Next Door by Kurt Vonnegut

In Next Door by Kurt Vonnegut we have the theme of conflict, appearance, guilt, innocence and coming of age. Taken from his Welcome to the Monkey House collection the story is narrated in the third person by an unnamed narrator and from the beginning of the story the reader realises that Vonnegut may be exploring the theme of conflict. Paul’s parents are in disagreement as to whether to leave Paul at home while they go to the movies. Paul’s father thinks that he will be okay at home alone while Paul’s mother thinks differently before being persuaded by her husband. It is also noticeable that Mr Harger and the blond woman are also fighting. Something that becomes clear to the reader while Paul is playing with his microscope. It may also be important that both the Leonards and Mr Harger are talking in low voices when they argue as it is possible that they do not wish to highlight their conflict to others (their neighbours). By allowing their neighbours to hear each other fighting both the Leonards and Mr Harger would be publicly airing their disagreements and disharmony. Something they are careful not to do. They are attempting to display an image of happiness and harmony rather than one of conflict. Something that becomes clearer to the reader when Mr Harger tells the blond woman to turn up the radio when they are fighting. The reader aware that Mr Harger is attempting to drown out the sound of his fighting with the blond woman.

It is also interesting that while Mr Harger is fighting that Paul’s lens for his microscope begin to crack. Symbolically it is possible that Vonnegut is suggesting that should an individual be put under the microscope they too will crack. When their life is really exposed for what it is. Which in the case of the story is both sets of adults fighting while a child ironically plays with a microscope. It may also be important that Paul feels guilty that he might be responsible for Mr Harger’s death. So innocent is Paul that he believes that by calling All Night Sam he has contributed to Mr Harger’s death. When the reality is he was not to know that the woman in the Harger’s apartment was not Mrs Harger nor was he to know that she had a gun. This is important as it exposes Paul’s innocence when it comes to what is happening in the Harger’s apartment. In reality he does not really know what is happening apart from two adults shouting at each other.

It may also be significant that Paul through fear runs to his bedroom and isolates himself from others after the shooting. Rather than using the phone to report the shooting Paul lies in his bed unaware of what to do when the reality is an adult may have went and seen for themselves if Mr Harger was okay. An adult would have put the pieces of the incident together and not have been as concerned as Paul has been. While Paul believes that Mrs Harger has murdered her husband an adult would have seen that the incident was no more than a lovers tiff between Mr Harger and the blond woman. With the true possibility being that Mr Harger is cheating on his wife. Which in many ways would explain Mrs Harger’s absence from the apartment. The reader too is lulled into thinking that Mr Harger has been shot by his wife which may be the point that Vonnegut is attempting to make. He may be suggesting that in reality a person may never really understand the motives or actions of another person (the blond woman) when they are reliant on hearing only one argument and that argument is drowned out by sounds from the radio.

The end of the story is also interesting as Paul appears to be coming of age. No longer is he afraid having been reassured by Mr Harger that everything is alright. He also does not tell the policeman of the shooting rather he lets Mr Harger take control of the situation and remains silent. Even when his mother and father returns Paul does not mention the shooting to his parents. Which shows a sign of maturity. Though some critics may suggest that Paul has been bribed by the blond woman. However it may be important to remember that Paul doesn’t necessarily know exactly what the blond woman has given to him. Everything she gave him was wrapped up in a ball and remained in Paul’s pocket. At no stage did Paul check how much money the woman gave him. The fact that Paul may be coming of age is also noticeable by the fact that his father slightly scolds his mother for calling Paul a little boy telling her that ‘He’s not a little boy—he’s a big boy.’ Though Paul has come of age he also has some explaining to do about the ball of money in his pocket. However Vonnegut never affords the reader the opportunity as to discover how Paul will explain how he got the money. It being left to each individual reader to decide as to what tale Paul will invent to explain away the money. What is clear though at the end of the story is that Vonnegut has allowed the reader, through Paul’s eyes, an insight into the dynamics of an individual’s relationship and how despite what we may hear or see. We may not always know the truth about other people’s relationships.

Cite Post
McManus, Dermot. "Next Door by Kurt Vonnegut." The Sitting Bee. The Sitting Bee, 29 Apr. 2017. Web.


  • This story is very interesting……I’ve learned that there are signs as whether the person is matured enough or not.

    • Please help me with the following Questions

      Outline the events that lead to Rose returning home..
      Explain the irony ‘Men are just lost without women!

      Identify the figure of speech “the ball of money in Paul’s pocket seemed to swell to the size of a watermelon..

      How does the figure of speech add to the description of Paul’s feeling at this point.

