia’s adoptive parents. Similarly when it comes to Chester’s arrival, though hesitant at the start. Arthur does go through the same procedure in order to adopt Chester. It is also noticeable that Arthur and Ginny love Chester regardless of the colour of his skin. Ginny is so in love with Chester that she creates a small book for him about Nigeria. Which may be important as Ginny is making sure that Chester when he is old enough to understand will not forget his roots.
Emecheta may also be exploring the theme of insecurity, particularly when it comes to Chester. From a very early age Chester feels as though he doesn’t belong. This insecurity or doubt also manifests itself when Chester goes to school. He does not want to stay in school even going as far as shouting out his wish to go home. Similarly when Ginny tells Chester that ‘your people’ are from the east; Chester again begins to doubt who he is. Which may be important as Emecheta may be suggesting that through the insecurity or doubt that Chester feels he is also beginning to question his identity. No longer is his life as simple as being Arthur and Ginny Arlington’s child. Chester knows he is different. Something he only begins to understand when he questions Arthur when he is older. Chester’s friendship with Ray Miller may also be significant as Emecheta may be using the friendship to highlight just how well-rounded Chester is despite the insecurities he feels. He identifies with Ray in school when Ray arrives to the school and begins to cry. Likewise when Chester grows older Ray is there for him. Neither boy appears to judge the other negatively. It is as though their friendship is solid. Probably the only solid or certain thing that Chester feels he has in his life.
What may also be important about the story is the fact that despite the narrator calling Arthur, Ginny and Julia ‘his family’, Chester believes the recurring dream he has is about his real home. It is as though Chester cannot at times make any type of identification with the Arlingtons being his parents. It is also noticeable that the pressure within the family unit increases after Arthur tells Julia and Chester they are adopted. Despite showing calmness throughout the story there is one occasion in whereby Arthur gets angry. The reader realising that the trigger for Arthur’s anger is not the fact that Chester has laughed at him but in reality Arthur knows the dynamic within the family has changed since both children became aware they were adopted. Though Arthur had hoped that both Chester and Julia would accept the fact they were adopted, without too much difficulty, this has not been the case. Chester has escaped into his dream while Julia has become introverted.
The end of the story is also interesting as Chester for the first time in the story acts with surety or certainty. He knows that he doesn’t wish to play the king in the nativity play and despite Ginny’s wishes stays off stage. This may be important as in many ways Chester is turning his back on his dream. He may have been born in Nigeria but he lives with the Arlingtons now. If anything Chester is accepting who he is. He is the son of Arthur and Ginny Arlington. No longer does he have the doubts that hindered him previously. It may also be symbolically significant that Chester has bought Ginny a new diary. It is as though they are starting afresh. Nothing has been written as of yet. A new life with independence awaits Chester He is not drawn to the past as he had previously been nor is he overly concerned about discovering who he had previously thought he might be (son of a Nigerian mother). If anything Chester not only accepts who his parents are (Arthur and Ginny) but he fully accepts who he is regardless of the fact that he is adopted. Chester at the end of the story no longer has any insecurities about who he is or about belonging. He fully accepts his circumstances.
Thanks for the summary! Now I understand the story better.
Arthur inform ginny that he received a call from social services tell us how Ginny felt about the appointment
-Did the turning poiny concerning the role of the three wise kings help the family to achieve some resolution? In other words, what in your opinion could the family learn from Chester’s refusal to be a wise king?
-Chester refers to Arthur as a ‘rock of Gibraltar’. Would you agree with his assessment of his dad? Support this opinion with evidence from ghe story.
How does it relate the title of new tribe to the story and why did Julian bring the baby to Arthur?
Thanks for the comment Ntshuxi. The title of the story suggests that Chester has found a new tribe (or family) to live with. As for why Julian brought the baby to Arthur. Arthur is a kind man who works in the Church. Julian probably thought it was more appropriate to bring the baby (Julia) to Arthur than to anybody else.
How did Ginny resolve each dilemma?
Thanks for the comment Felicia. Ginny through patience and honesty resolved a lot of the issues that she was confronted by. She also wrote a story book for Chester should he ever query where he came from. Similarly when Chester becomes aware that he is adopted Ginny allows him to be himself. To be independent. Something that is noticeable when Chester decides he doesn’t want to play the King in the nativity play again.
No Julian brought Julia not Chester.
Thanks for highlighting that error Vuyo.
Because he knew the Arlingtons were Christians an everybody knew that ginny can’t bear kids of her own
When Chester was dreaming what was he dreaming and hoping for?
Why do you think the title is suitable to this story?
