The Last Breath by Sam Kahiga
In The Last Breath by Sam Kahiga we have the theme of conflict, control, selflessness, sacrifice, love, gratitude and change. Narrated in the first person by an unnamed narrator the reader realises from the beginning of the story that Kahiga might be exploring the theme of conflict and love. The narrator is very much in love with Eva however his father does not agree with the romance due to the fact that Eva is blind. If anything it is the father who is blind as he cannot see it in himself to look beyond Eva’s disability. He is stuck in his ways and adamant that the narrator will not marry Eva. It may also be important that in the first three sentences of the story Kahiga makes reference to eyes and sight. It is possible that Kahiga is using irony, particularly when it comes to the narrator’s father. There is also a sense that the narrator’s life is being controlled by his father. Not only when it comes to his relationship with Eva but his job choice was a decision made for him by his father. It is as though the narrator is not allowed to follow the path he wishes to follow due to the input of his father. The father is the one who is gauging for the narrator what is suitable and what will make the narrator happy. In reality the narrator’s father is controlling him and the narrator is acutely aware of this. Rather than being happy with the choices his father has made for him the narrator is sad and bitter about the circumstances he finds himself in.
The narrator’s mother also plays a significant role in the story and is more understanding of how the narrator feels about Eva. However it is interesting that she like her husband does not think that it is a good idea for the narrator to marry Eva. The mother’s role is more of a peacemaker between father and son. It may also be significant that Kahiga tells the reader that the sunshine has left the narrator’s mother. It is possible that she is symbolically as much in the dark as her husband is when it comes to the narrator wanting to marry Eva. There is also no doubting that the friction between father and son has taken an effect on the narrator now that he knows his father is dying of cancer. He does not wish his father to be dead rather he silently loves him and begins to possibly accept his father for who he is. The battles that they have fought over Eva do not appear to take on the same significance. The engagement ring also plays a significant role in the story. Though it has the outward appearance of being something cheap it’s deeper meaning and importance cannot be underestimated. It is a symbol again no matter how cheap it may look of the narrator’s love for Eva.
The fact that the narrator’s father also donates his cornea to Eva shows a redemptive quality within the father. His stance on Eva has changed dramatically as too has his view of the narrator’s relationship with Eva. With his pending death he appears to have an epiphany or moment of realisation and for the first time is sacrificing something of himself in order to help the narrator and Eva. If anything Kahiga could be suggesting that the narrator’s father with his last breath before he died decided upon donating his cornea to Eva. Where previously the narrator’s father had scorned upon the idea of the narrator marrying Eva his act of generosity in giving Eva sight suggests that the narrator’s father for the first time in the story understands his son and acknowledges that he is in love with Eva. The narrator’s father is making sacrifices which will benefit not only the narrator but Eva too. In what can only be described as an act of altruism. If anything the narrator’s father is setting aside his own feelings and acting selflessly. Where many would focus on themselves at the time of their death the narrator’s father doesn’t. He thinks of his son and Eva.
The end of the story is also interesting as Kahiga appears to be exploring the theme of gratitude. The narrator while he is standing by his father’s grave thanks his father for his kindness. Even though he suspects that his father can’t hear him (mute grave). He is still none the less grateful for his father’s actions despite the fact that his father was ill and dying when he decided to donate his cornea to Eva. Again the narrator’s father was acting selflessly and for the benefit of another human being. The reader is also left to assume that Eva and the narrator have gotten married as Eva is waiting for the narrator at the end of the story in the narrator’s home. Not only is there a sense of gratitude from the narrator but he appears to be happy too. His father’s donation has given the woman he loves sight. Where at the start of the story there was conflict at the end there is resolution and happiness. The narrator being able for the first time to live his life as he wants to live it and not how others might want him to live which had previously been the case in the story when the narrator’s father attempted successfully to control the narrator’s life.
A touching story
To what extent does the narrator’s father have feelings?
Interesting stuff
Interesting story
How many references are there to sight and. Seeing in these line, ” i looked atbhim swiflty.His eyes were steady on the road. Anger flooded through me…… the inner Eva.
Why did the writer name Eva only but not the other characters?
Where do the speaker and his father go to see eva?
why is the narrator so in love with Eva?
She understand him
Give two reasons for the speaker’s happiness in line 11 and 12
What is Eva’s responses to the narrator’s proposal ?give 2 points
Why did Sam Kahiga refer to Eva as Inner Eva in the story?
Did the narrator realize who the donor of Eva’s corneas was?
Thanks for the comment Lelo. Yes the narrator knows that his father donated his cornea to Eva.