  • I want to ask if was it Mr Harger that was shot? And by who

    Plz plz plz m lost and that why Paul’s parents are saying he is no longer a young boy?

  • Very interesting story indeed but I am a bit puzzled at the end by the meaning of the word “Tabu”.

    • Dermot (Post Author)

      Thanks for the comment Sydney. Tabu may be a perfume. Paul has an assortment of things that were given to him by Mr Harger’s girlfriend. One of the items may be perfume. That’s what Paul’s father may be smelling Tabu perfume.

    • I think if refers to a perfume – the mother probably thinks Paul had a woman in the apartment while they were at the movies – another sign of his ‘coming of age’.

      • No the parents couldn’t have possibly believed Paul had a woman; he’s only 7 yrs old!

      • A woman in the house at 8 years is over reading the story. The parents believe he has come of age because he remained at home ‘without incident’as far as they are concerned.

        • Dermot (Post Author)

          Thanks for the comment Febion. The fact that the woman isn’t who Paul thinks she might be confusing for Paul. Similarly the fact she has a gun and attempts to bribe Paul (which he doesn’t realise) might also suggest that Paul is coming of age. He may have encountered his first crisis in life.

      • Also tabu sounds taboo used as a pun to answer Mr Leanards’ ambiguous questioning whether the smell of perfume or mystery of the money.

      • you really gave an interesting interpretation

  • I’m puzzled were Mr Harger and the blonde woman fighting at first before All-Night Sam sent a dedication to the Hargers?

  • Wow this is awesome hey x-(.

  • Confirm, really blond woman was busy making sex with Mr Harger?

  • Why is Paul interested so much in the microscope ? …was it mentioned that he was a science student??

  • This review is revealing – especially the analogy of the microscope and how it’s suggestive of life crumbling under pressure if one’s life is under the gaze. I didn’t really think much about it apart from the literal thrill the story posits in the reader.
    Other aspects of the review are also microscopic.

    Thanks for this Dermot.

    p.s: I am an educator in South Africa, and I think some of the interest in the story – together with your review – and the typographical flaws in most of the comments come from students who are in Grade 12 who may not have understood the story from the first readings they may have had with their teachers.

    I don’t know if you wrote the review to support students at grade 12? But, I doubt it. Haha.

  • So mr Harger was shot?… Why didn’t the police men see some blood?

  • A great read this story is, would I be correct to suggest a theme of bribery in this story? How so?

    Paul is bribed by the blonde woman to keep quiet about the events that took place. The one bribe is for three things( 1 stone hitting 3 birds perhaps?)

    1. He is bribed not to tell the police about the gun shot he has heard.
    2. He is bribed not to tell his own parents about the events that took place in their absence.
    3. He is bribed not to tell Mrs. Hager about the affair happening between her and Mr. Harger.

  • When referring to music players how is the phrase high fidelity usually abbreviated.

    A chrysanthemum is a flower that has many colourful petals: why do you think Vonnegut uses it in the metaphor at the end of story

    • Dermot (Post Author)

      Thanks for the comment Ntshuxeko. High Fidelity is usually abbreviated to Hi-Fi. I’m not too sure about the chrysanthemum perhaps Vonnegut is using it as symbolism to highlight the colourful or eventful evening that Paul had.

  • What figure of speech does the DJ All Night Sam use when he says that marriage “isn’t any bowl of cherries?

    How did Paul try to stop the fight from next door house?

    • Dermot (Post Author)

      Thanks for the comment Ntshuxi. The figure of speech used is called a metaphor.

      Paul called All Night Sam to try and stop Mr Harger and his girlfriend (who Paul assumed was Mrs Harger) from fighting. He thought that a song dedication would stop the fighting.

  • Is Harger cheating on his wife n plz support your answer by making reference to the story

  • Is Paul dreaming after his parents have left?

    • Dermot (Post Author)

      Thanks for the comment Nompilo. I don’t think that Paul is dreaming. If he is he has a very vivid imagination. Too much happens in the story for it to be a dream in my opinion.

  • Is this statement false and plz explain it for me:’the woman handed paul some cash’ plz plz

    • Dermot (Post Author)

      That line isn’t in the story. However the following line is ‘She dug into her purse and brought out a perfumed mulch of face tissues, bobbypins and cash.’ So it does look like Paul got some money from the blond woman in order for him to remain silent about what has happened.

    • the money was not handed to him but it was stuffed into his trousers pocket.

  • What figure of speech is used in this line and explain.

    ‘Numb, Paul crept out of the hot, dark cave, and answered the door’

    • Dermot (Post Author)

      It’s a metaphor. A metaphor is a figure of speech that describes an object or action in a way that isn’t literally true, but helps explain an idea or make a comparison.