Thanks for the comment Samu. Chester has found a new family or tribe that love him unconditionally. He accepts that he is adopted and he accepts that Ginny and Arthur are his parents. Regardless of the differences in the colour of their skin.
There’s two children? or three adopted and their gender? and colour? What things start to make Chester think that he doesn’t belong?
Thanks for the comment Boyza. There are two adopted children. Julia a white female and Chester a black male. Chester senses he doesn’t belong because he looks different (black) to everyone else he sees.
Where does Julian fit in into this whole story, cause only two kids were adopted Chester and Julia. Who is Julian?
Thanks for the comment Thato. Julian was the paperboy who found Julia and handed her to Arthur and Ginny.
sorry but I’ll like to disagree with you DERMOT on Julia being a white. reading to the end, we discover that her parents where not found. no one knew a thing about her origin. to give her an origin, I’ll have to say she’s black
during the time of the author, the blacks where in serious discrimination and suffering. life was unbearable for them as they were all trying to survive the auto biography of the author as written in HEAD ABOVE WATER, will give you a clearer picture of black women who dumped their children cos of the inability to cope or survive. this I’ll say was the plight of Christine who had to give Chester up, same also is the plight of Julia’s ghost parent who had to do same.
don’t forget the whites where in control at that time it’s not possible that a white would possibly have dumped her own child. she is possibly a mullato.
I disagree with you !! There’s a point in the story where Arthur tells the kids they are adopted and Chester says to Julia,I thought you were they are your real parents because you’re white
Julia is a white girl, the short story is clearly stated that,remember Chester sees himself different
I totally agree with u there Julia was white. Somewhere in the story when they were told that they were adopted Chester did say that.
Julia is a white female. Because why would she felt so protective towards Chester ? She knew he was different (black). Its clear that in the story Chester said to Julia that she is white like them and he is different .
Julia was white.. When Chester first asked their parents who his real parents were, he said to Julia that she must not get upset as she was white and only him is black
Julia was white, she was not discriminated at school like Chester because she looked like them, only Chester was discriminate because he was black, you are assuming Julia was black with a flimsy reason ,no backing your on your theory…
Did Ginny buy Chester a new diary at the end or did Arthur buy a new diary for Ginny?
Thanks for the comment Xaindee. It was Chester who bought Ginny a new diary.
Did the headmaster mean any harm when he said “jokingly to Chester you little devil?”
Thanks for the comment Makatla. The headmaster meant no harm. He realised it was Chester’s first day in school.
I’d like to know about the theme of insecurity in this short story
I thank you for the answers to questions. They have helped me understand the story even better.
Thanks for the comment Caroline. I’m glad you found some of the comments helpful.
I don’t see where it says Chester bought Ginny a new diary but at last paragraph it talked about Arthur and the new diary.
Thanks for the comment Suzan. On the last page of the story (Pg180 in Changes). At the top. It says that Chester not only made an elaborate Christmas card but bought Ginny a diary with a pretty cover of roses and violets.
Can you please summarize in a simple way so that I can understand.
A white couple called Ginny and Arthur (Vicar) are given a baby by the local paper boy. They adopt the baby and christen the child Julia. Word of their good news and deed spreads and an adoptive agency ask Ginny and Julian if they will adopt a black baby called Chester. Things run smoothly till Chester begins to question his identity and who his real parents might be. It is by asking questions that Chester develops his own identity and begins to accept who he is. Though he knows he is a different skin colour to Ginny, Julian and Julia. He still accepts them as his family.
Please explain why Chester’s city is always written as ‘city’?
Because it’s only in his mind.
Thank you, you helped me with this summary.
Thanx a lot, you helped me.
No problem Winnie.
What does Chester’s dream symbolize? Does it symbolize that one day he will go back to where his roots are and become a king?
What happened to everyone in this story at the end?
Where was the setting of the story?
Thanks for the comment Mdumiseni. Emecheta never mentions the setting but I think the story is set in England.
Can one make anything about the setting from the reference to St Simon?
“The Arlingtons were like a good strong tree, under whose branches Chester and Julia sheltered” I think this figure of Speech is a Simile’ Am i right ? And can you tell me whats the meaning of that speech, can you please break it down for me
How is the title of the story relevant to the plot?
Thanks for the comment Vumile. Chester as the only black child in his family is part of a new tribe (the Arlingtons). Even though Chester exerts his independence near the end of the story which suggests that he wishes to stand on his own two feet at the same time he wishes to be part of the Arlington’s way of life. Something that is noticeable by the fact that Chester buys Ginny a diary as a Christmas present. He is not part of his Nigerian tribe.
