A Cup of Tea by Katherine Mansfield
In A Cup of Tea by Katherine Mansfield we have the theme of jealousy, insecurity, materialism and class. Taken from her The Doves’ Nest and Other Stories collection the story is narrated in the third person by an unnamed narrator and after reading the story the reader realises that Mansfield may be exploring the theme of class or rather the differences between social classes. By telling the reader that ‘they were rich, really rich, not just comfortably well off’ Mansfield succeeds in not only highlighting to the reader how wealthy Rosemary and Philip are but more importantly she manages to highlight how different Rosemary is from others. Something that is a little clearer when Mansfield also tells the reader ‘if Rosemary wanted to shop she would go to Paris as you and I would go to Bond Street.’ Though it may appear to be insignificant the fact that Rosemary has a car may also be important as by introducing the car into the story it is possible that Mansfield is further highlighting the class difference that exists between Rosemary and those around her. At the time the story was written only the very wealthy (mostly upper class) would have had the resources to buy a car.
The fact that Rosemary is surprised when Miss Smith first speaks to her also suggests that Rosemary may be different to others. It would have been uncommon (at the time the story was written) for those considered to be of a lower class (Miss Smith) to engage with those considered to be upper class (Rosemary). It is also interesting that Rosemary thinks it is ‘extraordinary’ that Miss Smith has no money. This would again suggest that Rosemary is different from other people. She can’t imagine that somebody would have no money. By describing Miss Smith as the ‘other’ when Rosemary leads Miss Smith into the hall of her home and Rosemary as being like ‘the rich little girl in her nursery’ Mansfield may be further highlighting the difference in class between both Miss Smith and Rosemary.
It is also interesting that Rosemary, while Miss Smith is in her bedroom having tea, leaves Miss Smith’s hat and coat on the floor. By doing so Mansfield may be suggesting that in Rosemary’s eyes, Miss Smith is not her equal. This would further highlight the difference in class (in Rosemary’s eyes) between Miss Smith and Rosemary. The reader also doubts that Rosemary would take the same course of action (leave a hat and coat on the floor) should one of her upper class friends visit her home. At no stage in the story does the reader feel that Rosemary, by taking Miss Smith home with her, is doing so for the benefit of Miss Smith rather it serves to boost Rosemary’s perception of herself. She does after all consider the taking of Miss Smith home with her to be an adventure, something she will be able to boast about to her friends.
There is also some symbolism in the story which may be important. The little box that Rosemary sees in the antique shop, by telling the reader that Rosemary ‘must have it’, Mansfield may be highlighting the importance of material things to Rosemary. Mansfield also appears to be using the setting, after Rosemary leaves the antique shop, to highlight Rosemary’s mood after she is unable to buy the little box. Mansfield tells the reader that the ‘rain was falling, and with the rain it seemed the dark came too, spinning down like ashes. There was a cold bitter taste in the air, and the new-lighted lamps looked sad.’ In many ways this setting mirrors how Rosemary may feel about having to leave the shop without purchasing the little box. The flowers that Rosemary buys may also have some symbolic importance. By telling the reader that Rosemary wanted ‘those and those and those. Give me four bunches of those,’ Mansfield may be further highlighting how different Rosemary is from other people (due to her wealth) and how extravagant she is. Rather than just purchasing one bunch of flowers, as most people would and could only afford to do, Rosemary ends up with several.
Rosemary’s change of attitude towards Miss Smith after Philip tells her that he thinks Miss Smith is pretty is also interesting. It is from Philip’s remark that the reader realises not only is Rosemary jealous of Miss Smith (because she is pretty) but she also appears to be insecure about her own physical appearance. It may also be a case that Philip is attempting to manipulate or control Rosemary, just as she has Miss Smith. By telling Rosemary that Miss Smith is pretty Philip is aware that it will result in Rosemary not only feeling jealous but it will also ensure that Miss Smith leaves their home, just as Philip wants her to. If anything Philip appears to want to disassociate himself (and Rosemary) from Miss Smith. Which would again play on the theme of class. Philip does not want to associate himself with those (Miss Smith) he considers to be of a lower class.
How insecure Rosemary may feel about her physical appearance is further noticeable by the fact that after Miss Smith leaves Rosemary’s home, Mansfield tells the reader that Rosemary ‘done her hair, darkened her eyes a little and put on her pearls.’ This action is important as it suggests that Rosemary is attempting to make herself pretty, at least in Philips eyes. The fact that Rosemary asks Philip for the money to buy the little box may also be significant as it would again highlight the importance of material things to Rosemary. Also by ending the story with Rosemary asking Philip ‘am I pretty?’ Mansfield may be further highlighting how insecure Rosemary feels about her physical appearance. Despite being wealthy and living a life that the majority of people at the time the story was written were unable to live, Rosemary is insecure.
very crispy and informative
Thanks for the comment Suji. I’m glad you found the post helpful.