  • May I ask this last question plz: Explain the use of ‘nossir’ and why is Paul terrified?

    • Dermot (Post Author)

      The term ‘nossir’ is in fact the words ‘no sir.’ Paul is replying to Mr Harger when Mr Harger asks Paul has he being playing with his father’s guns. Paul is possibly terrified because there is an argument next door, a gun is fired, the police arrive and Mr Harger takes no responsibility for what has happened. Leaving Paul to feel as though he is on his own.

  • Was Mr hanger really shot and why was Paul running away?

  • Why is All Night Sam referred to as a record man?

  • Sorry I don’t have a clear clue in terms of the theme coming of age.

    • Dermot (Post Author)

      Thanks for the comment Abongwe. Coming of age would refer to growing up and no longer seeing the world as just a place of harmony but a place where things can go wrong too. That’s why I suggest that Paul has come of age or grown up. He has seen a darker side of the world.

  • Why is Sam impressed?

    • Dermot (Post Author)

      Thanks for the comment Siwaphiwemakeleni. Sam thinks that Paul is trying to get his parents back together and that impresses Sam. He thinks that it is Paul’s parents who are fighting and he admires Paul for reaching out and requesting a song in the hope of a reconciliation.

  • Can you explain the whole theme of the short story ‘next door’ please?

    • Dermot (Post Author)

      Thanks for the comment Nokukhanya. The central theme is probably coming of age. However there are offshoots of the central theme which I describe throughout the post. They include conflict, appearance, guilt and innocence.

  • Why did All Night Sam call himself a record man?

  • I don’t understand this conflict of Vonnegut and Mrs Harger? Can u plz just tell me and why Paul’s parent are in disagreement when it comes to leaving Paul at home while they go the movies?

    • Dermot (Post Author)

      Thanks for the comment Princess. The conflict between the Hargers’ is possibly due to the fact that Mr Harger has a girlfriend and is not committed to Mrs Harger (his wife). When it comes to the disagreement between Paul’s parents about leaving him home alone. Paul’s mother thinks that Paul may be too young to stay at home on his own and this causes the disagreement with Paul’s father. Who thinks Paul is old enough to be allowed stay alone in the house.

  • Ok so what about Mr Harger and the blonde (Harger’s girlfriend). Why are they fighting?

    • Dermot (Post Author)

      As readers we are never told as to why Mr Harger is fighting with his girlfriend. However it is possible that Mr Harger’s girlfriend wants him to leave Mrs Harger.

  • I really don’t know what lessons we ought to glean from this short story. What is the ball of stuff from his pockets. Whose lipstick kleenex petals did Paul have. Pungent musk of perfume Tabu?

    • Dermot (Post Author)

      Thanks for the comment Des. If you focus on Paul growing up or coming of age over what happened. That would be a good starting point. The ball of stuff from Paul’s pocket is what Mr Harger’s girlfriend gave him in order for Paul to stay quiet. Same with the lipstick, that is Mr Harger’s girlfriend’s. Paul also smells of the perfume that Mr Harger’s girlfriend had on (Tabu).

  • Hi. What does WJCD stand for?

    • Dermot (Post Author)

      Thanks for the comment Sanele. I’m not sure what WJCD stands for. It’s the radio station that All Night Sam works at. That’s all I’d know.

  • Can you plz explain the coming of age of Paul in the story? and the themes of the story

    • Dermot (Post Author)

      Thanks for the comment Nzuzo. Coming of age would mean growing up. Paul from the experience of the evening has grown up. He encountered difficulty and handled it well. Overcoming any obstacle that might have been in front of him. As for each theme in the story. I go through each theme in the post.

      Conflict – Mr Harger is fighting with his girlfriend.
      Appearance – Paul assumes that it is Mr and Mrs Harger fighting.
      Guilt – Paul feels guilty that he might be responsible for Mr Harger’s death. Though he doesn’t die or get injured.
      Innocence – So innocent is Paul that he thinks he may have contributed to Mr Harger’s death by the fact that he has called All Night Sam.
      Coming of Age – Paul grows up as mentioned after the evening’s events.

  • Where is the setting of the story?

    • Dermot (Post Author)

      Thanks for the comment Courtney. The story is set in an old dwelling that has been divided into two house. The city or town is unknown to the reader.

  • The role played by All Night Sam? Where does Mrs Harger live?

    • Dermot (Post Author)

      Thanks for the comment Khuliso. All Night Sam acts as a type of reconciler, trying to bring Mr and Mrs Harger back together again, or at least Paul hopes that that is the role that All Sight Sam will play. I’m not sure where Mrs Harger lives as Vonnegut doesn’t say.