At the age of 4-5 years Chester develops a sense of unbelonging, even before he is told that he is adopted. Explain why he feels this way please
Who Julia is and why is her story worth following
What is the name of Chester’s friend?
Thanks for the comment Lenathy. Chester’s friend is called Ray Miller.
What is the point that the writer is trying to show us as readers?
Thanks for the comment Kgotso. Emecheta may be trying to show the reader the difficulties that someone who is different to those around them encounters. Chester stands out because he is the only black member of his family. He struggles to become independent yet at the same time to also become part of the Arlington’s family. He questions his identity which for anybody is a difficult task. Even more difficult for a child.
Thanks for the comments and the summary they are both helpful.
What is Chester’s character in the story?
Sorry for lots of question What is the relationship that the Arlingtons have as a family and may I have some examples
Can u please explained explain the theme of love n change
Thank you. You’ve been helpful.
If I may ask Mr Arlington’s reaction when he was told that the second child that they were about to adopt is black could possible tells us about the kind of person he really is.
Thanks for the comment Mathews. Arthur’s reaction is one of silence. So too is Ginny’s. It is as though they are shocked. Which may be natural. Both Ginny and Arthur may be aware of how difficult it would be to raise a black child in a predominately white community. They might be able for it but the child will incur difficulties. I doubt that Ginny and Arthur themselves are concerned about Chester’s skin colour.
Hi Dermot. Just wanna say thank you For all the short stories summaries and also answering our questions..It is all helpful for us when preparing for our exams…I was writing my English paper two today and it was much easier….
Thanks A lot……
Refer to the last line. Identify the figure of speech. Comment on its effectiveness.
The figure of speech used is a simile which is suggesting that Arthur is rock-solid and dependable. Which Arthur has been throughout the story and Chester believes he will continue to be throughout his life.
Is it not a metaphor comparison without a use of like and as?
I also think it’s a metaphor.
Refer to paragraph 7 .”he could hardly contain the storm reging inside him”. Identify the figure of speech. Comment on its effectiveness
The figure of speech being used is called a metaphor. Which on this occasion is effective considering that the reader is also aware that Arthur’s face is red with rage.
Identify the figure of speech’the room was frozen into silence’ and comment on its effectiveness
As far as I can work out it’s a metaphor. It’s difficult to work out its effectiveness without knowing the context it is being used in but I imagine a statement like that has a deep impact on what is happening. Changing the tone or mood that may have existed at the time.
Am I be wrong to differ a little bit about this figure of speech being metaphor instead of hyperbole? the reason I am asking is because i think the significance underlying the use of this particular figure of speech is to exaggerate the silence that was in the room after whatever has been said or seen
Raising action of the new tribe
Refer to the last paragraph. “He didn’t mean— tell on her. What do we learn about the relationship between Julia and Chester?
Julia is supporting and protecting Chester. She doesn’t want to see him getting into trouble with Arthur just because he laughed.
refer to line 14-15″ in chester’s mind —-how has chester gained his independence? to what degree. in your opinion, has chester gained independence?
he could hardly contain the storm raging inside him. identify the figure of speech. comment on the effectiveness.
Thanks for the comment Caswell. You appear to be working of an extract. If you give me the first line of the extract I should be able to find it in the story and answer your question.
he didnt mean —— tell on her. what do we learn about the relationship between julia n chester?
Julia is supporting and protecting Chester. She doesn’t want to see him getting into trouble with Arthur just because he laughed.
Thank you very much for helping me.
No problem Caswell.
Why did they name their baby girl Julia? And why did Chester ‘s mother chose the Arlingtons to raise her child?
Ginny and Arthur named the baby Julia because she was brought to them by the paper boy Julian. She is named after him. As for Chester’s mother choosing the Arlingtons. Chester’s mother read an article in the paper about the Arlington’s adopting Julia and thought that they would be good parents for Chester.
Did the Arlingtons celebrate the adoption of Julia and Chester? And how did the adopted children transform Ginny and Arthur’s characters. Also Ginny as a mother to adopted children how did she show them love.
What a touching story thank you so much.
Hey Dermot
Here are the questions
(1 ) what was ginny’s first impressions of Nigeria?
(2) why did she try to teach Chester about africa?
(3) do you think this was the right thing to do? give a reason
(4) discus whether the headmaster meant any harm when he jokingly said “you little devil you started the uproar and now look at you smiling away with your sister ” explain your answer
(5 ) why did Chester eventually ask about who his parents where?
(6) did the turning point concerning the role of the 3 wise kings help the family achieve some solution?
Thanks for your answers.
1. Was it easy for the parents to arrange to adopt Julia?
2. Of the two adopted children whose mother do you think was more responsible?
3. Why did Ginny make Chester one of 3 wise kings
What is the occupation of Arthur in the story and how it helps his family?
