Salvatore by W. Somerset Maugham
In Salvatore by W. Somerset Maugham we have the theme of responsibility, acceptance, happiness, dignity and humility. Taken from his Collected Short Stories collection the story is narrated in the first person by an unnamed narrator and from the beginning of the story the reader realises that Maugham may be exploring the theme of responsibility. Salvatore is responsible for looking after his two younger brothers. Which may be important as it suggests that Salvatore’s parents trust him to look after his younger siblings. It is also noticeable that Salvatore is good-natured. He takes everything in his stride particularly the fear he has when he has to enlist in the Navy. Salvatore doesn’t want to leave home but he knows that he must accept the position he finds himself in. He is dignified though at the same time scared about what might happen him considering that he has never left home before. This may be important as Maugham may be suggesting that by joining the navy there will be a transition from boyhood to manhood for Salvatore. There is also no disputing that Salvatore is in love. Something that is noticeable by the fact that Salvatore writes so many letters to his girlfriend. What is also interesting is that the narrator never mentions Salvatore receiving any letters back. Though as readers we know that Salvatore has not been forgotten by his girlfriend. However we do eventually learn that she is not prepared to marry him due to his rheumatism. Which may suggest that Salvatore’s girlfriend is being selfish and putting her own interests first. Rather than sticking to the commitment she made to marry Salvatore.
It is also noticeable that Salvatore when he discovers that his girlfriend doesn’t want to marry him fully accepts the position he finds himself in. Again there is a sense that Salvatore is acting with dignity or as the narrator prefers to say at the end of the story ‘goodness.’ He does not have a bad word to say about his girlfriend. Even though some critics might suggest he has a right to considering that his girlfriend abandoned him. Maugham also manages to make Salvatore human by way of his comment about Assunta – ‘she’s as ugly as the devil.’ Similarly the fears that Salvatore has about joining the navy also make him very human. Assunta is also an interesting character as she seems to compliment Salvatore’s character. She is level-headed and like Salvatore she has a good-heart. It is also noticeable that when Salvatore’s children are born he acts as a good father to them as well being a hard worker (when he can).
Salvatore also appears to be a very humble person. He doesn’t take himself or his situation (rheumatism) too serious. He is content in his marriage to Assunta and he seems to accept his limitations. Doing what he can in the vineyard and fishing. In all likelihood there doesn’t seem to be anything that will faze Salvatore. He has complete acceptance about where he is in life. Which probably helps him to be so humble. There is also no mention of Salvatore wanting for anything. He has his fishing and vineyard businesses and he has his wife and his children. The past is exactly that to Salvatore and if anything Salvatore lives in the present. Where many would wallow in self-pity should their past mirror Salvatore’s this is not the case for Salvatore. He finds joy in the simple things in life. Things like bathing his children in the sea bring Salvatore much happiness. Again there is a sense that Salvatore no matter what circumstances he might find himself in. Will accept whatever is happening to him.
Which is important as life is easier when an individual has the ability to accept everything around them. It is half the battle in living when a person finds the courage to realise that they have no control over outside influences. Salvatore’s ex-girlfriend being an example. Maugham has managed to write a story about a young man who though he has been challenged by life has overcome any obstacle that has been put in front of him. Salvatore has managed to prosper despite incurring difficulties in life and at the same time he holds no ill will towards others. Where many would have been beaten by the rejection that Salvatore received from his ex-girlfriend. Salvatore kept looking forward and found happiness with Assunta and his children. In reality Salvatore is a good man who is dignified and humble. Two character traits that a lot of people in life could learn from. He understands the importance of family and the character traits he had as a brother he has carried through as a father. Life is a lesson and there are some people who learn the lesson well. Salvatore is one of these people. Whatever life has thrown at Salvatore he has accepted his situation, moved on and prospered. Though some critics may suggest that Salvatore is just a simple islander. The same critics could learn a lot by walking in Salvatore’s shoes. Just to see if they too would handle life with the same calmness that Salvatore does.