  • Paul’s parents went to movie All Night? & The conflict between Harger’s family take place during a night? Paul used microscope to detect fight? while he is at his room. Does a microscope work like that?

    • Dermot (Post Author)

      Thanks for the comment Tom. Paul’s parent’s went to a movie at night time. That is correct and the fight between Mr Harger and his girlfriend takes place at night. That’s also correct. As for the microscope. It does not detect a fight. A microscope is used to look at objects closely under a lens. Symbolically Vonnegut may be using the microscope to suggest (when the glass on the microscope breaks) that should an individual be put under the microscope or have their life examined closely they too will crack. Vonnegut may also be suggesting that Paul too needs to focus on things. Particularly the assumption that Paul makes regards Mr Harger’s girlfriend being Mrs Harger. In reality Paul may need to understand the world a little better.

  • What happens when Paul detects that there’s a fight. Does he go there? or call All Night Sam?

  • I need to understand the end of this fight between Mr Harger and his girlfriend. What happens?

    • Dermot (Post Author)

      Thanks for the comment Shane. Mr Harger’s girlfriend fired the gun and then walked out of the house. She attempts to bribe Paul and Paul (and Mr Harger) tell the policeman that they didn’t hear a gun firing. There is a sense of reconciliation at the end of the story when Mrs Harger returns home and Mr Harger welcomes her with open arms.

  • Mr Harger’s girlfriend escaped after the gun was fired? All Night Sam was still there? Who called the police?

    • Dermot (Post Author)

      Thanks for the comment Tibo. Yes Mr Harger’s girlfriend escaped after she fired the gun. All Night Sam was on the radio in Mr Harger’s home so I assume the radio was still on throughout the story right till the end. As for who called the police. Some neighbours heard the shots and called the police.

  • OK thanks man. So Mr Harger’s girlfriend when she fired the gun what was the reason? to kill or to warn ? or is that the way she used to escape Mr Harger.

    • Dermot (Post Author)

      I’m not sure if Mr Harger’s girlfriend’s intention was to kill Mr Harger. It’s difficult to say as the reader is not in the room with Mr Harger and his girlfriend and is seeing things through Paul’s eyes and observations. I also doubt that she fired the gun to escape from Mr Harger. Though it is possible. Her real reason for firing the gun may have been because she was angry with Mr Harger.

  • After the shot from Charlotte (Mr Harger’s girlfriend) she escapes. So where does she meet Paul when she started to bribe by perfumes?

  • I need the conclusion only when Paul’s parents came back until Paul’s father saw something in the pocket of his boy

    • Dermot (Post Author)

      Thanks for the comment Tebogo. Paul falls asleep with his clothes on. When his parents return his mother sings him a nursery rhyme while his father undresses him. Paul sleepily asks his mother how the movie was and she tells him that it wasn’t for children. Which is somewhat ironic considering what has happened Paul while he was at home on his own. As Paul’s mother is hanging up Paul’s trousers she finds the ball of money (and other things) in Paul’s pocket. She asks Paul what the ball is and Paul’s father asks about the smell coming from the ball. It is at that stage that Paul’s mother tells her husband that the smell is from a perfume called Tabu. It is at this point that the story ends.

  • At the end of story we are left in the air. How?

    • Dermot (Post Author)

      Thanks for the comment Roy. Not necessarily. As readers we become aware of Paul’s growth as a person. He has come of age. He is now aware that not everything in the world is nice. That there are problems in the world. Some of which he may not be able to resolve.

    • Please help me understand the theme of responsibility vs irresponsibility. Thanks

  • What kind of person is Mr Harger?

    • Dermot (Post Author)

      Thanks for the comment Zwelihle. It’s difficult to say for sure as to the type of person Mr Harger is. On the surface he appears to think only of himself. Having both a wife and a girlfriend. However as readers we don’t know if Mrs Harger left first and then Mr Harger had a girlfriend. He also has an ability to lie when it suits him. Something that is noticeable when he asks Paul was he playing with his father’s guns. When he knows that his girlfriend fired the gun. The joy he shows when he sees Mrs Harger at the end of the story may also not be real as Mr Harger’s girlfriend may still be on the scene.

  • I’ve enjoyed the comments immensely such a better understanding of concepts and themes. spot on.

  • Thanks for your patience in answering questions. It doesn’t matter how many times a question is asked, you always come up with an answer. You are the Best!

  • The summaries of the short stories helped me a lot with my studies for English Lit! Thank you

  • Thank you for making me understand the story a combination of the summary and the comments has enlightened me thanks.