Here are the questions. Give me a theme of this short story, settings, title, plot, conflict.
Can you help me with to discuss each phase of the six phases of plot and also giving examples of it from The New Tribe
Thanks. Can you also help me discuss the following from the story
The plot
The theme
What is the milieu
What is an ironic/twist ending
What is the characterisation in the story
Create one long question for creative homework based on the short story. Also can you in short characterize each character
I’m not sure what a long question is. Do you mean in length or in substance? Perhaps a question could be How does the title relate to the story? or Why does Chester not want to participate in the nativity play?
As for characterization. I think I’ve answered that in my previous reply to you (characterization of story).
If you would have to explain and analyse the story to learners how would you do it?
For me I’d go through each theme in the story. Look at each character’s motives (Chester in particular) and try and explain Chester’s desire to discover who he is. I would also look at the development of the plot (six phases or stages).
Thank you sooo much.
Very good story. As a student I am dealing with its analysis. Thank you.
Hello Dermot
Hello our teacher is giving me an account about the five first chapters of the novel but the problem is I don’t know how I am to start …your help will be welcomed thanks.
The Doll’s House :
1.How are Mrs Burnell and Mrs Kelvey described in this short story ?
Give Two Descriptions of each Character
2.Refer to lines (‘like Two little. ..doll’s house stood).
a)Identify the figure of speech in this line
b)Explain why this figure of speech is appropriate.
3.Which answer is Correct?
Item inside the doll’s house that both Else and Keiza are Fascinated with is :
4.Give two Examples from the story to prove that the Kelveys are poor
5.Give two possible reasons why Else is ‘dazed'(they didn’t. ..The white gate’)
6.Explain the irony in the words,’Wicked,disobedient little girl!’In the context of the story as a whole.
7.In your opinion, do the Kelveys contribute to the way in which they are treated by others? Discuss your views.
Hi describe how you would explain the drama/short story – (The New tribe) to learners, following the combrinks model phase 5
What is the difference between a text-experience and a text-analytical approach?
Can you describe the characters of Chester and Julia?
Both Chester and Julia are kind with Julia being extra protective of Chester. Julia is also a quiet child. They both live comfortable lives. However Chester longs to find out where he might of come from. Not so that he can do anything in particular but just to discover who he is. Which may suggest that Chester is inquisitive.
Talking about the white couple (Arthur and his wife) didn’t they get a birth a long their union? or what pushed them to the adoption as young they are?
I’m not sure if they did have a child of their own. Ginny was happy to adopt Julia when Julian arrived to their home with her. Similarly though Chester was black Ginny and Arthur felt it was the right thing to do when they adopted Chester.
They are unable to have children that is why they accepted to adopt the children
Thank you all for clarifying the story for me.
God bless you a million times Dermot.
Good morning, I’d like to know the central theme of the new tribe.
Hi? I need your help please. I don’t really understand the main theme on the chapter 5. I read it many times but can’t figure it out.
How did Chester gain his independence?
What do they mean when saying Arlingtons? Is it a surname? Or what actually?
Who does the word Vicar refer to?
Hello please help me here. Give three reasons why Arthur and Ginny were chosen as parents for Chester?
Who was having an argument at the table and why? Was it Chester who bought the diary for Ginny or Arthur?
thank about the new tribe summary
Sorry Oscar it’s been a long time since I read the story. Any summary I give you may not be complete.
I thank you. I find this very helpful
Can Discrimination and sense of belonging be the theme of the story…by this I mean like there is an incident if I remember vividly in the story where Chester was called a little devil.
Sense of belonging as Chester keeps growing he can see that he looks differently from the rest of the people in the society even In school , that I think triggers the desire inside to want to know where he comes from
How did Ginny show love to her children?
This answer here might help and here too.
What would you say it’s the main theme of the story and the turning point in Chester life’s?
I find something confusing in one of the summaries i got about this story which is not found in the story when one reads it. I become confused when it says Julia fell pregnant by Ray Miller who is a friend to Chester and where it says Julia stole the church money and Ginny was aware of that, it further says that Chester left for Nigeria with the help of Jimoh and Ugwu but we don’t see that part when we read story. can you please clarify something for me here?
Thank you for the review of the story. It is much understandable now, my question is that does Julia face any challenges in coming to terms with how she was adopted by the Arlingtons?
what is the plot of the story from exposition, rising action, turning point and the falling action
Who is Victoria and Robert in the story?
how did Chester feel about his first in school and and how was his first day?
Chester wants to go home on his first day in school but as the day progresses and he meets Ray Miller. Things get better for Chester.