Why was Katherine Mansfield regarded as a modern writer?
Thanks for the comment KD. Mansfield may be considered a modernist writer because she tackled issues that were not largely seen in literature at the time. Issues like social status and class.
can u tell me a way the character is represented using a quote in the start of the story (from the start to ‘then a murmur reached her’)please
I’m not sure. Perhaps someone has relayed the line or statement to the narrator. Prior to the narrator telling the story.
wow its really a very powerful story…….
Thanks for the comment Dinesh. It is a powerful story.
Thanks for the comment Dinesh. It is a powerful story.
Thanks. Helped a lot!
You’re welcome. I’m glad that you found the post helpful.
Please explain the meaning of ‘if you took her to pieces…but why be so cruel as to take anyone to pieces.’
Thanks for the comment Can. The line is an unfavourable view of Rosemary. What the narrator is suggesting is that if you broke down each part of Rosemary’s personality (and appearance) you might not like what you find. And it would be cruel to do so. Nobody would like to be completely under a microscope.
Thanks for the comment Can. The line is an unfavourable view of Rosemary. What the narrator is suggesting is that if you broke down each part of Rosemary’s personality (and appearance) you might not like what you find. And it would be cruel to do so. Nobody would like to be completely under a microscope.
I am poor in English sentence understanding so please explain things in a simple way. Don’t mistake me but like l love to study.
If u took her to pieces…but why be so cruel as to take anyone to pieces. Please explain in simple way?
Thanks for the comment Mahendran. Jealousy might be one reason why an individual might take another individual to pieces. Not liking someone too. Often people who dislike another person will talk unkindly of that person.
It means that when you look closely at her you will find a few thing that will be beautiful. Overall she wasn’t beautiful.
Thanks Waqar.
It not crispy…but crisp
Thanks Scarlett.
It was very useful.
Thanks for the comment Iftikhar. I’m glad you found the post helpful.
Thanks for the comment Iftikhar. I’m glad you found the post helpful.
Please tell me who is Peter—Michael in the story?
Thanks for the comment Mahendran. Peter and Michael may have been two of Rosemary’s old boyfriends.
It’s a very nice story. Today I have a clearer concept about this story. Its our syllabus related story..
Thanks for the comment Gautom. I’m glad you found the post helpful.
Do u have analysis of other stories like the blind man ???
Thanks for the comment Mrs Bilal. I don’t have a copy of The Blind Man. But if I come across a copy, I’ll post a review.
Thanks for the comment Mrs Bilal. I don’t have a copy of The Blind Man. But if I come across a copy, I’ll post a review.
Thanks for the comment Gautom. I’m glad you found the post helpful.
What does materialism here mean and who is materialistic Rosemary or her husband?
Thanks for the comment Maqsood. When I refer to materialism in the story I am making reference to Rosemary. How she is more interested in possessions (small box in shop) than she is in the well-being of the individual. Though she brings Miss Smith home with her Rosemary is not necessarily concerned about her. Rather she considers bringing Miss Smith home to be similar to an adventure she can tell her friends about.
Rosemary’s main focus throughout the story is on herself. How she will have a story to tell her friends which will make her the centre of attention. It might also be important that though Philip doesn’t appear to be materialistic. He is nonetheless extremely class conscious. Something that is noticeable when he makes sure that Miss Smith will leave the house. He also acts as Rosemary’s enabler, assisting her by giving her the money to buy the small box at the end of the story.
Thanks so much for replying to me. I found it very useful and interesting. If you could also point out some of the figurative language in the story.
Hi Maqsood. There is some figurative language in the story some of which includes Mansfield telling the reader that Rosemary ‘had a duck of a boy’ when describing Philip. Also when Mansfield describes Rosemary’s wealth she makes a comparison to an individual’s grandparents ‘not just comfortably well off, which is odious and stuffy and sounds like one’s grandparents.’ There are further examples of figurative language. The flowers, when the young girl is carrying them out of the shop, are described as ‘an immense white paper armful that looked like a baby in long clothes….’ The little enamel box box is also described as looking as ‘though it had been baked in cream.’
Further on in the story Mansfield describes the rain as ‘spinning down like ashes.’ Also when Rosemary first meets Miss Smith she ‘shivered as though she had just come out of the water.’ Also when both Rosemary and Miss Smith are driving to Rosemary’s home Mansfield describes the scene as though Rosemary and Miss Smith ‘were skimming through the dusk.’ When Rosemary arrives home with Miss Smith she is described as being ‘like the rich little girl in her nursery with all the cupboards to open, all the boxes to unpack.’ Then near the end of the story Mansfield describes Rosemary’s heart as beating ‘like a heavy bell.’