  • What figure of speech is this: Marriage isn’t any bowl of cherries?

  • In what way does the following quotation reflect the main theme of the story: “Childhood dropped away, and he hung, dizzy, on the brink of life, rich, violent, rewarding.”

  • 1. when referring to music players,how is the phrase high fidelity usually abbreviated?
    2. what was the friendly argument about at the beginning of the story?
    3. why was the argument conducted with their voices kept down?
    4. when mrs leornard says oh it isn’t for children what it is she referring to?
    5. in what way can a film be unsuitable for children?
    6. mrs leornard asks you can dial can’t you dear.?
    (a)what is she wanting to know from her son?
    (b)what does this tell us about when the story is set?
    7. what two things could paul hear through the wall at first?
    8. how did paul try to stop the fight from the next door house?
    9. What figure of speech does the dj all night sam use when he says that marriage isn’t any bowl of cherries?explain the effectiveness of the fiqure of speech.
    10. in what way does the following quotation reflect the main theme of the story:childhood dropped away and he hung dizzy on the brink of life,rich,violent,rewarding
    11. a chrysanthemum is a flower that has many colourful petals why do you think Vonnegut uses it in the metaphor at the end of the story?(in your answer say what is being described in the metaphor)

  • Thanks for your comment. It really assisted me cause I was not understanding this story….now it’s touching….thanks a lot. That’s awesome.

  • I get the story but can someone tell me the setting of the story?

  • That’s a good story I want to understand it better.

  • It is an interesting story. Can you please in short summarise the story?

  • What are the character traits of each character?

    • Dermot (Post Author)

      Paul – A young inquisitive boy.
      Paul’s Father – Believes Paul is old enough to stay at home on his own.
      Paul’s Mother – Worrier. Has never left Paul on his own.
      Mr Harger – Conducting an affair with his girlfriend. Can’ really be trusted.
      Mrs Harger – Leaves Mr Harger but returns and loves Mr Harger.
      Blond woman – Angry towards Mr Harger because he won’t commit to her. Hence gun being fired.

  • 1.Paul was left alone
    A) where did his parent go?
    B) why didn’t they take him along?

    2.(The music picked up the house and shook it)
    A) what the figure of speech in this words
    B) explain what the author means in this words
    C) why was there a need for the music to be loud

    3.(“stop it mr. Harger! Stop it”he cried…)
    A.) What the tone used by Paul in this words
    B) why it is appropriate for that context

    • Dermot (Post Author)

      1. Cinema (Movies).

      2. a) I think it’s a metaphor.
      b) The music was loud.
      c) To frown out the noise from Mr Harger’s apartment.

      3. a) Possible panic
      b) Paul is anxious.

      • “The music picked up the house and shook it.” Am I correct if I say this is a personification because music is a lifeless thing and here it has been given human qualities (Hands) picked up the house.

        • Dermot (Post Author)

          I would have thought it was a metaphor. However you do give a persuasive argument that it could be personification.

  • 1.Paul wanted mr. Harger and ‘Mrs Harger’ to stop it whatever they were doing
    A) why the phrase ‘ mrs Harger ‘ is put in quotes in the above statements

    2.choose one
    All night sam is a……..
    A) song
    B) disc- jockey
    C) security guard
    D) police officer
    3. Explain how
    A) all night sam ‘ worsened the situation next door
    B) he helped to resolve the problem next door

    4 discuss the suitability of the tittle of this short story ‘ next door’

    • Dermot (Post Author)

      1 a) It suggests that the person may not be Mrs Harger.

      2. b) disc-jockey

      3. b) Mrs Harger came back to Mr Harger after hearing the song on the radio.

      4. The title suggests simply that there is an issue ‘next door’ to Paul’s apartment.

  • 1.Paul was left alone at home when his parent go to night-out
    A) where did his parent go to?
    B) why didn’t they take him along?

    2.( the music picked up the house and shook it)
    A) what figure of speech in this words
    B) explain what the author means in this words
    C) why was there a need for the music to be loud?

    3.( “stop it mr Harger! Stop it ” he cried…)
    A) what the tone used by Paul in this words
    B) why it is appropriate for that context

    4.Paul wanted mr Harger and ‘mrs Harger ‘ to stop whatever they were doing
    A) why ‘mrs Harger ‘ is put in quotes in the above statement

    All night sam is a…..
    A) song
    B) disc – jockey
    C) security guard
    D) police officer

    6. Explain how
    A) all – night sam’ worsened the situation next door
    B) he helped to resolve the problem next door

    7 Discuss the suitability of the tittle of this short story ‘ next door’

  • This short story is more interesting even we got summaries we thank you a lot

  • 1. What does “fidelity” means?