Can you please help me ,with strategies on how I will master the short stories.
How chester’s behaviour changes after hearing that he is adopted?
What are the two incidents in the story that contribute to chester’s sense of unbelonging?
Why chester’s city is always written as ‘city’?
How Chester and Julia react to the news of their adoption?
“It was like learning to feed yourself “….Is it a Simile..?..Further explanation please.
Why Catherine Mba chooses the Arlingtons to adopt Chester?
“The room was frozen into silence” What figure of speech is this and comment on its effectiveness..Please!
Thanks for being helpful and I also thank you for your generosity. Keep on doing a great job.
Have you read ‘My Children My Africa’?
hi dermot! it is possible to help us with my children my africa? pls
You were born for it indeed, one day I hope I’ll read a short story that will be written by you.
Why does Ginny look at the social worker questioningly?
It may be possible that Ginny is surprised that the social worker would suggest that she adopt or foster a black child (Chester) when Ginny herself is white.
Why does the headmaster go to miss slattery’s classroom
1-The teacher smiled…Julia’s face clouded. Explain what this lines mean
2-Explain why the headmaster and Miss Slattery give each other a knowing look
3-Why do Ginny and Arthur christen the girl Julia
4-What is Arlington’s profession
1. It was less clear what Julia’s facial expression might mean.
2. They most likely know that the children are anxious with it being their first day in school (I would need more context to be more accurate).
3. Julia is named after Julian the paperboy who gave Julia to Arthur.
4. I think Ginny is a housewife while Arthur is a Reverend.
Thanks a lot for answers and sorry for asking too many questions..Who called Chester a little devil and what is a Vicar in the story
I thank you (Demot), you did what I had been looking for !
Why was Arthur angry when Chester laughed?
How Julia found her self being a part of the Arlington family?
Thank you for all the help with the analysis and questions about the short stories. It helped me very much. In the story “The New Tribe” Arthur and Ginny don’t have children as she can’t have children and that is why they adopted Julia and Chester.
Do you think the Arlington’s will be suitable parents to Julia? Please do provide me with evidence?
Can you look at the last paragraph of the summary. Arthur is said to be accepting his new life. Mustn’t it be Chester?
I want to ask what happen at the beginning of the story?
I really enjoyed the summary it made my life easy…..I mean I’m so thankful to all the Excellencies out there ….thank you.
I have a bigger understanding now, you are so awesome
1) As Christians, which advice did Arthur and Ginny give to Julia when she aborted the pregnancy?
2) Did Chester have intentions to be Julia’s boy friend?
How does the story consists post colonial approach and can we say the story deals with the theme of identity crisis if yes, why? And how does the story celebrates cultural hybridity and can we count it as an diasporic literature if yes than why?
1. (… You little devil you started the uproar and now look…) This is an example of which figure of speech metaphor, simile, oxymoron or personification?
2. Why did the headmaster and miss Slattery give each other ‘knowing look’?
3. How did a revelation about their adoption affected them?
4. What does the extract tell about Julia?
5. Discuss relationship between chester and ray!
6. What is the profession of Arlington?
1. according to your knowledge of the story briefly explain how the following people become members of the Arlington’s family
(a) Chester
(b) Julia
(a) Chester’s mother saw the story about how Ginny and Arthur Arlington adopted Julia and wanted them to adopt Chester. Chester’s father didn’t want him.
(b) Julia was found abandoned by the paperboy Julian and knocked on the Arlington’s door. Thinking that they could help. They did and adopted Julia.
Debate the following topic: Xenophobia (an intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries) plays a role in the new tribe.
Hi! What is the tone and mood? Could you also explain the imagery and symbolism please thanks.
Can u please clarify this paragraph for me I dnt know if there is a mistake or its just me who don’t understand.
Warmed the milk he had been going to drink with his coffee with her free hand.she looked as if she had been doing it all her life.
Who warmed the milk actually
Thank u
How can we talk about the trauma of adopting children in Buchi Émécheta’s new tribe?
How can we deal with unhappiness of adopted children in Émecheta’s new tribe?
Can you please explain the setting of the story
The story is set in England. As to whether it is a large town or village is uncertain. Ginny and Arthur Arlington (both white) end up adopting two children. Julia who is white and Chester who is black.
What is the character analysis of Julia and that of Ray.
Bearing in mind I’ve only read two or three chapters of the book. Julia is a confident young girl who is protective of Chester. Ray I don’t know a lot about. He is a good friend to Chester.
Thanks very much u made me understand the story well
Why does Chester resign from being the King of the Orient? &Why they choose him to be the king out of all learners?