Could u explain the examples of figurative language used here. I quite didn’t get that.
It might help if I supply you with a definition for figurative language. Most examples I’ve supplied in the comment are similes which are part of figurative language..
It might help if I supply you with a definition for figurative language. Most examples I’ve supplied in the comment are similes which are part of figurative language..
Could u please explain the figurative reference of the grandparents and baby wrapped and baked in cream. What are these things trying to suggest?
I’m not sure I would need to read the sentence in context. But perhaps Mansfield is suggesting that both the grandparents and baby are sweating. I’m not really sure.
Hi Maqsood. There is some figurative language in the story some of which includes Mansfield telling the reader that Rosemary ‘had a duck of a boy’ when describing Philip. Also when Mansfield describes Rosemary’s wealth she makes a comparison to an individual’s grandparents ‘not just comfortably well off, which is odious and stuffy and sounds like one’s grandparents.’ There are further examples of figurative language. The flowers, when the young girl is carrying them out of the shop, are described as ‘an immense white paper armful that looked like a baby in long clothes….’ The little enamel box box is also described as looking as ‘though it had been baked in cream.’
Further on in the story Mansfield describes the rain as ‘spinning down like ashes.’ Also when Rosemary first meets Miss Smith she ‘shivered as though she had just come out of the water.’ Also when both Rosemary and Miss Smith are driving to Rosemary’s home Mansfield describes the scene as though Rosemary and Miss Smith ‘were skimming through the dusk.’ When Rosemary arrives home with Miss Smith she is described as being ‘like the rich little girl in her nursery with all the cupboards to open, all the boxes to unpack.’ Then near the end of the story Mansfield describes Rosemary’s heart as beating ‘like a heavy bell.’
Have you any material about the Thomas Hardy short story The Withered Arm? Also what genre is A Cup of Tea?
I don’t have The Withered Arm Maqsood but if I come across it I’ll post a review. As far as I can work out A Cup of Tea would be part of the modernist tradition.
Thank you so much it was really helpful. I would like to know the meaning of ‘She had a duck of a boy. No not Peter—Michael.
Thanks for the comment Jyoti. I’m glad you found the post helpful. The term duck (or ducky) would mean pleasant or excellent. So Mansfield is most likely suggesting that Rosemary has a good man in Philip. The hyphen between Peter—Michael is also confusing as the reader doesn’t know if Mansfield is listing two men’s names who may have previously courted Rosemary before she married Philip or if Peter—Michael is one individual’s name. Either way though the sentence refers to Philip.
I would like to know the meaning of “Rosemary Fell was not exactly beautiful “
Thanks for the comment Rajdip. Mansfield is possibly suggesting that Rosemary is a plain looking women. That is how I would interpret the line.
Thank you so much for replying to me. It is very helpful with understanding the story.
No problem Rajdip. I’m glad I was able to help you.
No problem Rajdip. I’m glad I was able to help you.
Thanks for the comment Rajdip. Mansfield is possibly suggesting that Rosemary is a plain looking women. That is how I would interpret the line.
This story was on our syllabus of English in India. Being an English literature student I have read all of Katherine Mansfield’s short stories on free ebooks published by the University of Adelaide. Anyone wishing to read Mansfield’s stories can do so there.
Thanks for the comment Anuradha and thank you for the information.
Thanks for the comment Anuradha and thank you for the information.
Thank you very much for your analysis. I am studying Modern English literature and this week I have an assignment with this. Have you ever thought about Ms. Smith’s feeling in this story? I saw many people emphasis Rosemary but don’t mention Ms. Smith much.
Thanks for the comment Fu. Mansfield may have deliberately not given Miss Smith a voice and by doing so may be suggesting that the lower classes themselves do not have a voice, unlike Rosemary who is the main focus for most if not all of the story. Throughout the story I found Miss Smith to be submissive to Rosemary which might be the point that Mansfield was trying to make. To suggest to the reader the control that the upper classes had over the lower classes. One incident that stuck out for me is when Rosemary leaves Miss Smith’s hat and coat on the floor and Miss Smith says nothing.
It is as if Miss Smith is not Rosemary’s equal though as you suggest we never get any insight into how Miss Smith may feel. It may also be a case that Miss Smith because of her class looks highly upon Rosemary as many people from the lower classes would have done at the time when it came to someone from the upper classes. They would not have questioned them or engaged with them in any way. Which may in some way explain Miss Smith’s relative silence throughout the story.
Thank you so much for replying to me. My assignment is about retelling the story with first-person, Ms. Smith. I have to imagine Smith’s feeling and opinion when treated like that. I think when Rosemary decides to take Smith to her house, Smith’s very surprised and confused. Afterward, when she’s in Rosemary’s house it can be scary. But there are two things I can’t make clear. First is the reason why Smith initially asks Rosemary for the cost for a cup of tea and whether Smith knows the conversation between Rosemary and Phillip is about her, because she doesn’t enjoy any tea and has to go out.
