Rejection by Mariama Bâ
In Rejection by Mariama Bâ we have the theme of abuse, gender inequality, control, blame, rejection, acceptance, freedom and anger. Narrated in the form of an epistolary narrative the reader realises from the beginning of the story that Bâ may be exploring the theme of abuse. Modou’s relationship with Binetou is inappropriate (going by western standards) and if anything Modou is taking advantage of Binetou. He is over twice the age of Binetou and his daughter Daba is a friend and the same age as Binetou. However Modou sees nothing wrong with his relationship with Binetou, hence his desire to marry her. The narrator, who remains unnamed throughout the story is in shock, though she does not let others see this. Instead she holds herself firmly and does not allow for circumstances to negatively affect her in public. Even though it is clear to the narrator that she has been rejected by Modou after twenty five years of marriage. A rejection that in private and in the narrative cuts the narrator to the bone.
The new clothes that Modou buys Binetou may also be important because in many ways Modou is bribing Binetou. Something that is also noticeable by the fact that Modou promises to send Binetou’s parents to Mecca. It is as though Binetou is easily impressed (or bought) but it is also possible that Binetou lives in poverty and sees Modou as her only way out of poverty. Either way she is selling herself short. The role that women play in the story may also be significant as the narrator is forced to accept the conditions she finds herself in. No longer is she Modou’s only wife. She must share him with a younger and more attractive woman. Ironically the narrator blames herself for what is happening. That she must have done something wrong or upset Modou. This too may be important as it suggests that the narrator is not independent of Modou. That she is in some way being controlled by him. Regardless of what is happening to the narrator there is no doubting that she loves Modou. Why else would she stay with him? She knows she needs him to help raise her twelve children but she has a deep love for him too.
If anything the narrator is confused for most of the story. She immediately suspects that she will become Modou’s second and not first wife. She will have a different role to play than Binetou who gets all of Modou’s affections. This would not be a happy circumstance for the narrator. She is to play second fiddle to a younger wife. Not a good position for one to find themselves in. Though nonetheless the narrator as mentioned accepts the position she finds herself in. The marriage of Modou and Binetou also appears to have been a private affair with the narrator’s children not in attendance. Possibly because they would be like Daba and disagree with the marriage. Their own places in the family hierarchy would also be at stake. Such is the gender inequality that exits in the narrator’s home (and life).
The end of the story is also interesting as the narrator finally finds her voice albeit after Modou dies. She refuses to marry Tamsir and seeks to be independent of any man. It is as though she has been once bitten (by Modou) and is twice shy. Something that most readers will understand considering the circumstances that the narrator finds herself in. She is also for the first time in her life financially independent thanks to Daba and her husband’s investments. She does not need to worry about another husband looking after her. Something that Tamsir finds difficult to understand. This may be important as Tamsir appears to be using the narrator for his own advantage and not considering how the narrator really feels about Modou and her marriage to him. If anything the narrator has found freedom after Modou dies. She is reliant on no one who will abuse of mistreat her. However due to the anger the narrator feels she may not necessarily feel as though she is free. It will take time for the narrator to settle her thoughts and realise that she is independent of others. Where once she was the victim of Modou’s marriage to Binetou. This is no longer the case.
What are the reasons binetoe does not want to get merried??
1.Because the person she’ll be getting married too is old..
2.She also didn’t want to leave school for marriage
*because she did not want to leave school for marriage
because she wanted to study and get a bac so that she can go to university and pursue her dreams
*because binetou was still young and also the person wants to marry her was too old
Because binetou was still young and also the person wants to marry her is is her friend’s father
Because she don’t want to be married with an old man
She wanted to finish her baccalaureate
Because she does not want to leave school for marriage and the person who she is forced to marry is old enough to be her father
From the beginning Binetou was never in love with Modou this is evident in the nicknames she used when she was with her friend Daba. She referred to Modou as sugar- daddy, pot-belly etc. also it might be because she was embarrassed to marry a man old enough to be her father.
What are the reasons binetoe she’s been pressured to be merried?
*It is because her mothers wants her to give her life and a happy end in a proper house
*And the man she was to marry had promised them proper a house and pay for her expensive dresses
It because they lived in a poverty life
What does the title of the story rejection mean?
It means that the narrator rejected the offer from one of her husband’s relatives to marry her after her husband’s death and it also means to stop nonsense of being controlled and abused by another man or to be betrayed because felt betrayed by her husband who decided to leave her after many years to a girl twice his age.
*It means that the narrator had been rejected by her husband who had choosen to marry a young girl twice his age…
*And again at the end she choose to reject/refuse to be controlled or even abused again hense she didn’t want to marry Tamsir..
How does the speaker regain some of her pride in the story
After her husband died she was relieved and was able to speak for herself and rejected Tamsir’s proposal of marriage
I love this so much
Her mother is poor and wants her to marry Modou to escape from mediocrity and get a proper house and a trip to Mecca
All thanks to Daba and his husband ,I’d it wasn’t that then the narrator wouldn’t be where she is , even though she did suffer but learned not to be taken advantage of
From the beginning Binetou was never in love with Modou this is evident in the nicknames she used when she was with her friend Daba. She referred to Modou as sugar- daddy, pot-belly etc. also it might be because she was embarrassed to marry a man old enough to be her father.
Thanks for that insight Nkhensani.