How does the changes in Chester’s character affect his relationship with Ginny?
Hi Can You Please Answer these questions:
1.In two sentences provide a brief summary of the story
2.Why did Julian bring the baby to Arthur?
3.How did Ginny solve each dilemma?
4.How did Ginny show love to her kids?
5.Why did Julian protect chester at school?
6.List three events that strengthened chester’s ‘unbelonging’
7.Explain how each child reacted to the news of their adoption
8.Explain the theme of this story
9.What did you learn from this story?
Why were Ginny and Arthur shocked?
Why could the adoption of Julia be regarded as miracle
Describe the incident that has led to Chester’s purchase of the gift in this extract.
I need help about the new tribe i wanted to choose a topic about my master project and on what i would focus my work is about the seeking of family belonging ,identity and otherness in it .
And i wanted to be helped about another author who has written about identity and otherness in his writting .
Of the two adopted children, whose mother do you think was more responsible, why?
Was it easy for the parents to arrange to adopt julia, why?
Wow, the story is understandable now.
Questions:1:explain why catherine mba chooses the Arlingtons to adopt chester
2:what is the chatecter trait of Ginny
3:the room was frozen into silence what is the figure of speech used comment on its effectiveness
4:why does Ginny look at the social worker questioningly?
5:how is the title of this story relevent to the plot?
6:identity and discuss one theme thatvis evident in this story
1. Explain how Ginny sets about to ensure that Chester does not lose touch with his heritage?
2. Identify two contradictory images that Ginny had had learnt about Nigeria?
3. Explain the inversion of the roles in the Arlington marriage?
4 explain how Chester as a little boy shows wisdom when he becomes aware of his different skin colour and his sense od unbelonging?
5 why us Julia very upset?
6 what incident leads to Chester askng about his mother?
7 explain why the atmosphere in the family after the children foud out that they are adopted, was tenser than before?
8 in what way can silence be loud?
9 why did Chester feel that “he had to be good”?
10 why is Arthur compared to the “rock of gibraltar”?
11 comment on the deeper meaning of the title?
1. She decides to write a book about Nigeria for Paul.
2. Ginny thought Nigeria was a place of constant war, violence and poverty but discovers it has a rich history and its own way of doing things.
3. I don’t think there is an inversion. It is a traditional marriage.
4. You may be working off an extract but perhaps his engagement with Ray helps Chester to develop.
5. I’m not sure. Are you working of an extract of the story.
6. Ginny tells Chester that ‘his people’ are from the east (Africa).
7. Perhaps because Ginny fears that Chester’s birth mother will come back for him. You’ll need to double check this.
8. You may be looking for an exact quote from the story. I’m not sure but sometimes a person’s silence can speak a thousand words.
9. I’m not sure. What section of the story is that line?
10. Because Arthur is dependable and solid.
11. The Arlingtons and Chester have both set up new tribes. Tribes that are unique to them and not part of Chester’s heritage.
Why do Ginny and Arthur christen the girl Julia?
Why do miss slattery and the head master give each other a knowing look?
explain the difference between the literal and figurative meaning in the following words of the principal:
“You little devil, you started the uproar, and now look at you , laughing away with your sister”.
Can you discuss this Chester character and how did he develop the course of the work
Plz help explain how chester’s city is always written as ‘city’
Thank you Dermot
Why is Julia being referred to as a “miracle”?
explain how chester come to be adopted by the arlingtons [3 marks ] please help me
extract B page 176 to 177 “this particular day …end of the world, after all”
is Arthur’s reaction to Chester’s behavior justified? discuss
please help
Arthur has overreacted because he is under a lot of pressure.
Why Catherine Mba decided to give her son up for adoption
how Rev Arthur Allington and his wife Ginny came to be foster parents
Please help with the characters and characterisation of the story
Explain why Catherine Mba chooses the Arlingtons to adopt Chester ?….
thanx for the clear view about where the story is heading to.
Thank you so much for helping…….it means a lot….I give u 5 star
I like this story and this story gives me more effort to love reading english stories
Can you plz send me some questions and also the memorandum
How chester and julia becominig members of the arlington’s family
Please tell about it’s publication and disuss theme of identity in detail and also the narrative technique
why Chester did not want to be a king anymore
Thanks I well understood the story.
Why is the title of the story “The new tribe” appropriate? Discuss your view
I need an answer how does the title relate to the short story?
Could you assist with the structure of the story?
Exposition – The reader is introduced to Julian the paperboy. Who brings Julia into the story. Which results in Chester’s birth mother being made aware of the Arlington’s actions of adopting Julia.