Btw, your information helped me solve some problems in my complicated assignment, thank you so much!!!!
I would agree with you that Miss Smith is somewhat surprised and confused when Rosemary asks her to visit her home. I think Miss Smith’s reaction is due to the fact that it was uncommon at the time the story was written for the lower classes to mix with the upper classes. It is also an environment in which Miss Smith is not accustomed to which as you suggest makes her feel somewhat afraid. I think Miss Smith asked Rosemary for the price of a cup of tea because she knew that Rosemary could afford it.
Though it is also possible that Miss Smith may have asked everybody who passed by her for the price of a cup of tea. I also don’t think that Miss Smith is aware that Rosemary and Philip are talking about her. I think the reason she may not enjoy the tea is because of the environment around her. She would not be used to the comforts that come with upper class homes. If anything I felt that Miss Smith herself was out of her comfort zone. Unsure of how to react to Rosemary and as such may have wished to leave the home.
I would agree with you that Miss Smith is somewhat surprised and confused when Rosemary asks her to visit her home. I think Miss Smith’s reaction is due to the fact that it was uncommon at the time the story was written for the lower classes to mix with the upper classes. It is also an environment in which Miss Smith is not accustomed to which as you suggest makes her feel somewhat afraid. I think Miss Smith asked Rosemary for the price of a cup of tea because she knew that Rosemary could afford it.
Though it is also possible that Miss Smith may have asked everybody who passed by her for the price of a cup of tea. I also don’t think that Miss Smith is aware that Rosemary and Philip are talking about her. I think the reason she may not enjoy the tea is because of the environment around her. She would not be used to the comforts that come with upper class homes. If anything I felt that Miss Smith herself was out of her comfort zone. Unsure of how to react to Rosemary and as such may have wished to leave the home.
Thanks for the comment Fu. Mansfield may have deliberately not given Miss Smith a voice and by doing so may be suggesting that the lower classes themselves do not have a voice, unlike Rosemary who is the main focus for most if not all of the story. Throughout the story I found Miss Smith to be submissive to Rosemary which might be the point that Mansfield was trying to make. To suggest to the reader the control that the upper classes had over the lower classes. One incident that stuck out for me is when Rosemary leaves Miss Smith’s hat and coat on the floor and Miss Smith says nothing.
It is as if Miss Smith is not Rosemary’s equal though as you suggest we never get any insight into how Miss Smith may feel. It may also be a case that Miss Smith because of her class looks highly upon Rosemary as many people from the lower classes would have done at the time when it came to someone from the upper classes. They would not have questioned them or engaged with them in any way. Which may in some way explain Miss Smith’s relative silence throughout the story.
Please I need to know if Oscar Wilde’s short stories are representative of the Victorian era? Also the theme of feminism in A Cup of Tea.
Thanks for the comment Rabia. I’ve not read Oscar Wilde so I’m unable to answer that part of your comment. When it comes to feminism as a theme in the story it is possible that Mansfield is highlighting the divisions that exist within feminism. Rather than being there for Miss Smith Rosemary through her insecurity and jealousy (of Miss Smith) ends up giving Miss Smith some money rather than bonding or connecting with her in any particular way. Miss Smith is more a plaything for Rosemary rather than being someone that Rosemary would view upon as being her equal or someone she can understand and connect with.
Why isn’t the poor girl’s first name mentioned in the story? why is it just miss Smith?
Thanks for the comment Arbaz. Mansfield probably withheld Miss Smith’s first name to highlight the fact that Miss Smith is different to Rosemary. One person is upper class (Rosemary) and is given a first name while Miss Smith as a working class person has her name withheld. Mansfield is probably attempting to differentiate between the classes by withholding Miss Smith’s first name.
Thanks for the comment Arbaz. Mansfield probably withheld Miss Smith’s first name to highlight the fact that Miss Smith is different to Rosemary. One person is upper class (Rosemary) and is given a first name while Miss Smith as a working class person has her name withheld. Mansfield is probably attempting to differentiate between the classes by withholding Miss Smith’s first name.
Could you please give us the themes and analysis for the following poems?
a) The Question by Adrian Mitchell
b) Hawk Roosting by Ted Hughes
Also, could you explain ‘The Dead’ by James Joyce?
Thank you so much!
Thanks for the comment Piku. I only review short stories and know very little about poetry. I have an analysis on The Dead on the blog. You can find it here.
This story is in our syllabus thank you so much it is helpful
Thanks for the comment Paraminder. It’s great knowing you found the post helpful. Good luck with your studies.
Who is Rosemary married to and how long was she married?
