The Moving Finger by Edith Wharton
In The Moving Finger by Edith Wharton we have the theme of control, loneliness, conflict, obsession, isolation, connection, dependency and letting go. Narrated in the first person by an unnamed narrator the reader realises after reading the story that Wharton may be exploring the theme of control. There is a sense that Ralph was controlled by his first wife and that his life was unhappy. Also despite the second Mrs Grancy being dead. Ralph still wants to control her. Something that is evident by the fact that he asks Claydon to repaint the portrait of Mrs Grancy so that she may look older. Just as Ralph has gotten older. Though Ralph has tried to do everything to move on with his life. Even going as far as taking a job in Europe. He has not being able to escape from his past. He is forever drawn to Mrs Grancy. Which may leave some readers to suggest that Ralph is unable to move on with his life. He has never remarried and since Mrs Grancy’s death there is a sense that Ralph has lived a lonely life. Something that Wharton may be highlighting by way of the setting of the story. Ralph when he returns from Europe does not leave his home or a least there is no mention by the narrator of Ralph ever leaving his home.
Though it is not directly implied by the narrator there is also a sense that Mrs Grancy and Claydon may have had an affair. Just as Ralph loved Mrs Grancy so too did Claydon. It is perhaps for this reason that Claydon restored the portrait to what it originally was. Just as Ralph is unable to let go of Mrs Grancy so too is Claydon. By restoring the picture to what it originally was Claydon wishes to remember Mrs Grancy as she was when he fell in love with her. If anything both Ralph and Claydon are obsessed with Mrs Grancy. With the possibility that Claydon may actually have been jealous of Ralph’s relationship with his wife. It is as though there is the undercurrent of a conflict between Ralph and Claydon. Though Ralph would possibly be unaware of this. It is also possible that Wharton is exploring the theme of isolation. Ralph felt not only trapped but isolated in his first marriage. While it is possible that Mrs Grancy too felt trapped and subsequently isolated when it came to her love for both Ralph and Claydon.
There is also some symbolism in the story which may be important. Not only does the portrait of Mrs Grancy symbolize love for both Ralph and Claydon but it also symbolizes man’s obsession with women and how men like to control women (even in death). The fact that Ralph has married twice may also have some symbolic significance as Wharton could be using the fact that Ralph married twice to highlight Ralph’s need to feel connected to another person. Though his marriage to his first wife was unhappy. Ralph never divorced or left his wife. Similarly with the second Mrs Grancy there is a sense that Ralph needed her to bring joy to his life. If anything Ralph needed to feel connected with the second Mrs Grancy. Something that is also evident in her death. Which may leave some critics to suggest that Ralph is dependent on both his wives. Similarly there is a sense that Claydon too is dependent on Mrs Grancy in order to be happy. Which is ironic considering that women were viewed upon as being dependent on men at the time the story was written.
The end of the story is also interesting as the reader gets a sense into just how deeply in love with Mrs Grancy Claydon is. Though some critics might suggest that Claydon is self-absorbed. Thinking only of himself and not of others (like Ralph and Mrs Grancy). However one thing is certain and that is that Claydon is viewing Mrs Grancy as an object. Which may be the point that Wharton is making. She may be suggesting that at the time the story was written men objectified women rather than treating them as equals. For Claydon he has an image (or portrait) of Mrs Grancy which is not real. If anything Claydon has created a fantasy for himself. Though for him the fantasy is very real. He has what he wants. Complete control and possession over Mrs Grancy. Just as men in general had control and possession over women at the time the story was written. Claydon might also think that he has won his rivalry with Ralph however the reality might be very different. All that Claydon is left with is a portrait of Mrs Grancy and a memory of a time they spent together. He has not really won anything. Though his fantasy may be real to him. It still is only a fantasy.
I love your work so much thanks babe.
Who is the narrator of the story and what do we know about him?
It’s one of the mutual friends of Mr. Grancy and Claydon. An unnamed narrator.
After Mrs Grancys death , the narrator pays Grancy a visit. What does she notice about the painting?
Thank you very much can you do the open boat by Stephen Crane?
Hi! Can you please explain to me how does Wharton’s life influence her writing in this story? Thanks.
How is the title connected to the story though?
The moving finger of Claydon (the painter) when he paints and repaints Ms Grancy. This would make sense, because in the end, as was explained in the summary, the whole story is (mainly) revolved around control, controlling Ms Grancy’s painting after she died, and the main character to be quite obsessed with the painting is Claydon. Therefore, it is safe to say the title refers to Claydon’s ‘moving finger’ while he’s painting.
Really late, but The Moving Finger is actually a reference to verse 51 of the Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám, which goes ‘The Moving Finger writes and having writ moves on’
In essence, it’s about the importance of moving on once something has happened. It’s significant to the story because the whole text is based on the fact that Mr. Grancy CAN’T move on. He’s so obsessed with Mrs. Grancy that he has her portrait updated several times – which, you can argue, in a way forced her spirit to stay alive too.
Hi nice job! Did Claydon feel lonely after Miss Grancy’s death?
I think he did. He was also heart broken which might explain as to why he repainted the portrait.
I was certainly wondering, how many reviews do you write per week?
Besides that, well done you are very talented
Thank you for writing this, its helped me out a lot, but I had one question, what are some examples of loneliness?