Nope he didn’t realize
What was meant by sunshine?
Thanks for the comment Papzen. When the narrator tells his mother that Eva has told him that he has ‘brought sunshine into her life.’ It means that Eva feels as though the narrator has brought light, joy and happiness into her life.
Why was the narrator’s father taken aback when the narrator suggested (in the beginning of the story) that he should “…give her eyes”?
What does the narrator mean when saying “for how long would dad keep on beating home the fact? As if it wasn’t home already.”
What does the writer mean when he says “whatever it was it made no difference”*the last breath*
I request help I am grade a 12 learner.
Thanks for the comment Tshikondela. What kind of help would you like?
Briefly, the conflict in the story?
Thanks for the comment Tshikondela. The conflict in the story is between the narrator and his father. The narrator’s father doesn’t believe that the narrator should marry Eva (because she is blind). This leads to conflict between both characters.
What really happened to Eva’s eyes that lead to her blindness. Discuss.
Do you think the title of the story is relevant? Substantiate.
The title may be important as the narrator’s father may have only decided to donate his cornea to Eva when he was dying or literally taking his last breath.
Why is the story called the last breath?
Thanks for the comment Nosipho. It is most likely that the story got its name from the narrator’s father. On his death bed or last breath he might have decided to donate his cornea to Eva.
Because someone died
What made the father of narrator change his mind about his son’s relationship with Eva…and why did he decide to give her his cornea (sight)?
Why does the narrator want to marry Eva when he comes ‘of age.’
Thanks for the comment Jay. The narrator wants to marry Eva because he loves her and he will be able to do so without the interference of his father.
According to this story. When will he come of age? Will it be when he is 18 or 21?
18 because we learn that the narrator is 17 and left with few months if not days to reach 18
While driving home the father and the narrator do not agree. Describe their disagreement (write two sentences.)
Why does Eva refuse the ring
In the first three sentences there are a number of references to eyes and sight. Why do you think this is so?
Thanks guyz for all ur contribution,think it will be helpful to us during the paper that we are going to write Wednesday.
What happened to the narrator when his father interfered with his dreams in the past
Thanks for the comment Sthembilr. The narrator has lived his life as an unhappy person because he followed the rules his father set in place for him. Any dreams the narrator had did not reach fruition.
Why does Eva refuse the ring?
Thanks for the comment Nsindiso. Eva wants to wait till she can see the ring. She wants to wait till after her cornea operation.
Where is the irony in this short story?
What was the intention of the narrator’s father for not allowing his son to marry Eva?
Thanks for the comment Nhlakanipho. The narrator’s father didn’t think that the narrator would live a prosperous life if he married Eva. The narrator’s father considered Eva to be more of a hindrance than a help. Also the narrator’s father though he wished the best for his son it was on his terms. He wished to remain in control of the narrator’s life.
Why does Eva turn her face away from the narrator “She turned away her face.”
Thanks for the comment Lungisani. As far as I can figure out Eva turns her head away as a reaction to hearing the news that the narrator’s father has lung cancer. She is most likely sad about hearing this news.
Thank you for this really helped me to fully understand what the story is all touching
My questions are.
Why Eva turned away her face from the narrator?
Who is always caught between two characters?
Why is the story called the last breath?
I’ve answered your first question in the comment above Lungisani.
The narrator is caught between Eva and his father. So too is the narrator’s mother caught between the narrator and the narrator’s father (her husband).
It is most likely that the narrator’s father decided to donate his cornea when he was on his death bed. Making the decision with his last breath.
Why did the narrator buy a cheap ring to marry Eva? What does this ring symbolise?
Thanks for the comment Molefe. It is most likely that the narrator has very little money, hence the cheap ring. Though he could have saved up his money and bought a more expensive ring. He didn’t want to wait and wanted to ask Eva to marry him immediately so strong is his love for her. The ring itself symbolises the narrator’s love for Eva.
Why did narrator’s father not realize he had increased speed?
Thanks for the comment Zandile. The narrator’s father was probably unaware that he was driving faster because he was angry. The narrator stands up to his father (saying give Eva eyes). This is probably a shock to the father and as such he begins to drive faster.
A terrible cough shook his frame and the car swerved dangerously to the edge of the road .What’s the effect and the result of this line in the story?
Kahiga is most likely using this line as foreshadowing. The reader is told later on in the story that the narrator’s father has lung cancer which eventually kills him. The narrator’s father is driving dangerously and could have killed himself and the narrator. This would mirror the fact that the narrator’s father eventually dies of lung cancer. The terrible cough which shook the narrator’s father is in all probability a sign of the lung cancer.