Rising Action – May be Chester’s refusal to play the King again in the Nativity play. It is as though Chester is unsure of his identity. He does after all consider himself to be different to the Arlingtons.
Climax – Ginny’s acceptance that Chester will not play the king in the Nativity play.
Falling Action – Chester playing a role in the Nativity play that is not the King. Doing as he wants to do.
Resolution – The Arlington’s accepting the position they find themselves in after Chester finds or discovers who he is.
Here are the questions –
1 What is the moral of the story?
2 what is the simile of the story?
3 what is the onomatopoeia of the story?
Is there a any relevance to today’s life in the new tribe?
Identify figure of speech used on this sentence “The room was frozen into silence” and comment on its effectiveness
Did the two adopted children were happy to live with the couples? If yes/no, why?
What are some of the moral lesson we can learn from the story?
Hi, can you please identify one figure of speech in every page of the new tribe story and please explain it
What’s the theme evident to this story and how can I discuss it
Chester could not remember the exact moment when he knew he was was like learning to feed yourself.
What’s the figure of speech in the sentence above and how the use of this figure of speech adds value to the description of how Chester learns he’s adopted?
Can you describe the relationship between Julia and Chester
Referring to the story as whole , discuss the relationship that Arlingtons have as a family and give examples
The figure of speech
On line 13 .”the room was frozen into silence ”
plz help me
hi again
how is the title of this story relevant to the plot?
Thank you so much
I want to say thank you may god bless you and your family
can you plz help me i have lot for questions about the new tribe
What figure of speech used “the room was frozen into silence”
A.Mention two incidents in the story that contribute to /(strengthen)Chester’s sense of unbelonging.
B.Explain why chester’s City is always written as ‘city’.
me to
Explain how the use of this figure of speech adds value to the description of how Chester learns he is adopted
1.How has Chester gained his independence ?
2.To what extent has Chester gained his confidence ?
Thank you so much.. I was struggling to analyse the story
now I do.. thank you
Hello Dermot can I get your email please?
Dermot can you please make an analysis of A glass of a chip ruby
Of the two adopted children who mother do you think was more responsible
Explain why Catherine choose the Arlington to adopt chaster
Explain how use of this figure of speech adds value to the description of how Chester learnt he is adopted
“It was like learning to feed yourself “
Imagine you are Julia then you find out that you are left in a Tesco bag how would you feel>
1 .Quote four consecutive words to prove the following is true
*Chester has an idea that he is adopted but he keeps it inside himself* .
2 the Arlington were …… And julia sheltered
– identify the figures of speech in this line
-explain how this figure of speech illustrate the kind of family the Arlington are.
3 Refer line 4- 14 : What does this tell you about Chester’s character?
4 by referring to short story as a whole discuss the relationship that the Arlington have as a family and give example.
2 the Arlington were like a good strong tree , under whose branches Chester and Julia sheltered.ginny, in particular, showed great great patience with the children , and Chester could not remember her voice to him.
Explain why Chester city is always written as ” city ” ?
What is the relationship between Ginny an Victoria and Robert from Australia?
What is mr Arlington’s name ?
Why is the word hushed used in this short story
I would like to know who Victoria is and how she is involved in the story.
Please i’m taking a course in literature. Our lecturer has asked us to analyze the theme of Insecurity and Identity in the novel. Can you help me on how to go about it
Why Chester refers to author as the Rock of Gibraltar?
Y they adopte her??
What’s the issue of race as presented in the new tribe
Why does Julian address Arthur as ‘Vicar’?
Discuss how adoption as a theme played a unifying role in this short story with close reference to Chester and Julian
There is a sense that the Arlingtons are unified at the end of the story by Chester questioning his identity. Chester’s adoption brings the family closer.
Can you provide more information
briefly discuss how adoption as a theme played a unifying role in this short story The New Tribe with close reference to Chester and Julian.
Adopt ion can be a long legal process that might be complicated especially when a child has been abandoned and the mother cannot be traced. In the view above, May you kindly discuss how adoption as a theme played a unifying role in the New Tribe with close reference to Chester and Julian.
Why does the headmaster go to Miss Slattery’s classroom?
( the teacher smile… Julia’s face clouded ”
Explain what these lines mean
2 . extract 8 ( what does the extract tell us about Julia??
3.why do Ginny and Arthur Christen the girl” Julia “??
1. I would suggest that Julia is confused because she is showing great loyalty to Chester. The teachers mean no harm.
2. I don’t have access to the extract you’re working off
3. Julia is named after the paperboy who found her.
Refer to line 14 (‘Ginny stared at the social workers questioningly….’) Why doe Ginny look at the social worker questioningly
Hello please help
1.Of the two adopted children,whose mother do you think was more responsible?