But it might also be noted that the story Salvatore was kind of an experiment by W. Somerset Maugham who wanted to see if he can paint a picture of man using just one quality that is ‘goodness’ and see if he can draw the reader’s attention to it therefore the words ‘I wonder if I can do it’ can be seen at the beginning.
Thanks for the comment and insight Claustrophobic.
I also want to ask a question. The author said that the eye of the girl whom Salvatore loved was like forest pool and she held herself as Caesar’s daughter. I didn’t quite understand this. Can you please help Dermot.
It is possible that Maugham is suggesting that Salvatore’s girlfriend had eyes that a man would happily get lost in (forest pools). Similarly by calling her a daughter of the Caesars Maugham may be suggesting Salvatore’s girlfriend was like an empress.
A thousand thanks to you for your post and answer. Your content is a great evaluation of the story and it helped me a lot. I hope you keep writing these wonderful posts. The world needs to profit from your knowledge and perspective to look at things.
P.S I have an exam tomorrow and your post was a valuable help so a thanks again.
Thanks Claustrophobic. Good luck with your exam.
This helps me a lot. Thanks.
We are teaching this in school and ur post is valuable
Salvatore is referred to as a character who reflects just “goodness”…But we see his first reaction when he hears about Assunta- “she’s as ugly as a devil”…
Does this reaction (the words which he uses) not create an ambiguity in his “goodness” thereby culminating in Maugham’s slight failure in coming up with a masterly portrayal of a character of just “goodness”?
A person is a combination of good and bad. To portray Salvatore as a normal human being the author has used this dialogue…..a person cannot be entirely good,but such a little fault is nothing in comparison to the goodness in Salvatore. Though he proves his words wrong as he finds a beautiful woman inside his wife and he has the ability to realise this.
Through this dialogue, Maugham is showing that Salvatore is not a divine person or a God-like creature. This dialogue humanifies Salvatore.
It really helped me a lot to improve my notes ….. moreover it proved to be a great help for my exam too …. This story is quite osm from a viewpoint of a student as it contains many features that a teen finds in his present life situations…… so overall it was osm experience by reading ur valuable post
Dude this is great thanks man .. appreciated …
How do we know that Salvatore has not been forgotten by his girlfriend
It has helped me a lot
There is a name for the protagonist, there is a name for his wife…but why there is no name for his ex- fiancée?
What role did assunta play in the life of Salvatore what message does it convey to you
Can I have the themes of this lesson. please.
Can I even have the themes of the following lessons also please: Gorilla in the Guest Room, Fritz, The Gift Of India, The Dolphins, The Spider and The Fly.
Is the last one for the poem The Spider and the Fly?
The Spider and The Fly is a poem not a short story.
Thanks a lot. Can you help me with Tempest a drama written by William Shakespeare, with the main themes in it. Please!!
justice, fate, fortune, revenge, love, magic, relationship of master and servant, father and daughter betrayal, faith (Prospero’s faith in Ariel and Miranda).
What is the significance of the title?
In Latin Salvatore means savior, so is there any relation between Salvatore and Christ. Something like an allegorical interpretation of the story.
Thank u for your post. Is there a conflict in story ?
I have one more question for you. How would u describe atmosphere and how (by what words) W. Somerset Maugham created this atmosphere ? thank you in advance, you are so much help!
Ur posts are a great help to me thanks. Can you please provide me the theme of the story B. Wordsworth for I can’t understand anything. What is the main purpose of such an ending of the story.
Its because of people like you that I survive English Literature. Thanks so much. However, what does it mean when the author says, “…..with a pleasant word for everyone notwithstanding the pain that racked his limbs…”
I have a question,what advice would you give the girl
Can you please describe the romantic character in the story? I have literature exam tomorrow so please help
This post was really helpful…
can u plz tell me some common questions which is most likely to come for exams…..
from 1 mark to 5 mark questions?????
Plz help me!!!!!
You wrote really well. Great help for tomorrow’s exam
Now this was great….thnx a lot
In Salvatore , What does this line means?
When he got into the rowing boat that met the steamer from Naples and rowed across the ……
How was the social life in which salvatore lived for long?
How did that peculiar life help in building salvatore’s character in future?