The narrator’s father disapproved of the marriage between his son and Eva. Was that a good decision?
The narrator’s father was probably looking out for or at least thought he was protecting the narrator. He may have thought that living with somebody who was blind was too difficult for the narrator. As to whether it is a good decision is left to each individual reader to decide. Some will see the father as being right. While others might suggest that the narrator’s love is strong enough to bear any difficulties he might face.
In the short story “A Chip of Glass Ruby” how does the title align with the the story itself?
Gordimer may be suggesting that Mrs Bamjee is a shining light (chip of glass ruby shining) in a dark place (apartheid).
Where did Eva stay before being married to the narrator?
Where did Eva and the narrator first meet?
Thanks for everything Dermot you’re a life saver.
Beside the father disagreeing with the speaker, what else have they disagreed on?
I think Eva was right that the narrator brought her light, since she (Eva) received a cornea from his (narrator’s) father
What does the coughing/cough mean on page 98 (transforming moments )….the meaning of the word doesn’t seem to be the normal coughing…
Thank you so much Dermot
Why the did writer only mention the name of Eva?
Hi if I may ask who is the main character of the last breath?
What does the narrator want or desire in this story and what stands in the way of his desire?
He wants to marry Eva but his father is against that matter
To what extent do you feel the father is right to be worried and what extent do you think he is wrong?
What is the narrator in the story? And what distracted the narrator if his desire. Lastly how does the narrator found Eva?
Explain why the narrator is asking for his father’s forgiveness?
One word for the phrase ‘ Cross Over ‘?
Refer to the figure of speech ‘Bright as an angel’
Here are the last Questions
(1) Compare and contrast the narrator’s feelings towards his father at the beginning and the end of the story.
(2) If you were the narrator’s father would you have donated your organ to help the narrator (son) after he had shown disrespect towards you?
(3) Refer to the sentence,’I’ve got my bags packed! Explain why Eva’s bags are packed.
(4) Discuss the relevance of the title ‘The Last Breath’ in this story
(1) At the start of the story the narrator is arguing with his father over his relationship with Eva. However at the end of the story the narrator realises that he is eternally grateful to his father for donating his cornea to Eva. There is a shift from anger to gratitude.
(2) The narrator’s father has shown great strength by donating his cornea. A strength that many people may not have. The narrator’s father has shown the narrator true love.
(3) Eva’s bags are packed because she is going to the hospital to receive a new cornea.
(4) The Last Breath as a title suggests that the narrator’s father on his death bed decided that he would donate his cornea to Eva. With his last breath the narrator’s father is showing the narrator (and Eva) how much he loves them.
Thanks Dermot. I really appreciate it.
Hey Dermot
busy with something?
Here are my Questions please don’t hesitate to answer
1. What happened to the narrator when his father interfered with his dreams in the past?
2. Describe the Narrator’s Relationship with his father
3. Why is the Narrator So in love with Eva?
Reveal the narrator’s character
What is the meaning of the title?
What is the setting and theme of the story?
Thanks for the comment Hoperams. The story is set between the home for the blind that Eva lives in and the narrator’s family home. The central theme of the story is sacrifice. Though there are also sub themes The sub themes are conflict, control, selflessness, love, gratitude and change
Please help me with the following questions because I’ve been given work about this book at school to write about it’s title, author, characters, main character, setting, six figures of speech, 10 vocabulary list, plot in two paragraphs.
The title of the story is The Last Breath and Sam Kahiga (author) might be using the title to suggest that the narrator’s father on his last breath before he died decided to donate his cornea to Eva. There are four characters in the story. The narrator, his father, his mother and Eva. The narrator is the main character. The story is set in two different places. The school for the blind where Eva lives and the narrator’s family home. As for figures of speech. I have brought sunshine into her life (narrator about Eva). I’d plunge her back into darkness (narrator about Eva again). My happiness was in Eva’s hand (narrator about Eva). A voice that chilled my heart (narrator on finding out his father is sick). How could I ever leave this angel (narrator about Eva). It was August, and life was once more brisk and lively (narrator commenting on the month of August). I’m not sure what you mean by a vocabulary list.
The plot in a few sentences would be. The narrator loves Eva. However his father is against the narrator marrying Eva because she is blind. This causes an argument which remains unresolved. Later in the story the narrator finds out that his father has cancer. The narrator proposes to Eva but she tells him to wait as she has the opportunity for her sight to be restored. The narrator’s father dies and after his death the narrator discovers that his father donated his cornea to Eva and that is why Eva is now able to see. The narrator also realises that his father truly loved him despite their argument.