Thanks for the comment Subrata. Rosemary is married to Phillip. As readers we do not know how long she has been married.
What was thought of Rosemary’s married life?
Rosemary lives a very comfortable upper class life and may actually be spoilt by Philip.
Who wanted the price of a cup of tea from Rosemary?
Miss Smith is the character who asks Rosemary for the price of a cup of tea.
What was in the little box?
Thanks for the comment Igor. Mansfield never lets the reader know if there was anything in the box.
Is there any isolation and loneliness in this story.
Thanks for the comment Ezhar. I suppose you could suggest that Rosemary is lonely and isolates herself. Lonely because she is so reliant on Philip to provide for her. The marriage may be based on convenience – Philip has money and isolated because she doesn’t mix with people of all classes (Miss Smith).
Is rosemary insecure?
Thanks for the comment Sudipa. Rosemary is insecure. An example of which is when Philip tells her that Miss Smith is attractive. Rosemary feels threatened by the remark and as such changes her opinion of Miss Smith. As to why Rosemay may be inseure is probably due to her dependency on Philip. She is not a strong independent woman.
I am kindly asking you to explain the meaning of the first two paragraphs line by line.
Beginning with the first paragraph. The narrator has an opportunity to be cruel towards Rosemary but decides against it. Knowing that it would be unfair. Instead the narrator compliments many of the good things that Rosemary has going for her. Good character traits.
In the second paragraph the reader learns that Rosemary is married to a good man (a good catch). We also learn that Rosemary and Philip (Rosemary’s husband) are rich and do not need for anything. In fact Rosemary can be flamboyant when it comes to spending money. Buying more than she needs.
Thanks for your help.
No problem Mahendran. I’m glad you found the post helpful.
No problem Mahendran. I’m glad you found the post helpful.
She had a duck of boy. Please tell me this sentence meaning.
Thanks for the comment Mahe. The term duck (or ducky) would mean pleasant or excellent. So Philip is a pleasant or excellent man (or boy).
Thanks for the comment Mahe. The term duck (or ducky) would mean pleasant or excellent. So Philip is a pleasant or excellent man (or boy).
She had a duck of a boy please see this sentence once again. I thought that her husband had a son. Duck means darling so darling mean husband?
Rosemary and Philip have no children. None that are mentioned in the story at least. Darling can mean husband but usually it’s a term of affection towards someone.
No problem Mahe.
How Rosemary Fell helpful by nature in the story of a cup of tea ?
Thanks for the comment Harsh. I’m not sure if Rosemary is helpful by nature. Anything she does she does so for herself. Taking Miss Smith home as an example. Rosemary wants to be able to boast to her friends of the adventure she had with Miss Smith. Likewise when Philip tells Rosemary that he thinks Miss Smith is attractive. Rosemary because of jealousy gives Miss Smith some money and removes from her home
Thanks for the comment Harsh. I’m not sure if Rosemary is helpful by nature. Anything she does she does so for herself. Taking Miss Smith home as an example. Rosemary wants to be able to boast to her friends of the adventure she had with Miss Smith. Likewise when Philip tells Rosemary that he thinks Miss Smith is attractive. Rosemary because of jealousy gives Miss Smith some money and removes from her home
Could u explain me the meaning of the paragraph which I have mentioned below-
” On the lid a minute creature stood under a flowery tree,and a more minute creature still had her arms round his neck . Her hat, really no bigger than a geranium petal,hung from a branch ; it had green ribbon.And there was a pink cloud like a watchful cherub floating above their heads. Rosemary took her hands out of her long gloves. she always took off her gloves to examine such things. Yes ,she liked it very much . she loved it; it was a great duck . she must have it. And turning the creamy box,opening and shutting it , she couldn’t help noticing how charming her hands were against the blue velvet .The shopman,in same dim cavern of his mind , may have dared to think so,too.For he took a pencil ,leant over the counter ,and his pale bloodless finger crept timidly towards those rosy,flashing ones,as he murmured gently: ‘ If I may venture to point out to madam ,the flower on little lady’s bodice.’ “
Thanks for the comment Pankaj. Mansfield is describing the little box that Rosemary wants to buy. Mansfield is also using colourful imagery to highlight to the reader how interested Rosemary is in the box. Something that is noticeable by the salesman too. Throughout the paragraph Rosemary is thinking about herself and how good the box will look in her home.
Thanks for replying me. You have cleared most of my doubt. But I have still some confusion.
For example:-
“The shopman,in same dim cavern of his mind , may have dared to think so,too.For he took a pencil ,leant over the counter ,and his pale bloodless finger crept timidly towards those rosy,flashing ones,as he murmured gently: ‘ If I may venture to point out to madam ,the flower on little lady’s bodice.’ ”
Could you elaborate above sentences meaning ? For me, it is really hard to understand it.