    2. When Mrs Leonard says “Oh- it isn’t for children , what ” it” is she referring to?

    3. From the context of the story, what do you think tabu is a brand name for?

  • How is the title suited for this story?

  • Analysis are clear and can help a lot to any learner in grade 12. Learners need to learn to know the characters and themes. In many cases they confuse the stories making it worse for themselves. Short stories are a marvel to read should be read with understanding.

  • What would you say is Paul’s character? And what is the theme of the story?

  • Mr Harger’s girlfriend is the one who shot him?

  • hy can you plz analyse the title 4 me

  • Hello Dermot please help me with the following Questions-

    1 The dedication line ” and now for Mrs Lemuel K Harger from Mr K Harger I Love you! …… Again! How did such dedication destroy charlotte infedility and restores Mrs Hargers Marriage ? Justify your answer

    2 Dj Sam played the song “Somebody stole de wedding bells” explain relevancy of the song to the event taking place

    3 why ‘” I love you”‘ and ‘”lets make up and start all over again ” inverted in 3 commas

    • Dermot (Post Author)

      1. Mrs Harger returns to Mr Harger when she hears the dedication and song.

      2. Wedding bells would be supposed to chime happiness. DJ Sam may be trying to make sure that Mr and Mrs Harger reunite. Hence the use of the song Somebody Stole De Wedding Bells.

      3. I don’t see three comma’s. There are two exclamation marks. Most likely used to emphasis both statements.

  • Hello …
    can you kindly help me with the following question …
    Discuss the figure of speech ……
    “And he turned a knob to bring the hair into the focus. It looked like a glistening white eel,flecked here and there with tiny spectra where the light struck the hair just so.”

    • Dermot (Post Author)

      As far as I can work out it is a simile. Paul is playing with his microscope and focusing on a piece of hair. Also the closer you look at something it may not be what it seems. Which would mirror what is happening in the Harger apartment.

  • Can you plz help me with characterisation of all the characters in this story Dermot?

  • Can you please explain Paul’s character

  • Was Mr Harger necessarily shot?

  • I’m doing Grade 12..this summary, questions and responses made me comprehend the whole story.. Keep it up!!

  • “There-the voices of the man and woman were getting louder again drowning out the radio.”

    Would I’d be right if I say the above statement is a hyperbole?

    • Dermot (Post Author)

      It might be. Though two people talking together could drown out the sound of a radio. Making it difficult to hear.

  • 1 Why does Paul Run into his apartment???
    2 briefly outline the events that lead to the bribing of Paul
    3 why is the following statement False ” Rose ran into the street after shooting Lemuel K Harger”?
    4 why can Night Sam’s action, when he shot a man, be considered innocent ?
    5 Discuss theme of conflict in the story .
    6 comment on the relevance of the title : ‘ Next Door”
    7 “In the hot dark……. Kill a man” identify the figure of speech in this line.

  • How is the theme of appearance relevant to the story the next door?

  • TABU is a brand name of a perfume.

  • How is the title of the story,”Next Door” ideal ?

  • Whats the theme of this short story it might come tomorrow (I’m writing)

  • In matrix this year it’s my first time reading the short story but I understand it because of all the comments that I have been reading…

    1.Paul called the radio station when he hears the fight at Mr Harger’s apartment, why didn’t he call the police?

    2. Does this tell is Paul is a clever child or not?

    • Dermot (Post Author)

      1. Paul called the radio station because he could hear the radio in Mr Harger’s apartment playing All Night Sam’s show. He didn’t realise how serious the argument was and thought All Night Sam could help.

      2. Some critics might suggest that Paul was clever while others might suggest that the more appropriate thing to do was to ring the police. However this may have been an over reaction as Paul might have been unsure of what was happening at the time. Also Paul possibly doesn’t want to see anybody get into trouble.

  • Outlined the event that lead to Rose returning home

  • What is the setting of the story??

  • What is the setting of the story ?

  • The character profile of the hero and the villain of the story

  • To whom is the theme of appearance attributed to?

  • Outline the events that lead to Rose returning home

  • What do the words bareged, bumping, and tearing suggest about the manner in which Rose runs to lem

  • The ball of money in paul’s pocket seemed to swell to the size of a watermelon.

    What is the figure of speech used in these lines

  • The ball of money in paul’s pocket seemed to swell to the size of a watermelon.

    How does the figure of speech add to the description of paul’s feelings at this point….???

    • Dermot (Post Author)

      I’m not sure as Paul is frightened of the woman. Perhaps his fear is heightened or increases. Just as the objects in the ball shape take on larger proportions (watermelon).