Hi, I am an English teacher in grade 12 will you kindly provide me with question and answers of the story,because the summary and analysis is here already
Last paragraph
There is no time to waste, on a fine morning like this especially with Eva and “Mother back in the house waiting for the oranges”.
I need the figure of speech used.
Life was once more brisk and lively.
Figure of speech used here guys.
Hello please help me with this questions. 1.Identify characters and describe their characterisation. For each of the characters give at least 3 traits. 2.Describe nature of conflict brought in the story. Thanks
The narrator – loves Eva and is prepared to marry her without his father’s consent. Which shows a defiant streak. Likely to be always there for Eva due to the love he feels for her. He is a caring person.
Eva – loves the narrator though wants to wait till she has an eye operation before she marries him. Accepts she is blind and that she can still live her life. A determined woman.
The narrator’s father – is a stubborn man who may not necessarily understand his son. Lacks compassion for Eva and does not think the narrator should marry Eva.
The narrator’s mother – is caught in the middle between her love for her husband and her love for her son. She doesn’t think the narrator should marry Eva because she is blind. But will accept whatever course of action he decides upon.
The main conflict in the story is the fact that the narrator’s father does not want the narrator to marry Eva because she is blind. He does not appear to be able to see past Eva’s blindness unlike the narrator. However the narrator’s father has a change of heart when he is dying and on his last breath before dying agrees to donate his cornea to Eva so that the narrator and Eva can be happy.
The title has two meanings what are those meanings?
What does the mother mean when she says that they do not want their son to be unhappy?
thank u but I still have questions
1. Reasons why the writer named the girl but not other characters ?
2. Is the tittle appropriate in view of the story gives reasons?
3. The Fathers decision to help Eva and to donate his corneas in the story ,find two quotes to prove this?
4. To which extent can the Father’s residence towards the marriage be justified or not?
Hello.. Can you please help me with this questions.
1. Group the characters in terms of static and dynamic characters. For those who are grouped as dynamic characters why are they referred as dynamic.
2. What do we learn from this story/what is the moral from this short story
Who was the conflict resolver?
Thank u.
Eva said “But God him” . How did Eva know that it is a HIM who donated a new cornea ?
Okay thank you.
1.Discuss the suitability if the title of the short story “The last breath”
2. Discuss how the theme of discrimination is evident in the story
1. The title of the story would be appropriate as the narrator’s father on his last breath when he was dying decided upon donating his cornea to Eva.
2. The narrator’s father discriminates against Eva based solely on the fact that she is blind. He doesn’t think she is suited to be the narrator’s girlfriend (wife).
Hello Dermot can you help me with these questions?
1. In the first three sentences there are number of references to eyes and sight. Why do you think this is so?
2. What does narrator want,or desire in the story,and what stands in the way of his desire?
3. Why driving home,the father and son do not agree describe the disagreement (write two sentences )
4. The mother is worried about the situation and reveals her concern to the son:discuss what her concern is?
5. To what extent do you feel the father is right to be worried, and to what extent do you think he is wrong? Discuss.
6. The second section of the story begins with a description of the weather, which concludes with “Sunshine seemed forever gone from my mother ” Explain how the weather is used symbolically?
7. Describe the engagement ring,and say what it tells us about the narrator?
8. Why does Eva refuse the ring?
9. What does the narrator learn about his father in this story?
Hey Dermot so here are the Questions
of The Last Breath :
1.Where do the speaker and his Father go to see Eva?
2.Refer to lines 1-2 (‘My Last Word …to Marry me’)
a)Identify the speakers tone in these lines
b)Why Is the speakers tone appropriate at this particular stage in the story?
3.What does the Words,’the angel in her’Suggest about Eva’s Character?
4.Quote Six Consecutive Words that indicate that the Speaker’s Father is ill?
5.what does the Speaker’s father Correct(He corrected. ..In his seat’)? does the Narrator’s Relationship with his father differ from his relationship with his Mother?
7.Later in the story, the speaker proposes marriage to Eva
a )Explain why the following is False :
The speaker proposes with a Diamond ring.
b)What is Eva’s Response to the Speaker’s proposal? State Two Points.
8.Discuss how the theme of discrimination is evident in this extract.
9.discuss the Suitability of the title of the Short Story, The last Breath
I appreciate it.
I really appreciate it and it really helped me to understand the story. Thanks!
Dermot I need your help.
Tomorrow I have to do a speech based on The Last Breath so please summarize it in short for me.