Mansfield is suggesting that the shopman or salesman is more interested in making a sale to Rosemary than anything else. She portrays him as a dark figure whose only goal is to make a sale. Something that is noticeable by his remark about the flower on the little lady’s bodice. His mind is described as being like a dim cavern (badly lit) and his fingers are described as bloodless. Mansfield is not flattering when it comes to describing the salesman. Who again is more interested in selling Rosemary the little box than anything else.
Thank you very much. You have cleared all my doubt. I’m really satisfied with your answer.
Thanks Pankaj. I’m glad I was able to help you.
“But let me know if Miss Smith is going to dine with us in time for me to look up The Milliner’s Gazette.” What does it mean? Could you elaborate me?
Philip is being sarcastic. At the time the story was written milliners (hat makers), shop assistants and other causal jobs were considered by some to be loosely the equivalent of prostitution. Hence Philip sarcastically suggesting he should look up The Milliner’s Gazette.
sorry, I’m not getting you.
Philip is suggesting that Miss Smith may be a prostitute. A good looking prostitute which makes Rosemary jealous.
No problem.
I have 2 questions regarding this story
1. Why did Rosemary try to make herself attractive as possible before her husband?
2. “Philip,” she whispered, and she pressed his head against her bosom, “am I pretty?” Could you comment on this statement?
Rosemary is aware that Philip said Miss Smith is attractive. By putting on make-up and making herself more attractive Rosemary wants to put the focus back on her. With regard to Rosemary asking Philip is she pretty. Rosemary is insecure because of Philip’s earlier remark about Miss Smith being attractive. Philip is playing on Rosemary’s insecurities.
Is Rosemary afraid of Miss Smith that Philip will give his wife’s place to Miss Smith?
Rosemary would be afraid of any woman (including Miss Smith) taking her place. Rosemary has a very comfortable life with Philip. He provides for Rosemary ensuring that Rosemary’s life is free of financial worry.
Thank you very much Dermot. Your post is very useful for me. It has cleared lots of doubt from my mind. I read lots of blog but your blog is completely different from others. It is easy to understand and a lot more clearer than others. I would like to request that you include the D.H. Lawrence short story : ” Odour of Chrysanthemums”
Thanks for your kind words Pankaj. I have a copy of Odour of Chrysanthemums. I just don’t know when I’ll get a chance to review the story. At the moment I have a back log of stories that I need to read.
1 ) What is the central theme of the Short story ‘A cup of tea ‘ ?
2) Why did Gopal seek a truthful opinion from Dr. Raman as mentioned in R.K Narayan The doctor Word ?
3) Explain Briefly the important characteristics of a short story ?
4) How does old Mr.behrman play a significant role in saving Johnny’s life in The last leaf ?
Thanks for the comment Krishna. The central theme of ‘A Cup of Tea’ is class and social prejudice.
Gopal most likely wanted to know the truth so that he could prepare himself for what may happen.
The exact characteristics of a short story will vary by writer. Usually a short story focuses on one incident; has a single plot, a single setting, and a small number of characters; and covers a short period of time. You’ll find out more here.
Behrman ends up saving Johnsy’s life by sacrificing his own life when he paints the leaf.
Thank you so much
You’re welcome Krishna.
Thanks for the comment Krishna. The central theme of ‘A Cup of Tea’ is class and social prejudice.
Gopal most likely wanted to know the truth so that he could prepare himself for what may happen.
The exact characteristics of a short story will vary by writer. Usually a short story focuses on one incident; has a single plot, a single setting, and a small number of characters; and covers a short period of time. You’ll find out more here.
Behrman ends up saving Johnsy’s life by sacrificing his own life when he paints the leaf.
What impact does the season and nature (rain) have on the story? What does it reveal?
Thanks for the comment Hunts. Mansfield appears to be using the setting, after Rosemary leaves the antique shop, to highlight Rosemary’s mood after she is unable to buy the little box. Mansfield tells the reader that the ‘rain was falling, and with the rain it seemed the dark came too, spinning down like ashes. There was a cold bitter taste in the air, and the new-lighted lamps looked sad.’ In many ways this setting mirrors how Rosemary may feel about having to leave the shop without purchasing the little box.
Thanks for the comment Hunts. Mansfield appears to be using the setting, after Rosemary leaves the antique shop, to highlight Rosemary’s mood after she is unable to buy the little box. Mansfield tells the reader that the ‘rain was falling, and with the rain it seemed the dark came too, spinning down like ashes. There was a cold bitter taste in the air, and the new-lighted lamps looked sad.’ In many ways this setting mirrors how Rosemary may feel about having to leave the shop without purchasing the little box.
The short story can be “read in an hour and remembered for a lifetime ” Comment on this statement.