  • Are Paul’s parents irresponsible because they left Paul alone in the house.

  • Discuss the theme of conflict in the story

  • What are two thing that the mother believes she will find in the boy’s pockets

  • Hi
    Pls help me with the following questions.

    Outline the events that lead to Rose returning home..

    Why do the policeman question Paul?

    Explain the irony of Roses words
    ‘Just look at this apartment! Said Mrs Harger..’men are just lost without wimen!

  • 1.Comment on the relevance of the title next door

    2.why can night Sam’s actions,when he shoots a man,be considered innocent?

  • Why please tell me what were the police looking for

  • Can i have the Settings and Plot.

    • Dermot (Post Author)

      The setting is two apartments. The plot is a young boy (Paul) hears noise coming from his neighbors apartment (gun shot) and rings the local DJ trying to reconcile the couple by way of a record request. Unfortunately the couple are not who Paul expects. It is Mr Harger and his girlfriend. The girlfriend bribes Paul and leaves. The police and Mrs Harger come and there is peace.

  • What is the plot of the story

  • Hey guys please help me here how many characters do we have in this story

  • Please can you explain the characterisation of the characters of the short story the next door

    • Dermot (Post Author)

      I’m not sure how to answer your question. Paul is a round character who changes by the end of the story. Whereas all the other characters could be considered to be flat. Mr Harger is also only interested in his own needs and cares very little about his wife. It is the same with Mr Harger’s girlfriend. She thinks only of herself too. Paul’s parents are also somewhat distant from Paul’s needs. Though his mother does have her apprehensions about leaving Paul home alone.

  • Is the title related to the story?

  • Why was Paul alone at home?

  • What does ‘fidelity on either side of the rooms’ refer to?

  • What are literal, figurative meaning of the title (next door)?

  • Explain fully why Paul calls All-Night Sam the Record man

  • What is the tone of the story

  • So what’s ironic in Paul’s father saying Paul will have an adventure

  • Was Mr Harger shot dead?

  • Why does the policemen question Paul?

  • How did Mr Harger talk to the police … Because he was shot by Charlotte and died.

  • Where was Mrs Harger when Mr Harger invites his girlfriend to their house?

  • What was the real name of Mrs harger

  • Plz help me why was the police man had to ask Paul about the gun shots

  • how is paul physically described?

  • Curious question: What is Paul motivated by when he gets involved in the conflict?

  • What are Paul’s personality traits?

  • What does Paul’s development or lack of development say about being human?

  • Why does Paul feels he is responsible for a murder that has been committed next door.

  • Wait but whats the difference between Pauls point of view and the neighbors point of view?

  • Why Mr harger girlfriend try to shoot mr harger…??

  • what does lems response to rose reveal about his character.. Dermot u are really helping..God bless

  • Why does the policeman question Paul?

  • This is so helpful, thank you Dermot

  • Please highlight me on the theme of innocence.

  • Hi dermot pls help me answer this questions:

    1.refer to lines 1-2(she dug into…..pins and cash)

    a. who is being referred to in line 1?
    b.explain why the lady is bribing paul?

    2. why does paul run into his apartment?

    3. briefly outline the events that lead to the bribing of paul.

    4. why is the following statement false?
    Rose ran into the street after shooting Lemuel k harger.

    5. refer to lines 7-8 (‘in the hot dark….kill a man’)
    a. identify the figure of speech in this line.
    b. explain the figure of speech in your own words.

    6. why can night sam’s actions,when he shoots a man,be considered innocent?

    7. discuss the theme of conflict in the story.

    8. Comment on the relevance of the tittle:’Next Door’

  • why the lady is bribing paul?

  • Initially the music was dissonant. What does this say about the relationship of the couple next door?

  • From the context of the story, what do you think Tabu is a brand name for?

  • 1.What is the “thin wall” significant of?
    2.Why doesn’t he tell his parents about his “adventure “?
    3. How has this “adventure “ changed Paul.
    4. How do you feel about the coincidence in the story?

  • Could you give examples of imagery

  • In which way does the following quotation reflect the main theme of the story:” Childhood dropped away, and he hung dizzy on the brink of life, rich, violent, rewarding”?

  • Why does harger looks at Paul sharply explain fully plz

    • Dermot (Post Author)

      It is Harger’s way of warning or frightening Paul so that he doesn’t tell the policeman what has happened.