The narrator who is unnamed is in love with a young blind woman called Eva. He tells his father that he plans on marrying Eva but the father does not think this is a good idea. They have an argument with neither man agreeing with the other. The narrator talks to his mother about Eva and she too does not think that it would be a good idea for the narrator to marry Eva. The narrator’s mother also tells the narrator that his father is ill. Despite this the narrator goes ahead with his plans to ask Eva to marry him but she tells him that she wants to wait till she can see again. It is only after his father has died that the narrator realises that his father donated his cornea to Eva. Even though they had argued the father wanted to see the narrator happy and realised he loved Eva.
Good luck with your speech.
1. what is the mood of the short story. provide reasons
2. At what point is the climax reached in the story?
3. identify the settings of the short story.
4. who is the narrator of the short story?
5. what happened to the narrator as the story concluded?
1. The mood of the story at first is one of disbelief or anger followed by acceptance. At the start of the story the narrator cannot believe that his father would judge Eva based solely on the fact that she is blind. At the end of the story the narrator realises he has misjudged his father.
2. As far as I can work out the climax occurs when Eva decides to wait when it comes to getting married. She knows that someone has donated their cornea to her and she wants to wait to see the ring.
3. The story is set in two different places. The school for the blind where Eva lives and the narrator’s family home.
4. A young unnamed man.
5.The narrator accepts that his father always loved him.
who is/are the main character(s) ?
I need help on the plot of the story.
In the first three sentences there are a number of references to eyes and sight. Why is this so?
1. ( ‘what will you do? you can’t marry her like that!’…)
a). why does the boy take his father to meet Eva?
b). why does the speaker use ‘her’ and not the name of the girl?
c). identify the tone the speaker uses.
2. (‘we’ve gone through this before.’)
a). the speaker and his father have also disagreed on another matter. what have they disagreed on?
3. (‘when i come of age…Eva to marry me.’)
a). state why the son wants to marry Eva when he comes ‘of age’.
4. (‘a look of surprise momentarily came to dad’s face.’)
a). why does the father seem to be surprised?
5. identify two characteristics of the father.
6. discuss the mother’s and father’s view of Eva.
7. ‘acceptance’ is one of the themes in this story. Discuss this theme
8. do you think the tittle of this short story is appropriate? substantiate your answer
What’s caused Eva to be blind?
Can you highlight the importance of organ donation?
Hi explain both the literal and figurative meaning of the title of this story.
Dear Dermot
You are the greatest super hero i know,thank you for you help.
What could you conclude about each character and please explain how each character is characterized
Hello Dermot
I’d like to really know if you have summaries of My Children, My Africa and The Doll’s House stories?
I haven’read My Children, My Africa but you will find an analysis of The Doll’s House here.
Hello Dermot
Can I ask you some questions regarding The Doll’s House And My Children My Africa summary stories?
Hello Dermot
Here Are Some Certain Questions I Really Wanna Know Regarding The Doll’s House Story..
1.How are Mrs Burnell and Mrs Kelveys described in the short story?
Give TWO descriptions of EACH character.
2.Refer to lines 2-3 (‘ Like two little . . . .doll’s house stood’).
(a) Identify the figure of speech in this line.
(b)Explain why this figure of speech is appropriate.
3.Give TWO examples from the story to prove that the Kelveys are poor.
4.Give TWO possible reasons why Else is ‘dazed’ in lines 20-22 (‘ They did not. . . .the white gate’).
5.Explain the irony in the words,’Wicked, disobedient little girl!’ (line 23) in the context of the story as a whole.
6.In your opinion, do the Kelveys contribute to the way in which they are treated by others? discuss your view.
1. Mrs Burnell does not want Kezia to bring the Kelveys to her home to see the doll’s house. Which may suggest she is selfish and does not want her children associating with the Kelveys due to their lower class status. Mrs Kelvey has struggled through life. The reader aware that she makes the children’s clothes from pieces of material donated by others. Also Mr Kelvey may be in jail.
2. You seem to be working off an extract. I don’t have access to the extract.
3. Their mother making their clothes for them from scraps of material from other people. I think they eat just jam sandwiches for lunch. Whereas the other children may eat meat.
4. Again I don’t have access to the extract.
5. If anyone is being wicked, and disobedient it is Aunt Beryl. The Kelvey’s have done nothing wrong throughout the story.