Thank you very much, I would be grateful if you would help with the story there would come soft rains by Ray Bradbury
the reader realises after reading the story that ___ may be exploring the theme of ___
What does Claydon mean by saying that Mrs. Grancy’s beauty belongs to him?
Can you tell me a little bit about the structure of the story (writing style, narrative, etc), and what it signifies?
This was really helpful! Can you please do the analysis of “The Stoat” by John McGahern??
Also do you do analysis of poems?? I really need help with poetry??
Uhmm I am writing a psychological report of Ralph. Can you help me by telling me Ralph’s age and his background? Please help me. I will be very greatful. Btw nice work up there, it really helped me to understand the story.
Don’t you think that the narrator might have had feelings for Mrs. Grancy from some of the phrases used
Thanks for the previous reply. Though I have another question. How long has Ralph and Mrs. Grancy been married for? I need this for the background in my psychological report. Thanks a lot. Appreciate your previous reply.
You’ll find the answer on the first line of the second section of the story (three years).
Thanks for the answer. I am naturally bad in English. Thanks for understanding and your help. It means a lot to me. You are really nice you know.
can u narrow it down in 150-200.
Character sketch of Mrs. Grancy pls
hey what happened to the first wife did they get divorced, did they live together i am confused please help after 6 hours i have exam god damn
Are there two Mrs Grancy’s ???
Could you please show me some examples of short sentences used to build up tension on page 77-79 , thank you
How does Wharton make this a powerful opening to the short story?
Was Claydon in love with Mrs Grancy or the portrait of her
Please what structural elements are used in the prose?
how does the writer convey the themes of the story in the denouncement?
How do you feel about the ending of the story moving finger?
Hello, sorry to bother you.
in the beginning of the story the writing is extremely pretentious. Could you by any chance explain the sentence ‘it was as though all renovating forces had been checked by the clogging o that one wheel’. What is the clogging the wheel and the renovating forces?
Many thanks.
Hi, I’ve read your analysis on various short stories and I must say you do an amazing job.
What are the symbols in this text?
Actually my tuition teacher was trying to explain this to us but it really wasn’t getting cleared. Thank you soo much, this article really helped for my coming trials…
Hi, great work! But can you tell me what struck you about the text? What did you find interesting or significant about the text? Thanks so much
Informative post! Just one question. What did you think about the ending? Do you think it’s an important and significant one? If you do so, please explain.
In which places are literary devices used in this story?
Can we view this as a fresh start…? Just like one picked another wife after the death of the first? – hence the repaint… or the quest to still think that he is in control even after death – (original creator)…or the question of how can something so valuable- good come to an end? “preserve it in its young state!”
my view – have you ever thought about the fact – “Why when people die and family wish to make / frame a picture – usually placed near the casket – its always a fresh picture / portrait of the Late?” maybe trying to preserve the person in that very beautiful mode they want to relate to every time they remember the person…
How does the author portray the suffering of the characters in the story
Are there any other points that portray suffering
how does claydon react when the narrator suggests that he takes a trip out to grancys house with him on saturday? Why do you think he reacts this way?
thank you very much this was great! i have only 1 question, how many times does Claydon paints the portrait? the first time that he is asked by Ralph, then he makes older Mrs Grancy and is there other time in which he paints it? thank u
how does the author present the first mrs grancy compared to the second mrs grancy?
Can you mention some symbolical lines in the story and a few examples that might help out as references?
How does Wharton vividly convey the narrator’s thoughts and feelings?
What did Grancy ask Claydon to do to the portrait?
What did Claydon feel after he had painted Mrs. Grancy?
What happens to Grancy and Claydon in the end?
Can we say that Grancy had three wives? Why?
You need to like actually read the story not like intro
Define the element of mystery in the story?
What were Claydon’s real motives behind editing the portrait?
In what way does Wharton vividly reveal the effect Ralph Grancy’s wives have on him
Was Claydon Ralph’s friend before Mrs Grancy?
What Stylistic devices?
What is the purpose of the story. what is the author trying to say
why is it called the moving finger?
You do realize that your writing needs significant revision of its grammar, syntax, and punctuation?
What was the plot of the story? And what were the striking moments?
What causes the death of the first and second Mrs. Grancy?
Bro you should learn to add a punctuation called comma(“,”) in your posts. Otherwise, your work is amazing.
Thanks a lot for saving my incoming lit exam! Just a question, did “the moving finger” appear in the story? How is the story linked with the “finger” stuff? (I am a Chinese student, and I think the story is totally dizzying and makes no sense before reading your analysis).
How does Edith portray the theme of dependency through this short story between Claydon , Ralph and Mrs Grancy
Do you think there’s an almost spiritual or supernatural sense throughout the story, as though Mrs Grancy is perhaps still in their world or is that too much of a stretch?
You could be right. Both men are still obsessed with her as though she was still alive.
in what ways does the author makes the reader to sympathize with the character grancy and claydon??
What is the relevance of title “The Moving Finger”?
It’s a reference to verse 51 of the Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám, which is all about the importance of moving on. It’s relevant because obviously, moving on is something Mr. Grancy really struggles with, as evident by the fact that he updates the portrait several times.
How is the story intriguing?
The statement of Clayton “i turned my real woman into picture” what it mean.?
what differing reactions does grancy state that he and claydon had to the changed portrait