2.Was it easy for the parents to arrange to adopt Julia?
3.What was Ginny’s first impression of Nigeria
4.What did she discover about Nigeria when she researched it a little more?
5.Why did she try to teach Chester about Africa?
6.Do you think this was the right thing to do?Give reasons for your answer.
7.Discuss whether you think the headmaster meant any harm when he said “jokingly to Chester,You little devil,you started the uproar,and now look at you,laughing away with your sister”Explain your answer.
8.Why did Giny make Chester one of the three wise kings?
9.Why did Chester eventually ask about who his parents were?
10.Did the turning point concerning the role of the three wise kings help the family to achieve some resolution?
Hi I need help with the new tribe short story
Whose mother was more responsible?
Chester’s mother was more responsible. She chose a new home for Chester.
Why Chester felt sense of unbelonging
Please help Me with this.Imagine yourself as Chester.You have at the end decided to have a conversation with Ginny where you tell her about your dream.Write out the conversation that take place between the two of you. Please it’s urgent.
Is the title of this story relevant to Chester’s character? Explain fully
The authorities put us throug hell… Proud. What do these lines tell us about adoption as a process?
What does this short story reveal about Ginny’s character
Show the difference in reaction of Julia and Chester to being told that they are adopted
How did ginny feel before meeting the social services and after
Do you think it was a good idea for the Arlingtons to adopt Chester? Give reason for your answer
1. Of the two adopted children, whose mother do you thing was more responsible and why
2. What was Ginny’s impression of Nigeria?
3. Why did she try to teach Chester about Africa
4. Do you think what Ginny did was the right thing to do ? Give your reason.
5. Why did Chester eventually ask about who his parents were ?
6. Identify 4 characters in the story
7. Mention THREE reasons why Arthur and Ginny were chosen as parents for Chester.
8. What were the problems that these parents might face with fostering this boy in future?
9. Why did Ginny try to teach Chester about Africa ?
10. Why did Chester buy Ginny a gift ?
wat is the significance of new tribe
What is Chester’s reaction to being adopted
What was jinnys feelings before she meet the social services and her feelings after it
Refer to line 1-3 (‘he glanced through….in the press’)
Explain who Julia is and why is her story worth following.
Is Catherine a cruel women? Your answer must be based on the whole story
How did Chester feel before and after hearing that he has been adopted??
What gunny did was the right thing to do?
I need any 2 diagram entries on how Ginny feels about the appointment before she meets social services. The other must express to she felt after the meeting with Social work
Catherine mba is a cruel women discuss
I don’t think she is. She is not getting support from her husband, who won’t raise Chester as he is not his. Chester is better off with the Arlington’s.
The difference reactions of Chester and Julia when they were told that they are adopted
Identify the figure of speech..’the room was frozen into silence’
Show the differences in reaction of Julia and Chester to being told that they are adopted
1. Explain why this figure of speech is relevent in this extract ( The room frozen into silence
2. The differences in reactions between Julia and chester to being told that they are adopted
3. One of the theme in the story is Racial prejudice
4. Refer to the whole story ” Catherine Mba is a cruel woman”?
Why is chester affected so much by the news of his adoption
What is the point of view in it
Thanks this helps me revise online
What was the miracle which had happened to Ginny and Artur ?Explain
I’m currently doing my PhD research on Buchi Emecheta and this stuff has been pretty beautiful to read. Thank you!
How ginny feels about the appointment before she meets social services
How did the adoption of the two children change the relationship between Arthur and Ginny
Why does Chester not want to be king anymore
Show the differences in reaction of Julia and Chester to being told that they are adopted?
So what significance of Ginny’s tears and please explain about Ginny’s character?
The part that says “ Tears welled in her eyes as she read it. She announced implusively . She always wanted a house full of children “
Why Catherine Mba is a cruel woman?
Hi guys pleas help me with the diary entry for two days and put urself in Ginny’s shoes on how she feels about the appointment.
One entry must express her feelings BEFORE she meets social service.
Other must express how she felt AFTER the meeting with social services
One of the themes in the short story, ‘the new tribe. ‘ is racial prejudice.
Discuss your views on Catherine Mba being a cruel woman
Significance of Ginny tears
Catherine Mba is a cruel woman discuss your view
Hey Dermot. What is Arthur’s occupation?
“He could hardly contain the storm raging inside him”
Identify the figure of speech. Comment on its effectiveness.Please help
What does the extract tell us about Julia
“one of the social workers now spoke. Chester’s mother is Nigeria. The room was frozen into silence”
Why do you think Ginny and Arthur was shocked by the above revelation of the social worker?