6. I don’t think either of the girls are responsible for the position they find themselves in. It is others who have judged them by their appearance and the fact that their father might be in prison.
hi dermot I had some few questions about the short story LAST BREATH
1.Do you think it is fair to judge Eva because of her disability?give reason for your answer
2.what is meant by this phrase in the contex of this short story? “THEY WERE DENYING ME THAT HAND FOR MARRIAGE”
What are the characteristics of each character?
Hi Dermot
Can you please help me.
Discuss the significance of the “terrible cough” and the dangerous swerve of the father in the story of the last breath.
1.mention one event in the story where the father interfered with the narrator’s dreams.
2.why would you think the title of the story is called “His Last Breath?”
3.Answer true or false and give reason for your answer: Eva agreed to marry the narrator when he was proposing for the first time.
4.Eva was a beautiful Young girl ,quote a phrase of not move than six words in the extract that describes her beauty?
5.Then give her eye’s:How is the above statement fulfilled in the story?
6.Do you think it was fair for the father to judge Eva because of her disability? Motivate your answer?
1. When the narrator’s father made him work in the bank.
2. The narrator’s father most likely when he was dying and on his last breath agreed to donate his cornea to Eva.
3. False. She wanted to wait for the cornea operation first.
4. I don’t have access to the extract you are working off.
5. The narrator’s father donates his cornea to Eva. Helping her to see again.
6. No it wasn’t fair. Nobody should be judged by their disability.
Compare and contrast characters in the story.
1 The father in the story shows prejudice towards the blind girl whom his son wants to marry. Why do you think he feels this way?
2. Explain the unexpected twist which occurs in the story.
3. How does the writer use the changes in weather to reflect the son’s feelings?
4. How is the title of the story relevant to the plot and the changes?
5. How does the narrator’s mother feel about the blind girl?
6.The month of August arrives and ‘life was once more brisk and lively’. Ecplain why this is so.
What is the message of this story?
1. In the first three sentences there are a number of references to eyes and sight.Why do you think this is so?
2. What does the narrator want,or desire,in this stroy,and what stands in the way of his desire?
3. While driving home,the father and son do not agree: describe their disagreement.
4. The mother is worried about the situation,and reveals her concern to the son: discuss what her concern is.
5. To what extent do you feel the father is right to be worried,and to what extent do you think he is wrong?Discuss.
Where do the narrator and his father go to see Eva?
What does the lamb symbolize in the dolls house
can you please explain this on the last breath
1. Setting
2. Characters
3. Climax
4. Atmosphere
5. Theme
6. Plot
7. Background
8. Type of Narrator
9. Rising action
10. Denouement
1. Eva’s home for the blind and the narrator’s family home.
2. the narrator, his father and mother and Eva.
3. Eva refusing to accept the wedding ring.
4. Hopelessness and hopefulness.
5. Several themes with the central theme being sacrifice.
6.Young man (the narrator) wants to marry girl (Eva). His father disagrees but as the story progresses the narrator realises that his father is willing to make sacrifices for him (donating his cornea) so that he can marry Eva.
7. Narrator wants to marry Eva. However his father objects to the marriage.
8. First person.
9. The narrator’s father has lung cancer and though the focus is on him. The father himself is focused on helping Eva.
10. Narrator visiting father’s grave and showing gratitude.
can you please help me with the theme of the Last breath short story
Hi Dermot can you help me in finding the tone and the mood of the story and please explain them?
What is the darkness seen in the story guys?
Thank you very much it really helped me to see dis cz I have understanding of this book
What is the theme of the last breath
The second section of the story Begin’s with a description of the weather, which concludes with “sunshine seemed forever gone from my mother” how did the weather used symbolically???
What are the figures of speech in this story of “last breath”?
Hi Dermot. can u pls help me on this
A.Refer to line 1-2 ‘I looked at …. the Inner Eva
B.How many references are there to sight and seeing in these line?
C.Suggest why these references are significant.
D.Exaplain what the narrotor means by ”the Inner Eva”
E.Refer to line 4:”come of age ….marry me.Explain the meaning of to”come of age”
F.What place have they been ”visiting”?
G.Refer to line 10-12:”a look of….hold of dad”
A.Exaplain what the narrator think s ”had got hold” of his father.
B.What makes her dad look surprised and increase his speed.
C.Refer to line 15-16:”glimpse of the….helpples Eva was.”commmmenton the effect of metaphor the narrator uses her
D.Refer to line 19:”Dad dind’t reply….shook his frame”.Discuss the significance of the “terrible cough” and the dangerouse swerve.
Who is always caught between the two opposing characters?