Some readers will agree with this statement. The short story writer is limited in the space they can use and as such they have to draw a readers attention quickly and sharply. To get a point across. It is this sudden impact to the reader’s mind that will leave many readers remembering what they have read. Despite the passing of time. Most short stories are also like a slice of life. The writer bringing the reader into the life (usually different to the readers) of a character and highlighting the struggles that a character might face. It is through identification with characters in a story that a reader will again remember a story. Though it is also possible to read a story in whereby the reader does not identify with a character but may be drawn to the theme of the story and it is through the theme of the story (e.g. class) that the reader identifies with and remembers what they have read.
Thank you very much Dermot for helping me.
You’re welcome Pankaj.
Trace the development of the short story as a genre.
Thanks for the comment Nitesh. Unfortunately I would not know the answer to that question. However this link here might help
Discuss how the stories of Katherine Mansfield help to analyse the true human experience with reference to the story “A cup of Tea”
Mansfield manages to highlight to the reader through Rosemary Felt’s character how selfish an individual can be. Thinking only of themselves and not having a concern for another human being. Similarly with Philip’s character. He likes to control Rosemary which suggests he (and people in general) like to control others. Miss Smith’s character throughout the story is voiceless. She is outside the social class that Rosemary and Philip belong to. She is used by Rosemary as a piece of information she can tell her friends about. Which in many ways mirrors how some people may feel. They too may not have a voice.
Thank you very much Dermot. I have one more question. write a short note on the central idea of Chekhov’s “The Bet”
I haven’t yet read The Bet Pankaj. I’ve been meaning to get around to reading it but have a back log of stories that I need to review first.
What is the central idea of the short story “A cup of tea” by Katherine Mansfield?
The central issue in the story would be one of class. Rosemary is upper class while Miss Smith is lower/working class. Rosemary considers Miss Smith to be a tool she can use to tell her friends about. Mansfield possibly highlighting how those who are upper class do not treat those of a lower class as equals.
Thanks a lot Dermot.
No problem Pankaj.
What is the irony at the end of the story “A cup of tea”?
It’s ironic that at the end of the story Rosemary helps herself rather than Miss Smith who she sends home. She helps herself by persuading Philip to give her the money for the little box. Which in many ways shows the reader how selfish Rosemary is.
Thank you very much Dermot.
You’re welcome Pankaj.
Can’t we draw anything positive from the character or story…?
One positive that can be drawn from the story is the insight that Mansfield gives of those who are upper class. They appear to be selfish and think only of themselves (Rosemary). Which would lead the reader to the belief that those who are upper class (Rosemary again) can’t be trusted.
Why does Rosemary not buy the box in the first place?
As far as I remember Rosemary thought that twenty-eight guineas was too much for the box.
The story is very good but what is the paradox and irony in this story?
The paradox would be that Rosemary attempts to do the right thing when she invites Miss Smith to her home. However she is doing so in order to tell her friends a story. In reality she is helping herself rather than Miss Smith. Similarly with the irony in the story. Rosemary rather than looking after Miss Smith is looking after herself.
can you explain this in detail or in rough brief
I’m not sure how I can explain it further. Rosemary is a selfish person who tries to portray herself as being a helpful person.
Thank you so much!
You’re welcome.
Do you know why the author chose the characters she did in the story?
Like the rungs on a ladder. Mansfield probably needed to have one character after another who was ‘higher’ than the other. Firstly Miss Smith was at the bottom of the ladder and was controlled by Rosemary. Next was Rosemary and finally Phillip who controlled Rosemary. Mansfield highlighting the differences in class between people but also how dominated society was by the male (Phillip).
I want to know what is Rosemary’s relationship with beauty?
Rosemary may believe that beauty is everything. Which would highlight how insecure Rosemary actually is. She judges people by appearance. Comparing them to herself.
Why is the title of the story appropriate?
Having a cup of tea with someone is usually a harmless thing to do. For Rosemary it only raises jealousy and shows the reader how insecure she really is.
Thank u.. nicely reviewed and answered the questions.
I’m glad you found the post helpful.
I have a question please. How is the title of the story appropriate?
Having a cup of tea with someone is usually a harmless thing to do. However for Rosemary it only raises jealousy and shows the reader how insecure she really is.
Is rosemary a mother?
There is no mention in the story about Rosemary having children.
Justify the title of the story.
I answered a similar question which you will find here.
If i had to give a presentation on this story, what topic do you think would be the best?
I would focus on class and selfishness and how selfish those of a higher social class can be. Rosemary for example is really only thinking about herself.
Hi, I was wondering what the following lines meant “Then Rosemary said dreamily: “I saw a fascinating little box to-day. It cost twenty-eight guineas. May I have it?” Philip jumped her on his knee. “You may, little wasteful one,” said he. But that was not really what Rosemary wanted to say.”