  • Please help me with this questions.
    1. when Mrs Leonard says:”Oh -it isn’t for children”what is she referring to?
    2. in what way can a film be unsuitable for children?
    3. Mrs Leonard asks”you can dial,can’t you,dear?
    a. what is she wanting to know from her son?
    b. what does this tell us about when the story is set?
    4. What figure of speech does the DJ,All night Sam,use when he says that marriage “isn’t any bowl of cherries “explain the effectiveness of the figure of speech
    5. from the context of the story,what do you think Tabu is a brand name for?

  • what do the words ”barged”, ”bumping” and ”tearing” suggest about the manner in which rose runs to Lem? explain your answer

  • 1 ”Your jewel beyond any price”
    2 ”She was a big blonde woman all soft and awry like an unmade bed”
    3 ”The radio volume swelled until the boom of the bass made Paul feel like he was trapped in a drum”

    Identify & explain why these figures of speech are effective

  • ”You didn’t hear any shots?” said the policeman to Paul. The ball of money in Paul’s pocket seemed to swell to the size of a watermelon. ”Yessir,” he croaked.

    Explain the influence of the money described in this content

  • Do you think the parents had any idea what paul experienced that evening? explain

  • In your experience do parents underestimate how grown up their young children really are? give some examples if you can

  • How do you think will respond when asked where he got money?

  • Pls assist me i don’t understand the story.

  • What is the use of “Nossir” in the story

  • Why all night Sam called himselve a record man?

  • What Paul’s innocence and childhood in the story?

  • What is Mr Hargers Character?

  • Please highlight me with the theme of Childhood.

  • Why Paul runs into his Apartment?

  • What is being subdivided in this story?

  • I want to know a figurative language in this story

  • What’s the name of Mr hager’s girlfriend?

  • What is meant by “high fidelity” ?


  • Can someone help me here what was Paul’s mom expects to find when she later feels the ball of money in his pocket?

  • Could you explain more about the setting of the story? And what type of conflict do you think the story is?

  • What do you think is the climax of the story

  • Could you tell me
    1. what is the “thin wall” significant of?
    2. what is the symbolic meaning of the “Tabu”? what are the parents thinking at that time
    3. What are the coincidences in this story and how do you feel about these?
    Thanks for your responses!

  • Please help with these questions
    1.choose a moment of conflict in the story and what is the effect of this moment of conflict on the characters involved in this moment of conflict
    2.identify the type of narration in the story and support your answer with a quote

  • Put your self in Paul’s shoes and please write two diary entries on how he feels about the ‘adventure ” .one about his feelings before they leave the other after his parents return

  • Explain what causes rising action in the story

  • What is the conflict eventually resolved

    How is the Conflict eventually resolved?

  • Hi, I would like to know what is the climax of the story

  • “It isn’t a bowl of cherries “….plz explain the effectiveness of the figure of speech

  • Two things that Paul could hear through the wall at first

  • Your analysis is really insightful, good job

  • Paul’s mother is she over protective? Discscuss your view

  • What is the suitability of the title

  • Baby refer to what??

  • Explain the irony “man are just lost without women”

  • I think the chrysanthemum is in the story to compare it to the different colors of the money the one, fives, tens, and twenties

  • Why paul is beating the wall?

  • Hi I would just want to ask some questions
    1. Why dose Mrs Leonard not want to take Paul with him to the movies ?
    2.where they say ‘a door slammed….hammered on the door’
    2.1.what sound device is used
    2.2.what is the effect of the soud device

    3 ‘Paul looked down ….he didn’t stop them’
    What dose the line reveal about Paul’s character

    4 why did Paul call all night Sam

    5 discuss the theme of conflict as the story as a whole

    • 1. The film may not be appropriate for Paul.
      2. 1. A rhyming scheme.
      2. 2. It assist the reader in imagining events.
      3. Paul may be submissive.
      4. So he might play Mr Harger a request. Thinking it may help.
      5. There is both external and internal conflict in the story. External the fight between Mr Harger and his girlfriend and internal how Paul feels about events. He is scared.

  • You are Mrs. Leonard, Paul’s mother. You have finally conceded to let Paul stay home While you and your husband go to the movies. You give Paul a list of instructions that he has to follow while he is home alone.
    Write down the list of instructions that you give to Paul.

  • How do we know that all-night Sam stops speaking and plays music instead

  • What figure of speech does the DJ All -night Sam use when says that marriage”isn’t any bowl of cherriers”?explain the effectiveness of the figure of speech

  • *Please help me with this question*

    “He turned a knob to bring the hair into the focus as it looked like a glistening white eel, flecked here and there with tiny Spectra where the light struck the hair just so”

    ***Discuss the figure of speech used in those lines

  • “Paul twisted the microscope knob nervously, and the objective lens ground into the glass slide on which the hair rested ”

    **Explain the use of the phrase drowning out

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