The mother is worried about the situation and reveals her concern to the son: discuss what her concern is
Why do you think narrator’s mother came to his room after he and his father returned from visit with Eva
Another take on what was considered an act of goodwill by the father… The cornea donation to Eva could possibly imply that the actions of his son would forever be viewed through his [the father] eyes. Remember that the father denied his son the chance to follow his dream of a career in music and the son capitulated…and agreed to work in a bank. I don’t think it was a selfless act [he was on the verge of dying anyway] but a final attempt by the father to be in control.
The son also blows hot and cold about wanting to be an adult and make adult decisions and then becomes highly emotional as a result of his father’s non-acceptance of his mate of choice.
Can you please summarise the story in short?
A father and son have a disagreement over the son’s choice of the girl he wants to marry. The son despite this intends to marry his girlfriend who is blind. The father contracts cancer and changes his opinion about the girlfriend and donates his cornea to the son’s girlfriend so that she can see again.
Can you plz discuss six themes of the last breath plzzzz
Is the mother pretending to approve their relationship?? because it is said that she doesn’t approve the idea of marriage?
Explain the discussion that occurred earlier on before these words were said…, We all understand you,Mother said at last. But we do not want you to be unhappy
The son was talking to his mother trying to figure out why his father was not being supportive when it came to his relationship with Eva.
Thank U Mr D
Where do the speaker and the father go to see Eva?
My last word…… to marry me
(a) Identify the speaker ‘s tone in these lines
(b) Why is the speaker’s tone appropriate at this particular stage in the story
(a) Determined.
(b) It highlights the fact that he will not let go of Eva regardless of what his father thinks. That he is prepared to be independent of his father and stand up to him.
What’s does the words the angel in her suggest about Eva’s character
He corrected this (just in time too!) and settled comfortably in his seat
What’s does narrator’s father correct (he corrected this in his seat)
He moved the car from the edge of the road back into the correct lane.
Dad didn’t reply. A terrible cough shook his frame and the car swerved dangerously to the edge of the road.
Quote six consecutive words from the extract that indicate that the narrator’s father is ill
In the story the narrator said that he wants to marry Eva but the father insisted and said Eva was blind…..So, which tone did the father use?
What is the internal and external conflict in the story??
What is the style or the narrative technique in the story *last breath*
I would need to read the story again to answer your question. However you might find this link helpful.
But she is blind” explain the fathers tone
Discuss the theme of commitment in the story
what relevance does the title last breath has on the story
Why was the mother more of a peace-maker between the father and the narrator ?
Discuss the theme of sacrifice in the story
Which figures of speech are used in this story?
It seemed to me our ideas always clashed ever since….. there for a long time’
Identity and explain evident in these lines
What’s the full line or page number? Also what do you mean by explain evident.
Why is the narrator asking for his father’s forgiveness?
what happened to the narrator when his father interfered with his dreams in the past? and describe the narrator ‘s relationship with his father
Interesting story!
in the first three sentences there are a number of references to eyes and sight. why do u think this is so?
What is the suitability of the title of this story the last breath
Describe how the narrator pictured the proposal to the girl of his dreams and indicate how it differed from his actual proposal to eva
Describe the narrator’s relationship with his father
Who donated the cornea?
I got a lot of information from all your questions guys thank u!…..@Dermot U THE BEST! THANKS A LOT
Why narrator’s father is not happy for his son to marry Eva?
Eva knew that narrator’s father made corneal transplant for her?
Dermot are you still available, I want you to do some clear ups for on a drama book MY CHILDREN MY AFRICA
can u please help me with a paragraph of each of the following:
2.Rising action
4.falling action
Short version.
1. The narrator and his father are in the car after seeing Eva.
2. The narrator and his father have an argument over the narrator’s plans to marry Eva.
3. The narrator proposing to Eva and Eva knowing she is to have her cornea operation.
4. The narrator becomes aware of his father’s actions (donating his cornea to Eva).
5. The narrator is standing by his father’s grave and makes his peace with him.
Whats the plot summary of the last breath?
Mention two themes in this short story?
Hey…can you please give me the theme of organ donation, which organ has been donated, who is the donor and who is the receiver and why did the donor donate that particular organ.
Thanks guyz for the comments it really helpful for me
nothing much (appreciation post ♥)
In your point of view could have the matter of the narrator eased the tension between the narrator and his father.??
Discuss the style of introspection as used in the story
How is eva able to tell that the narrrator is sad the next time they meet
She picks up the sadness from the tone of the narrator’s voice.
How is the title significant?
Plz help with this question
Discuss the types of characters that are found in the story by giving examples to substantiate your answer
Can you please do a description of each character?