Also, I was wondering if there were any major claims from literary elements?
Thank you so much for all of your hard work I really appreciate it
Rosemary most likely still feels insecure (over the Miss Smith incident) and wants to ask Philip does he love her. As for literary elements in the story. I would need to read the story again to answer that part of your question.
What is the significance of the little box that Rosemary wanted to buy? Comment on the elements of pathos in ‘A cup of tea’.
The little box could represent control. Rosemary wants to buy it but not to have to pay so much for it. It is for this reason she relies on Philip to buy it for her. With regard to pathos in the story. Miss Smith is the trigger for any sadness that the reader might feel. She is down on her luck and needs help. However Rosemary isn’t prepared to offer the help that Miss Smith needs and views Miss Smith as no more than a trophy.
Thanks . This was very helpful. I was just wondering if there was any mood/tone change within the text and if so, how did Manfield change the mood/tone?
There is a noticeable change in the mood/tone when Philip is introduced. Particularly when he tells Rosemary that Miss Smith is attractive.
Hi there, I have a few questions if you don’t mind.
Do you think Rosemary and Phillip married out of love ( did she maybe marry him for his wealth or was she already wealthy before they got married?)
Were they living in a patriarchal society at the time?
Is Philip dominant in the relationship?
I think Rosemary may have married Philip due to the fact that he was wealthy. I would also suspect that they are living in a patriarchal society. Which suggests that Philip was the dominant one in the relationship.
Can you please summarise the story in some lines ?
I would need to read the story again to answer your question.
A woman (Rosemary) brings a poor woman (Miss Smith) to her home and pretends to be charitable when in reality she looks at her time with Miss Smith as being an adventure in which she can tell her friends about.
What is the central idea of the story according to Mansfield?
I would suggest that the central idea is one of class and how selfish the middle class (and upper classes) can be.
Thank you for your amazing review. Could you explain why Rosemary says “we’re both women” to Miss Smith?
Rosemary is trying to put Miss Smith’s mind at ease because they are going back to Rosemary’s home and Miss Smith is nervous.
Thank you so much!
You’re welcome.
what is the moral lesson of this story?
Do not use people for your own advantage.
Thank you so much. This was very helpful
I’m glad that you found the post helpful.
What happens at the end of the story A cup of Tea?
Miss Smith leaves Rosemary’s home and Rosemary asks Philip for the money to buy the little box. Highlighting that Rosemary remains under the control of Philip.
Thank you so much , it was really very helpful.
I am confused that where exactly does the climax of the story lie . Please ,
(plot elements)
I would need to read the story again to answer your question. However I think the climax occurs when Rosemary is having tea with Miss Smith.
Can you explain the figurative language in the sentence “The footman held the door of the car open, and a moment later they were skimming through the dusk.”? I am confused that which figurative language is it and what is it used for.
The figurative language used is ‘skimming through the dusk.’ Which is representative of the car moving through the streets. You’ll find a definition for figurative language and examples here.
“I picked her up on Curzon Street,” Rosemary explains to Phillip. In what ways is Miss Smith like the other things she picked up on Curzon Street? How is she different?
Rosemary looks upon Miss Smith as another possession that she can discard and do what she likes with. Unfortunately for Rosemary, Miss Smith is prettier (at least in Philip’s eyes) than Rosemary. Meaning that Rosemary is actually jealous for the first time in her life because she is not Philip’s number one choice.
Hi, I was wondering if Philip really thinks Miss Smith is pretty, or if he is trying to get her out of the house because of his ‘class consciousness’. It sounds a bit like he knows calling Miss Smith pretty will make Rosemary jealous, and he does this on purpose, so she will no longer try ‘care’ for Miss Smith. In your opinion, is this true?
You’re right. Phillip does not think Miss Smith is pretty but says it to worry Rosemary.
Hello, may I ask your point of view : is there any restraint or excess in this short story ?
I’m sorry Nadia. I’m not sure. I would need to read the story again to answer your question.
Ok Thank you.
Based on “A Cup of Tea,” how does insecurity shape relationships?
It’s been a while since I read the story but the fact that Rosemary takes Miss Smith home as entertainment. Suggests that Rosemary may be insecure. She does not want an equal but somebody that she feels she is better then.
Also how Rosemary reacts to Philip’s comment about Miss Smith at the end of the story suggests that Rosemary is insecure.
4. Identify (Irony) – In literature, situational irony is a contrast between what is expected to happen and what actually does happen. Consider how Rosemary feels when she first meets Miss Smith. How has Rosemary’s perception of herself changed by the story’s end? What is ironic about this change?
Rosemary looks at Miss Smith as a plaything. Someone who can amuse her. However by the story’s end she feels threatened by Miss Smith because Philip has told her Miss Smith is attractive.
It helped me a lot in my mid terms. Thank you.