Also what is the setting of the story?
diary entry about the last breath first entry about after the fight he had with his father
second one at the end of the short story
What is meant by the phrase “inner Eva”?
In the last breath, the narrator visits Eva the second time and breaks the news about his father’s worse condition. Before he could propose to Eva, the narrator asks for his father’s forgiveness. He says, “Dad forgive me,” I thought as I took out the ring,… My understanding is this is before Eva informs him that she is going to hospital and subsequently his father’s passing on. I want to know why did he ask for his father’s forgiveness.
“For how long would Dad keep on beating home the fact?” Is this meant literally
or figuratively? Explain your answer in the context of the story.
What is the relationship between the son and the father
Do you think it is fair for the narrator’s father to judge Eva because of her disabilities?
The last breath
I really need help with
The exposition, the internal and external conflict, the rising action, the climax (turning point), the falling action, the resolution, Role of the narrator, and the message of the story
Where do the speaker and his father goto see Eva?
“sunshine seemed forever gone from my mother”, how is the weather used symbolically?
Kahiga is using the weather by suggesting that the mother is bereft. She is at a loss now that her husband is dying.
What are the different aspects of indirect portrayal of
Characterization in the story?
Discuss theme of love in the last breath
Where is the setting of the story
To what extent do you feel the father is right to be worried and to what extent do you think he is wrong ? Discuss
Plz help me with this
State TWO points to show that the young man in this has a good relationship with his mother?
For how long would dad keep a beating home the fact? Which figure of speech is this!?.
Do you sympathise with the narrator in this extract?Discuss your view
Discuss the theme of commitment as is evident in this extract
1. Identify the speaker’s tone in ‘But she is blind’. In the Last breath.
2. ‘For how long would dad keep on vesting home the fact? As if it wasn’t home already..To which ‘fact’ is the narrator referring in ‘ The last breath?
3. ‘Then give her eyes. A look of of surprise momentarily came to Dad’s face.’ Discuss why the father is momentarily surprised in ‘The last breath?
4. ‘I left the car silently…went to my room and sank on my bed with a sugh’. Explain why the narrator feels this way in ‘The last breath.
5. Discuss the theme of commitment as evidenced the story, The last breath.
Do you think the narrator is justified in his action if rejecting Eva? Substantiate your answer.
1. Do you think the narrator is justified in his action in rejecting Eva? Substantiate your answer.
What are the figures of speech in this story
Hello Dermot
I need help on the short stories last breath
2.6 identify the theme of this story
2.7 discuss your opinion on the relevance of the tittle of the story
Discussion what in your own opinion had got hold of dad that made him look suprised and increase his speed
What place does the narrator and his dad been visiting and why were they visiting
Parents do this to protect their children which children do not always understand.explain the protection in the story in the last Breath and explain why it is done
Why does the boy take his father to meet Eva?
Hi I have a question
Explain why the narrator is asking for his father’s forgiveness
This story is touching but I like it…. please help me here quote two words from paragraph that shows that the father was not happy for his son?
Who is the publisher of the last breath since Sam kahiga is the author?
What is plot of the story in ten points?
The narrator’s father is selfless and loving
Why is the title of the story “The Last Breath” suitable for it?
The narrator’s father on his last breath before dying decided to give Eva his cornea.
I’m a grade 12 learner can I get help please
While driving home the father and the son do not agree what’s the answer
What does Narrator learn from his father in this story
Can you give me permission to translate the novel into kiswahili language
Explain the feelings towards the characters in the story.(how we feel about them)
Theme , talk about Organ Donation, parental interference and prejudice against people with disabilities
Please analyze the title of the story.
Why Eva didn’t take the proposal ring ? Please summarise
Please explain why narrator go to his father grave.
What does the words ” the angel in her ” suggest about Eva’s character??
Explain why the narrator is asking for his father’s forgiveness
why do you think the narrator and his father went to see Eva in the first place?
Hey Dermot can I ask you some questions
Hey ..can I ask few questions about The last breath
Why does eve refuse the ring
In the first three sentences there are a number of references to eye and sight why do you think this is so?
What does the narrator want, or desire, in this story , and what stand in the way of his desire ?
The narrator wants his father to help Eva by giving his cornea to Eva. At the start the father is unsure as to whether ho wants to do this.
What’s the irony behind “then give her eyes”
that phrase is a metaphor, the way i understand is that the narrator angrily asks the father if he could help eva to regain her sight as he does not want eva to marry the narrator so he must find a way to regain her eyesight, as the father believes more into societal views than his son’s feelings (in other ways he is inconsiderate.